• Anno 1800
  • Game Update
  • Season 4

Anno 1800: Game Update 14.2

Release date: May 17th, 2 PM CEST


  • Added a fix to revert the issue of  all Achievements getting unlocked in-game after starting Seeds of Change
    Note: This will retroactively fix existing savegames according to the data from Ubisoft Connect.
  • Fixed an issue with the game not launching and getting stuck on a black screen on Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10980XE CPUs
  • Fixed an issue with three Clay Pits missing on the south-eastern island (Season of Silver)




  1. M MrkillerhomerxD June 13, 2022

    I play Coop witth 2 other guys and my game likes to crash from time to time, it seems like it might be autosave thats the problem, cause ither the last autosave JUST happened and we can load from where it crashed (and it works again) or last auto save was about 5 mins ago, so like it tried to autosave and then crashed.
    Besides we also have insanely high RAM usage, i get 94-98% RAM useage on 32GB of RAM and before i also got crashes from this, fixed it by having a small ram cleanup program in the backup to free up the RAM anno 1800 dont releases.
    Any fix for this coming?

  2. J Janneman_2020 May 27, 2022

    Ariving in the New World:
    my screen gets black and STOPS the game!!!
    -This sucks BIG TIME!!

  3. S SSAlex40 May 22, 2022

    Hey, I haven’t had to report any issues since A update on here in probably….. idk a LONG LONG time, but since this update the game is no longer smooth…. before it was running perfectly smooth with everything at max 3840x2160p resolution directx-12, amd fidelity set to quality….. and now it is choppy as heck maybe getting 20 fps? I tried switching to DirectX-11 even and then back to 12 and reduced AMD fidelity up-scailing to performance and that only made the performance worse…… is there any updates about this being reported or investigated?

    If it really even helps i’m running….

    -Windows 11
    -Nvidia GTX 3090 FE (NOT overlocked) – Re-bar is enabled also
    -64GB of Ram @ 3600mhz Quad Channel
    -Multiple M.2 NVME dedicated for games only SSD’s
    -Intel i9-7920x CPU clocked to 4.5Ghz
    -13 fans cooling system as well

    System is optimized for Games and games only, was just playing this game last weekend and was running great at the same exact settings it’s at now. I haven’t played it for more than 3 minutes since the update caused the performance issues so I can’t say if it crashes or not but it’s hard to even try if now no setting will get FPS back to stable without sacrificing major quality.

    •   Ubi-Thorlof May 23, 2022

      Hello SSAlex40.
      We’ve indeed have received reports to this behaviour, but have so far been unable to see a pattern between affected players. So, the investigation is still ongoing.
      Thank you for the info regarding your hardware, we’re currently gathering this kind of data from players.

      Could you tell us, did the issues only appear after Game Update 14.2 (May 17th) for you or already earlier? GU 14 released on April 12th and GU 14.1 released on May 3rd, for reference.

  4. M MukyMais May 22, 2022

    The games freezes frequently, there is no recognizable pattern. Sometimes after a few hours. Last freeze was less than an hour playtime. It freezes the whole computer, cannot even bring update task manager. Horrible update, it is possible to roll back the update. Started after last update. I did not have problems prior to update. I would play for hours with no incidents.

    – I’m on Windows 11.
    – I play solo.
    – I’ve the Ubisoft Connect version.
    – I did not notice any particular moment
    All drivers are up to date. Windows is up to date.

    •   Ubi-Thorlof May 23, 2022

      Thanks a lot, MukyMais.
      Could you also let us know what kind of hardware you’re using? Processor, graphics card, how much RAM?

      Did the issues only appear after Game Update 14.2 (May 17th) for you or already earlier? GU 14 released on April 12th and GU 14.1 released on May 3rd, for reference.

      • M MukyMais May 23, 2022

        Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz
        64gb Ram
        NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
        It started May 16

        I did run the repair tool and it fixed Microsoft Visual C+++ files. Which seems to be fix it, except I got one crash (not a freeze) for Direct X 12. I sent bug report. It did run for several hours.

  5. l lexie76 May 20, 2022

    Achievments still broken. they are now locked that’s oke. gut in the mean time i have 350 fields and it will not unlock. it is a saved game before 14.2 with 147 hrs. also tried to restart after saving and delete some fields below 350 and rebuild again. both had no effect. also the snagging the market and major discover will not unlock.

    Still a great game to play:)! keep on going.

    •   Ubi-Thorlof May 20, 2022

      Thanks for the report and for mentioning a few specific achievements. We’ll take a look 🙂

  6. P Prometheus4 May 20, 2022

    after the update game crashes for me too..please investigate it as soon as possible..

    •   Ubi-Thorlof May 20, 2022

      Hey, we would need some more info from you to investigate possible causes:
      When does the game crash?
      What hardware are you using? CPU and graphics card model would be useful.

      • m madlax82 May 21, 2022

        I had the same issue. Completely removing and reinstalling the game solved that for me.

  7. H Hababjiour May 19, 2022

    I love this game. But well, since the last update, my game crashes after ten minutes, total freez of my pc. I was able to play 25h without problems before this update…

    Is there any way to come back before this update?

    •   Ubi-Thorlof May 20, 2022

      Hey Hababjiour, could you give us some answers on the following questions to help our investigation:
      – What hardware are you using?
      – Are you playing singleplayer or multiplayer?
      – Do you have the Steam, Epic or Ubisoft Connect version of the game?
      – Can you pinpoint when the issue appears/gets worse: Some people reported it being related to woodcutters or orchards.

      • H Hababjiour May 21, 2022

        Hi, so,

        – I’m on Windows 10.
        – I play solo.
        – I’ve the Ubisoft Connect version.
        – I did not notice any particular moment. I will test again. but I know my last crashes were:
        1. When creating a farmer’s quarter.
        2. When creating decorations for the museum .
        3. When changing the map between the old and the new world.

        •   Ubi-Thorlof May 23, 2022

          Thank you for that 🙂
          Could you let us know what kind of hardware you’re using? Processor, graphics card, how much RAM?

          • H Hababjiour May 23, 2022

            Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz
            RAM : 8,00 Go
            Graphic card: GTX970

  8. F Fret__Fret May 18, 2022

    I did notice the missing 3 clay pits and clay was the entire time the bottleneck in my economy. But either way I managed to finish at gold. Do you want to upgrade the achievent now to platin? ^^

  9. K KineticLexy May 17, 2022

    My Achievements are still broken, some unlock and some dont. For example Hacienda ones are unlocked but selling 5 schooners or deliver the mail to Eli unopened / reading your fathers diary or having 3400 Investors living in the Tower wont unlock for me no matter how often i do the stuff.

    • K KineticLexy May 18, 2022

      Okay on a brand new save it works now !

  10. P P4ppDeckel May 17, 2022

    Das ist ja alles schön und gut. Ich kann seit Wochen kein Anno 1800 mehr starten.

    Meine Hardware
    CPU : Intel i9 10900k
    Geforce RTX 3080
    32 GB DDR4 3600

    Es bleibt beim Starten nur der kleine Ladebildschirm mit eurer Werbung an. Das Spiel startet aber nicht!

    Bräuchte Hilfe

    •   Ubi-Thorlof May 17, 2022

      Hallo P4ppDeckel, hat das heutige Update auch noch keine Abhilfe gebracht?

      • P P4ppDeckel May 17, 2022

        hallo, nein!

        Es geht nur das kleine Ladefenster auf und rechts unten dreht sich ein Rad. Dieses Fenster bleibt offen und das Spiel startet nicht.

  11. S Sycend May 16, 2022

    Nice to hear that the Achievements got fixed, but what about the promised fix for the same Achievement issue from 5th of September?

    •   Ubi-Thorlof May 17, 2022

      Der Grund dafür war ein anderer, der sich leider nicht fixen lässt, tut uns leid.


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