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  • Union Update

Union Update – Anno 2070 is getting an update

Hey Anno Community,

It’s time for an update on Anno 2070, we know many of you have been waiting for news.


We have worked hard this summer to update the game, upgrade and replace various legacy online services and test if it all runs smoothly in the end. Thank you to the testers from our community who helped us find some newly introduced bugs.


We started with Anno 2070’s singleplayer (campaign, sandbox, missions) as well as special features (the Ark, world events, the voting system and achievements), then tackled the multiplayer (regular versus mode, coop mode and domination mode) and the migration of player progression (old savegames, existing Ark with its items).

Today, we are happy to announce that we’ll be able to release an update to Anno 2070, that will allow you to continue to play the game past September 1st and hopefully for many more years to come.

After installing said update, you will be able to do World Events and vote in the regular council elections as you used to. You will also keep your full progression and be able to continue your existing savegames including your Arks and their content.

For the multiplayer fans, be it in coop mode or PvP, you dive right back into the Domination Mode or simply a regular multiplayer match.

In fact, your experience should even be a bit smoother now than before: We ported the game to 64bit, which enables the game to address all your PC’s memory. Additionally, the new online services should make for a nicer matchmaking experience. And you can still use the in-game friendslist to set up matches.

Anno 2070 will enter maintenance mode on September 6th at 6 AM UTC+2. During this maintenance, we’re going to migrate all your progression to the new version. This maintenance could take up to 24h, meaning that from September 7th, 6 AM UTC+2, onward, you can dive into the updated version of Anno 2070.

Be assured, we will give you an update as soon as the maintenance is over.


Thank you for your support – and a special shout-out to the small crew that worked on the update over the last months!

Please note: Due to the changes done, we unfortunately can’t guarantee that old mods etc. are still working in this new version of Anno 2070.




  1. J JuraDja May 3, 2023

    Come on guys, what the hack again=\
    We paid money for this game!
    Just make online account with all achievements available for offline playing. And shut down you servers whenever you like.

  2. d dchalkley2010 April 23, 2023

    can not play Anno 2070 yet again???

  3. 7 76561197993055692 April 21, 2023

    Hello Ubi,

    Are you aware that for the last 24h login to the servers is not possible?

    Best regards

  4. S SuriViruS April 7, 2023

    Is there anything wrong with the servers lately (24h) ?

  5. A Alka-lina October 28, 2022

    Hello we are facing the same problem as in commen below.I have bought the complete version just 1 week ago and wanted to play with my friend! but when launching the game i can only has access to the base game and no dlc or deep sea possible. it is really frustrating! Please help to solve the issue!

    best regards!

  6. N Necriptos October 24, 2022

    Hello, The update seems to be working well except from one aspect, there is no way to redeem DLC code anymore! I just bought Anno 2070 complete edition for my girlfriend but when launching the game she only has access to the base game and no dlc or deep sea possible. There is an ubisoft article saying that to activate deep sea we need to copy paste the key on the “redeem code” button ingame but doing so only produce an error. If she launch the game in offline mode strangely she can access the deep sea missions just fine. Any help please??

  7. P Paecekeeper October 18, 2022

    Thanks for the game update. However, I have a problem, my game does not want to update. Do not know what to do with it? The game is only in Ubisoft Connect.

  8. M M420ster September 21, 2022

    Thank you for your work on the game.
    Anno 2070 is still the best Anno I played.
    Unfortunately, since the update, all my save games disappeared. This is very unfortunate. I loved to perfect and expand my island world. Now, this is a setback as all the hundreds of hours I lovingly put into the game are now gone.
    I only played now and then but always loved to move on. Now I would have to start all over again which is really sobering.

    • M M420ster September 21, 2022

      Dear Game Devoloper,
      I was able to solve the problem. The problem was that I renamed myself in Uplay. Since the game was not updated for a long time, this was not a problem. So after the update, a new folder with the new name was created where the new game data should be saved. The old game data was still in the old folder with the old Uplay name.
      In summary, everything works normally again. I am really happy about it.

  9. m mikel28086 September 13, 2022

    thank you for all of the hard work,
    I have not played as of today, but it looks amazing. I look forward to when I do have the time to spend and play a while. again, it looks terrific.


  10. K KamilAdamski September 13, 2022

    Thank you, THANK YOU! You’re breathtaking!
    The game works great, no issues with anything so far.

    It’s amazing you were able and allowed to do this. It’s just so fantastic 2070 could be saved in the end.
    This game is absolutely amazing and your love for the genre is undeniable.

    Good luck and thanks to all people involved in fixing, updating, and future-proofing ANNO 2070! If 1404 ad 1800 didn’t exist- this game would be the absolutely uncontested king of the genre.

  11. M Mr_Muscle September 11, 2022

    You are amazing, thnak you for keeping another Anno alive.

  12. j jchristi September 10, 2022

    Ich habe 2x Anno 2070 auf verschiedenen PCs, um es zu zweit spielen zu können. Auf beiden Rechnern stürzt das Spiel seit heute ab, sobald man im Hauptmenü des Spiels ist.
    Kann jemand was dazu sagen? Wird der Fehler noch behoben?

  13. G Geremia2013 September 10, 2022

    Bei mir ist es genauso sobald das Spiel in gestartet ist stürzt es Kurz danach wieder ab.

  14. G GG.all September 10, 2022

    My game keeps crashing during the log in sequence after i updated it, is there anyone who can help.

    • F First_Trinity September 10, 2022

      I have the same issue but only since today. After the first days since the update everything except a few things were okay but since today when I am at the loading screen for the main menu the game closes without any error message.

  15. F First_Trinity September 10, 2022

    Does anyone else has the problem that you can now only build the statistics center and not the central statistics?
    I purchased the DLC for it a long time ago and had that building until before the update.

    Hat noch jemand das Problem dass man nun nur noch das Statistikzentrum bauen kann aber nicht mehr die Statistikzentrale? Ich habe das entsprechende DLC schon vor vielen Jahren gekauft und hatte das Gebäude auch bis das Update kam.

  16. G GrandAngel September 9, 2022

    wieso ist mein deep ocean addon weg? wie ist denn sowas möglich?

    • f flicznerski September 10, 2022

      Geht mir ebenso. Hat sich da schon was getan?

    •   Ubi-Thorlof September 12, 2022

      Hey GrandAngel,

      Könntest du uns einmal eine E-Mail schicken (an anno-community@ubisoft.com) mit Screenshots von:
      – dem Spiel in deiner Connect Bibliothek
      – Anno 2070 aus der Übersicht aus “Meine Spiele” (In Ubisoft Connect: Oben rechts auf deinen Namen –> Kontodaten –> Meine Spiele)

      Und die Frage: Wo und wie hast du die DLCs und das Addon gekauft und aktiviert, wenn du dich noch erinnerst?

      Dankeschön, wir sind derzeit noch in der Ursachenforschung.

      • N Necriptos October 24, 2022

        We are having the same issue here, bought a complete edition key for my girlfriend but only base game content is here… when she launch the game in offline mode now she can see the deep sea content but no way to play mutliplayer now…

  17. h hasan_114 September 8, 2022

    Hi I
    Turkey or French
    I’m writing from a google translator with high English.

    I’ve been playing for a long time anno 2070 and anno 2205 there are only missing anno 2070 mines are coming out and you are multiplying so why don’t we create an island by choosing its own feature with the mine coming out of the islands at a certain level and this same is done underwater better the game will be better and this is a world and saddle space If you add the earth and planets to them, build minerals and your own world or a world with a spaceship and add the player’s design of the pieces, it will be a game that teaches intelligence and fun and knowledge. It will be a game thanks to its new players, I recommend it, I don’t understand the computer poorly, I like it very much masse effect mom, if you mix it up and the players use their own creativity and it is updated every month, it will be a fast and timeless game, please don’t forget me too

  18. f flicznerski September 8, 2022

    erstmal Vielen Dank an das Ubisoft Mainz Team, das man das Spiel weiterhin spielen kann.

    Allerdings wird für mich seit dem Update weder DLCs noch das Addon Deep Ocean angezeigt. Es spielt sich als ob ob ich diese Teile nicht besitze, was ich aber nicht der Fall ist.

    Beste Grüße

    •   Ubi-Thorlof September 9, 2022

      Heyho, spielst du Anno 2070 über Steam oder über Ubisoft Connect?
      Und, noch eine Frage: Verwendest du sicher den gleichen Ubisoft Account wie zuvor?

      • f flicznerski September 10, 2022


        ich spiele über Ubisoft Connect (ehemals uPlay) und ja, das ist auch der gleiche Account (,da ich nur einen habe). Ich habe noch vor ca. einer Woche mit allen DLCs und Add-on gespielt.

        GrandAngel (siehe oben) scheint die gleichen Symptome zu haben.

        Beste Grüße und schonmal Vielen Dank für die Hilfe.

        •   Ubi-Thorlof September 12, 2022

          Danke für die Bestätigung.

          Könntest du uns einmal eine E-Mail schicken (an anno-community@ubisoft.com) mit Screenshots von:
          – dem Spiel in deiner Connect Bibliothek
          – Anno 2070 aus der Übersicht aus “Meine Spiele” (In Ubisoft Connect: Oben rechts auf deinen Namen –> Kontodaten –> Meine Spiele)

          Und die Frage: Wo und wie hast du die DLCs und das Addon gekauft und aktiviert, wenn du dich noch erinnerst?

          Dankeschön, wir sind derzeit noch mit Ursachenforschung beschäftigt.

  19. F First_Trinity September 7, 2022

    Hallo, ich habe seit dem Update das Problem dass meine Spielstände weg sind. Mein Fortschritt (Ranking bei Parteien, Achievements usw.) ist alles da aber die Saves an sich sich einfach nicht da. Hat das noch jemand oder kennt jemand eine Lösung dafür? Habe vor dem Update die ganze Zeit ohne Probleme spielen können.

    • J Jennuh71 September 8, 2022


      As far I can see it, the update makes a new profile in the Documents\ANNO 2070\Accounts folder. Just copy your savegames from your old profile to the new one and you’re ready to go!

      Best regards/freundlichen Grüßen,

      • A AW7777777 September 10, 2022

        No! My saved games are gone too. There is just the folder for my account and an empty screenshots folder under that. That folder is, as you said, under the Documents\ANNO 2070\Accounts folder and does show as being accessed at the time I started the game today after the update (so I know it’s using it.) I am a retired comp. engineer so I know where to check for any saved game data and there is none saved locally anymore (under Documents or AppData folders.)

  20. M Master_Focus September 7, 2022

    Will there be any news about the launch of the server, because it still does not work for me.
    I really love Anno 2070, it’s my first game! But it so happened that I live in russia. I’m just a regular person who bought your game and would like to have access to all the features that an official purchase provides. If the features that require Internet access for this game will not work for me, then what is the point of me buying your further games? I’m sad.
    Today the file check came up and I hopefully launched the game to dive into the new update that never arrived. The game still runs on the 32bit version and I have no online features at all. You updated this game for the sake of the fans, for the sake of those who support Anno.
    Please don’t be left out.

    • M Master_Focus September 7, 2022

      (everything is working now, please delete my comment above. thanks for the update!)

  21. P PlantusGaming September 5, 2022

    To quote the Ubisoft article:
    “More, there is still an active game team working on Anno at Ubisoft Mainz, and a taskforce was dedicated to deploying an update to Anno 2070 that will upgrade the game and replace its old online services, allowing players to enjoy its online features into the future.”

    Thank you Ubisoft Mainz <333333

  22. J Jennuh71 September 5, 2022

    Thank you very much!!

    Thanks BlueByte and cheers to the crew who made this possible!

    Best regards,

  23. b bgbc1 September 5, 2022

    just passing to express my thanks for your compromisse with us the players, I loved the anno series for many years now. I cant play the new ones for lack of better equipament haha, so it was sad the news of losing the dlcs and online stuff. So im very happy to be able to continue playing and whem got a better pc you bet I will be on the new ones.
    Hope there is more futuristic annos coming hehe, my favorite theme.

  24. N Neithy.Blacksun September 5, 2022

    I hope this patch also fixes DLC update/restart loop that makes current uplay version unplayable.

  25. J JoeJHW2013 September 4, 2022

    Vielen Dank! Anno 2070 war mein erstes Anno und ich spiele es immer noch sehr gern.

  26. s sandros1994 September 4, 2022

    Absolut hervorragend. Mein größten Respekt an das Anno Team. Ein Grund der Annoserie treu zu bleiben, weil es die eigenen Entwickler auch tun.

  27. J Jerry_Key_Smith September 4, 2022

    That’s cool. I love this game. Many thanks to the development team for saving the game and services. You are the best, you are really about the players. I’ll say it again – it’s cool!!!

  28. T TR.Fathamburger September 3, 2022

    Hopefully you removed the double drm / activation as well that has had people in a rebooting loop forever. I no longer live in the country where I left the original discs and keys. I though adding to Uplay and activating once was enough!

  29. L LadyLoonie September 3, 2022

    Sehr klasse, Anno 2070 ist zwar nicht mein Lieblingsspiel aus der Reihe, aber ich mag es und spiel es auch immer wieder mal. Danke euch für all den Einsatz. 😀

  30. T ThomasTom88 September 1, 2022

    Amazing! Loud applause for the committed Mainz devs! 😀
    Another great reason to continue to be an Anno fan! 🙂

  31. a aiguo_tw September 1, 2022

    Incredible! Thank you very much!!!!

  32. d dgphil September 1, 2022

    very appreicate of your hard work!
    anno 2070 is my first anno series game and is the longest time played ever anno game

    by the way, could you fix the double-byte font (for translate language) performance issue please? when using double-byte font game will freeze half sec frequently while clicking any in-game gui or any npc’s talk show up

    anno 1404 history edtion have the same issue
    anno 2205 and anno 1800 working fine

  33. m mistik191 September 1, 2022

    Great news! Thank you for saving this beautiful game, I was playing actively all week to finish missions i didn’t played earlier and game is still very enjoyable. The only thing i miss after playing Anno 1800 is that warehouses and other buildings have exact circle area where you can build, and you can’t build road or connection to building if you even 1 pixel off it. It’s the most annoying thing for me, and i love how it was resolved in Anno 1800. For sure Anno 1800 is better game, but Anno 2070 has personal place in my heart for all the peaceful and enjoyable hours i spent in it.

  34. t thecapn1975 August 31, 2022

    I was late to playing the Anno series with 2070 being my first, so its great to see it updated!

  35. B BZ_Hotte_Curtis August 31, 2022

    Sehr schöne Nachricht.
    Aber nun kommt bei mir die Frage auf was ist denn mit den ganzen gekauften DLC’s bzw Erweiterungen die es gab. Werden die auch weiterhin nutzbar sein?

    •   Ubi-Thorlof September 1, 2022

      Natürlich, alle Inhalte, die du aktuell besitzt, werden auch nach dem Update weiterhin spielbar sein.

  36. a andumar2011 August 31, 2022

    I am still playing Anno 2070 (as a matter of fact, I am playing it right now), so that’s great news!
    Thanks to all dev team and the all for the continued support

  37. U Uzishan August 31, 2022

    gotta love the dedication of Ubisoft Mainz team… Here’s to hoping that sometime in the future the game will also get UI scaling like the older ones <3.

  38. S Sting_McRay August 31, 2022

    Dev Team Mainz,

    Thanks for all effort and time you all put into this update, and keep the Anno 2070 game alive.

    Sting McRay

  39. s simmity August 31, 2022

    It makes me very happy to see that Anno 2070 will receive an update. Thank you for putting in the effort!


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