- Anno 1800
- Announcement
- Season 3
The Season 3 Pass is coming

Hey Anno Community,
Yesterday, we answered the question that had been on many of your minds recently: What does the future hold for Anno 1800? And since pictures can say so much more than mere words, we answered with our Season 3 Teaser, which you can watch once more right here:
We are very happy to confirm that Anno 1800 will be back for a third Season of content in 2021! While we don’t want to give too much away, there a few things we can share:
- Season 3 will once again consist of three new DLCs, all of which have been inspired by community feedback and wishes
- Season 3’s DLCs thematically represent something of a homecoming after your globetrotting adventures in the Arctic and Enbesa, and won’t be adding a new session to the game
- Each DLC release will once again be accompanied by a Free Game Update that will further improve the game for all our industrial pioneers
We look forward to sharing much more about our plans for Season 3 with you all in early 2021, and to reach new heights of city-building with you all.
Stay safe,
The Anno Team
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Why no India or China? Eastern trade was really important at that era. I will buy it even the DLC is pricy.
I always feel UBI soft doesn’t focus on really fun stuff but 2nd fun stuffs…
I hoped to see Mars terraforming as a DLC in ANNO 2205 but it never happened and you guys added some useless syths humans to the game… come on! this is the same thing!
If anything, they should expand on Princess Qing’s storyline. She’s an emissary from the Imperial East, so we might expect a new instance with new people and new advancements. It would be interesting to see how powerful/influential Princess Qing is in her homeland, and what perils and conflicts this foreign land will bring to the Annoverse.
I’m so excited to hear that season 3 is coming! It’s such good news to know that this game – one of the best I’ve ever played – is going to continue being developed for at least another year. A lot of people in these comments seem to be requesting all sorts of new features around the naval side of the game, and I certainly wouldn’t be disappointed if new types of ship and some enhancements to naval battles were introduced, but I prefer the city builder aspect of the game to the warfare, so new things to build and make my city even more interesting would be greatly appreciated.
Also, there are so many simple quality-of-life enhancements that could be made to the UI which would make the game just that bit more enjoyable to play. For example:
– The ability to toggle icons on buildings showing what they are, the same as you see when you hover over a button for a building in the build menu. For example, when you hover over the button in the menu to construct a slaughterhouse, a sausage icon appears over all of the slaughterhouses. It’d be nice to just be able to turn that one without having to go through the build menu.
– The ability to search for buildings of a type on an island or, better yet, across all islands. Where DID I build those goulash kitchens 20 hours ago?!
– The ability to instruct ships to make “one-off” delivery trips. Instead of a fully-fledged trade route, let me just say to a ship “Take these items to this island and unload them.” That’s it.
– I haven’t thought this one through much, but it’d be nice if you could opt in to notifications when ships arrive at their destination. E.g. “Go to My Island in the New World, and let me know when you get there.”
– When accepting a quest from an AI player, tell me which region it’s in. I may be missing something, but at the moment I have to open the Quest Book after accepting the question to see which region it’s in. Just tell me when it’s offered/accepted!
– Give me a reminder when a quest’s time is running out, e.g. 10 minutes before it’s due to time out. With so much going on in the game it’s easy to forget a quest you accepted and lose reputation with AI players as a result.
– Add the ability to quickly downgrade multiple residences in the same ways as I can upgrade them. I prefer to select the Upgrade Tool from the build menu and click residences one at a time to upgrade them (because the shift-click option sometimes has unpredictable results). An equivalent Downgrade Tool would be great!
– Islands with more buildable land, especially in the New World and Arctic, would be good!
– Make the game less fussy about allowing buildings to be constructed where a tiny pixel in the corner just about touches the edge of the beach or a piece of rock!
– A map editor so that my brother and I can craft the perfect world to fight over?
– I don’t know exactly how you’d improve this, but for me expeditions are just tedious at the moment. When I’m prompted to make a decision on how to proceed I just hover over the options and click the one with the highest chance of success – I don’t even read the story! They could be more engaging.
– There’s a lot of scope for making building upgradeable. It could be quite difficult/costly to do so, but it’d be so nice to be able to upgrade most building types to improve their range/productivity/attractiveness/etc. Town Halls could get additional item slots. Factories could install scrubbers to produce less pollution. Stuff like that.
– Allow oil to be transported, at least short distances, by road. Power stations are essential to keeping Engineers and Investors happy, but railway tracks through the heart of my city are ugly.
– Allow the heating stations in the Arctic to burn gas instead of coal! This may already be possible with the right item but I haven’t seen it yet.
I didn’t mean for this list to get so long. I could go on but I’ll stop for now! Is there an official place for suggesting features/improvements?
Hey blitzgerat,
the Anno Union generally is good place for feedback like this. You can also check the official forums or the Anno subreddit, if you want to discuss ideas with other members of the community.
That’s indeed quite a list of topics 😉
I can tell you that some of these points are already on our “list” and might make it into a future Game Update.
Some others are unlikely to be changed due to game design and balance concerns, e.g. bigger islands in the Arctic or the oil transport.
Thank you again for the list, we’re looking forward to soon showing you more about what’s to come with Season 3 🙂
I understand wanting to keep the “Arctic” theme intact with a hard to survive wasteland. But for many of us it’s a “been there done that” scenario where we’d really just like new builds on bigger islands. After all, the game is about having fun, and some of just have fun differently. More options are always good for multiple playthroughs. That being said, if your team doesn’t want to waste the time and resources on adding more handcrafted islands, you really should release the map editor so modders can get ahold of it and create their own masterpieces.
Oh man! My wife, sister and I coop this game for hours. I’m excited it’s getting further support. Here are a few wishlist items:
-Naval combat filled out with a few more ships added to both steam and sail harbors.
-Mostly huge islands (instead of large), after replaying this game many times I get tired of the same islands and island loadouts. Some huge islands added to the New world, arctic, and Enbesa would be really welcome for replayability.
-Some kind of Island map editor for modders (this would really open up mods)
-Better Enbesa and Arctic tie in – Copper and zinc mines added to both maybe? Gold on Enbesa.
-Upgradable flagship via research center so it scales into endgame better. New haul unlocks and increase item slots.
Oh also, please fix the direct x 12 crash my wife an I (1080 gtx ti’s) have had to switch to directx 11 which has a lot worse performance. There seems to be some kind of memory leak, as the crash occurs when cycling items at traders.
Also, add the ability to join session mid game. If even just one of us crashes we all have to quit the game out and restart which is a big time waster with the long load times.
It would be nice to see some other layouts for the botanica greenhouses! Great Game!
I will really Love to see some kind of Land battle, it may not be very extensive but i loved how Anno 1404 added the land military into the game. Thus that kind of camp form of army movements would really make this game the Best RTS of all time. This game would simply take the Crown from age of empires and sit on the throne of Best RTS.
Hey kunalkar,
while we appreciate that parts of our community enjoyed the land combat in previous titles, we are not planning to add such a mechanic to Anno 1800.
Overall, we don’t really see Anno in the RTS genre but rather in the city-building genre. Anno and Age of Empires are rather different types of games.
I love the way you guys show the spread of the world and the times in the game. The teaser excites me in exactly that way, while there is almost no actual info for dlc (literally a teaser!).
1800 is the epic center of the universe. I hope it extends far beyond the season three.
Actually, in my opinion, i want to see some Japan. Japan one of the first started to use electricity and saved some old traditions. Regardless that samurais was gone, Japan had one of the biggest and strongest fleet. By the way it was still one way or another closed to outsiders and DLC can be based on starting trade with Japan.
Make this and you can thank me later!
However all of this doesn’t work without introduction on new ships. This is the layout: you have no actual accurate ships or naming for them, a ship of the line is the size of a frigate and the frigate is an actual corvette and yes I know it’s a game but this is where you fail and fall short of capitalizing on the true potential of this diamond in the rough that you call Anno 1800. This DLC will also include ship of the line with their right classification, first rename the Frigates in the game to Corvettes, the Ships of the Line to Frigates, because they only have 40 guns ( they were considered ships of the line in the 18th century not 1800’s) excuse it to the fact that Archibald Blake brought an Admiral from the Queen and he made a big fuss once he founded your first Naval College. Once you are done with the sizzle you can bring in the steak! With Naval Academy you open the Ships of the Line: 1st Rate, 2nd Rate, 3rd Rate. 1st Rates have 100 guns, 2nd Rate have 90 guns and 3rd Rate are with 80 guns. Of course all of this is balanced because they consume twice the influence and two and half maybe even 3 times the cash expense, however they have large storage and as BattleCruisers 4 slots for admiralty. You can even make the quests more interesting by adding the ability to board and capture a new ships while gone at sea and these could be legendary ships like 85, 95 and 105/110 gun ships that your ships brings back and so you have a more mixed fleet. And once the investors get to 5000 and you have a World fair you can build Dreadnoughts which is one extra ship that employs the heavy steal industry. A total of 4 new ships ( 7 if you choose to go add the 110, 95, 85 manofwar ships) 2 buildings. But also 2 production buildings wouldn’t hurt for Big Cannons for Ships of the Line and one for Advanced weapons for the Dreadnoughts.
Season 4 Price $39.99 includes:
3 DLC’s
1st DLC: NAVAL POWER $22.99
Content: [Naval College] that opens in the artisans tier, [Naval Academy] that opens with engineers tier, both have same functionality as the Seat of Power palace only the Naval College is responsible for different levels of Hull strength, Sail Speed and Cargo Capacity( maybe open additional slot) for the cargo ships. But the key is that the nomenclature of the ships is a bit twisted so it needs some help there. Naval Academy on second hand is more advanced and it gives the opportunity to improve gun size/ meaning power on the military ships, hull strength better playing and such, better sails.
2nd DLC: TITANS of SEA $14.99
Introduce 3 new ships that are 130 and 140 gun ships. Britain has built the Caledonia class Ship of the Line or call them “Manofwar” with 135 guns at the end of 1800’s and Spain had Santisima de Trinidad with 140 guns on board. All timeline accurate. The 3 new Titan class ships have 8 storage slots and 5 admiralty slots and each player on the map can build only one out of the 3 types however one player alone can possess 3 of them at the same time the other 2 obtained by the capture from another player, oh boarding is something that you research with the admiralty in the Naval Academy.
You get similar to the Titans DLC you get 2 new improved looks, more guns and BIGER BLACK daunting sails on the Pirate ships and the Black Beard’s frigate.
It would seem that the Pirate theme is exhausted and overplayed but it is not!, because it is not presented in the Crown of the diamond Anno 1800 that you have and can perfect it to shine like no other.
Anno 1800 ATTN Directors & Dirk Riegert
The game is not finished yet! Actually very incomplete, this is to the attention to all the directors that can make this happen, consider to improve overall game experience and to make this best city build game ever.
This is what it takes to make this happen, I wanted to present this in a Power Point format so you can see what there is at stake, but I hope your imagination works and you can see the picture that I am painting.
Ich wollte meine Idee auch mal mit euch teilen:)
Ich würde es mega cool finden, wenn man “mehr” mit den Händlern machen könnte und diese nicht nur zum Warenverkehr brauchbar sind. Man könnte diesen Zusatz entsprechend des Händlers anpassen, so könnte man beispielsweise Einflüsse freischalten (gab es auch schon bei Anno 1404). Alternativ könnte dieser auch gerne temporär sein, so könnte man bei Eli Bleakworth ein Boost aktivieren um eine stärkere Polizei zu haben (wegen Gefängnis usw.) oder dass man gegen Bezahlung Arbeitskräfte “mieten” könnte (Vorrausgesetzt man hat ein Pendlerkai).
Ich finde das wäre wenigstens eine Idee, die man vielleicht man weiterspinnen können, denn es würde einmal die Händler tiefgründiger gestalten und auch schon vorhandenen Gebäuden wie den Pendlerkai bestärken:)
Lasst uns die Idee gerne mal disskutieren:D
More NEW WORLD! 😀 😀
I would love a 3rd and maybe 4th tier in the New World. Yes, there were rich capitalists in Hispanic America too, of course. There is a great lot that could be done. The dependence on watches and glasses and steam engines would be very historically accurate too.
I would love some more ornaments and less palm tree stuff all the time. There are many other flowering trees in the Caribbean also! Palm trees were actually imported from Africa AFTER the Spanish conquest. The Taíno, Arawak, and other Caribbean Indians never ate a coconut in their life!
Here’s an idea for a need for the 3rd Tier “Empleados” or “Artesanos” or “Criollos”:
High-class criollos had a high esteem for riding (as they still do!) and children always took riding classes. And equestrianism has always been priced in Spanish and Hispanic tradition. It would parallel the Old World guys riding penny farthings and the steam carriages. How cool would it be having horse riders in the street in the New World when your start breeding production! Maybe ladies could ride sitting to the side, as etiquette commanded.
Plus, I just realized that there is no one riding horses on the streets, not even in the Old World, whereas the horse was so very common, of course.
Message to Dirk Riegert, I want to bring to your attention that I possess the knowledge on how increase game sales by US $50,000,000. I would like to share that knowledge and I am having hard time finding your email or someone responsible for the correspondence in your team, however they can reach me out by my profile email so that THIS matter can be discussed.
P.S. Urgent! Consider this as an [Epic/(Potential) Legendary] item that arrives to your Capital, that increases productivity of the game by 50% and employment force by 35%. Jokes aside it is a serious matter.
I respect BlueBytes do any on Annoverse. Cheer up! BlueBytes.
Bright Harvest
Deep Mining
It’s hilarious, good one
And what about Ecology So I want to restore forests on the islands, just like in 1404 and 2070, you burn trees and they grow and ecology rises. PLZZZZZZZZZZ
The only thing I’m gunna add I’ve read all the posts and like the ideas but the one thing I’m missing from an otaku 2070 is the multiplayer style, I’d like to be able to open a MP lobby and have random people join, it allows for really good games the current random player find is not as complete as I’d like, I would like to be able to set up a game type and use it for multiple people but it’s just a suggestion
Other wise this game is great and I do love playing it.
Hello, I would like to see natural disasters as it happened in year 2070 or year 1404.
Hi guys.
I am Brazilian, and you must already imagine what I am going to ask for.
I would like very much that with the new season the game gets a translation, at least of the text, in Brazilian Portuguese, I just bought the game recently, because an enlightened one made a translation for Portuguese in Portugal. However, even so my Brazilian guys and I felt the need for your attention, we were never cointemplated with an official translation of the game.
Other than that, the game is fantastic, congratulations.
weiß jemand ob ich den Seasonpass 3 auch bekomme wenn ich jetzt die Königsedition kaufe?
Viele Grüße
Hey, du siehst die genauen Inhalte der Editionen jeweils auf der Store-Website 🙂
In der Königsedition sind neben dem Hauptspiel der Season 1 und der Season 2 Pass enthalten.
Someone here wrote about the tram. I like this idea too. How about building tram lines and stops with a zone of influence on residential buildings?
Hello Anno-Team,
Here comes another whish list with some ideas:
1. Ships:
New skins or models, most of the steamships have a twenty century looking rather than nineteenh. It would be nice to see other type of boats like gunships/early destroyers, floating batteries, steam-sail frigates, steam-sail cargo ships, etc.
2. Marine fuel station:
One of the main problems for all major navies (british, french, spanish, etc.) during that time, was to maintain its fleet fully functional overseas, it was expensive and they needed to refuel in the colonies or in friendly ports. It could be interesting to add a dlc where steamships require a certain amount of fuel (wood, coal or oil) for example travel to another map session. Once there, they would need a naval coal depot or a fleet tender (collier) to refuel.
(Not every country back then could afford a huge navy full of steamboats and sail around the world without the proper logistics.)
3. New world buildings:
New world cities have big churches or cathedrals (not just a small chapelle) in the main plaza, sourrounded by palaces and administrative buildings. Maybe a 3tier with “criollos” as aristocrazy could open the posibility to new buildings and goods. “Criollos” were the descendents of europeans in south america, they held most of the power and richness of the society.
4. Reforestation tool like anno 1404.
5. New skin or models for old world coal mines (thomson bock, malakoff towers) like those build in Great Britain and Germany.
Thank you Anno Team for this amazing game.
3 Wünsche die als Dlc Sinn ergeben würden:
1. Landtruppen (wurde immer wieder gewünscht, könnte man vielleicht als Alternative Eroberungsmöglichkeit einbauen)
2. Eine bessere neue Welt (ist einfach zu klein, vielleicht ein paar Möglichkeiten für Schönbauer)
3.keine Ahnung (wenn ich raten müsste etwas wie Paläste der macht und botanika)
Zum Abschluss:
Macht doch bitte etwas Dlc übergreifendes(z. B. Landtruppen mit neuem DLC auf Lufftschiffe in die Passage)
Irgendwie hat die Autokorrektur das ziemlich unverständlich gemacht. Hoffe man versteht alles.
Hey Scha2205, Landtruppen wird es in Anno 1800 nicht geben. Das haben wir schon vor Release ausgeschlossen 🙂
Wir arbeiten aber, inspiriert von Community-Feedback, an einem runden Paket, das einige Punkte aufgreift, die immer wieder diskutiert wurden. Auch hier in den Kommentaren wurden ein paar davon direkt wieder genannt.
Hello dear Anno-Team,
first of all thank you for your hard work and passion on Anno 1800. It is a great game and we enjoy it a lot. When we heard you are releasing a 3 Season we were very happy to see that the journey has not ended yet.
Here are some ideas in general that we think would be nice to be considered. Just our ideas. I am sure whatever you cook up it will be very good and enjoyable like the stuff you did already :).
Here are our suggestions:
1. Improve harbour appearences (e.g. lighthouse). Here it would be nice to decorate and improve the total harbour appereance and maybe area. Why not enhance area of building on the ocean close to the harbour.
2. More types of (skins) ships and transportation system. Trams, busses, etc.
3. More skins for buildings (skycraper)
4. More interactions with water (more bridge types, building interacting with water (paper creation Anno 1404 :)), water mill)
5. Bigger islands (different island style) and more space for building in general
6. More goods and needs of citiziens
7. Just Ideas for more goods to be produced…
– Books (Printing / Paper)
– Furniture
– Carpets
– Fridges (cooling systems)
– Garbarge (Recycling system / Waste system)
– Umbrellas
– Vaccum cleaner
– Walking stick
– Curtains
– Kitchen utilities (Knives, Pot, etc.)
8. Just Ideas for buidlings to be made…
– Barber
– Boutique
– Hotels
– Carpenter (Cabinetmaker)
– Bathes (Open Air)
Thanks a lot for your great game
Bitte bringt auch eine Schaltfläche zum Abwerten von Wohnhäusern (en masse). Ab und an kann das mal echt nützlich sein.
Amazing game.
However i would love to see more ships regarding the next season pass and maybe an improvement of sea battles.
This Game is amazing, the only thing i feel it lacks its a system of public transportations, like trams, they could be separated in two kinds, electrical and animal-powered , being the animal powered one unlocked by reaching x number of workers and the electric one by reaching x number of engineers also more monuments like bridges, a Cathedral or maybe some kind of early skyscraper like the FlatIron building would be amazing.
Thanks for everything and keep up the amazing work you’re doing!!!
As a wishlist, since we’re not getting another session:
– I’d like to see a mining rework. Old World seems to have all the useful mining resources, with other sessions really only having gold which is very eh. The result is mining becomes a major bottle that while resolvable with items isn’t very fun. Something comparable to the Bright Harvest DLC applied to mining would be much appreciated; not just in increasing productivity but maybe also adding Old World minerals to other sessions as well.
– Tier 3 New World. This is a major request for me. The Old-New trade network feels very one sided, and I’d love to export industrial machines to the New World as well as get some New World-Enbesa trade going on.
– I second the idea for kertai.mate’s public transport system, even as just a decorative item set. I was always kinda disappointed since vanilla 1800 that trains were only used for oil, and not general transport, so this might make up for things. Another use for the public transport system is maybe it could be used to further spread the effects of town halls and trade unions.
– Add the Courthouse monument from the campaign to freeform sessions? I’m a big Pharoah fan so I love multi-stage monuments and, well, this one is already in the game so… should be relatively easier than adding a new monument from scratch, right?
We have begged and you have heard! So glad to hear of this.
I will pitch in on adding tall skyscrapers to the game. These would bring additional city aesthetics and functionality. Perhaps a new class that would be above investors?
The possibilities are endless and I look forward Season 3.
Also, please fix palace wings being slanted on tilted terrain, this is still an issue for me.
Thank you Anno team!
Love! Love! LOVE This game! This was one of my best gaming experiences in a long while! It even runs smoothly on a potato machine!
It is also rare to see a game getting a 3rd Season Pass, and since everyone is also commenting their whislist here is mine:
– Multi-move/multi-relocate tool. I know we have a multi-copy, but that is not the same, since if there is an upgraded residence house it will copy it as the lowest tier which is fine, but having to put away all the higher tier housing one-by-one is a pain in the rear 😀 This would make redecorating and rearranging the city much much easier, especially if the new season will contain some nice surprises, as the Scholars were in Land of Lions (had to rearrange to make accomodation for a nice campus hehe :D)
– More flower decorations. Yes there are flowerbeds, that can attach to cultural buildings, but it would be nice to have more flowerbeds, flowers and flowering trees as general decorations.
– While on decorations, more street lights! The lamp post with the flower is nice, but it would be nice to have more variation, or to increase the auto generated lamp posts’ brightness.
– More content to Botanical garden, it was sad to see the empty second page 🙁
– Semaphors and indicators to optimise train routes and have multiple trains on the same track, it is so wasteful to put 2-3 parallel train tracks on a long strech of land, just so multiple vehicles could run simultaneously.
– Also reading the other comments, the tram system would add so much! Trams or even ‘sightseeing’ trains with stations would be so awesome 😀
This is all for now! Keep up the wonderful work !
To add on to what kertai.mate mentioned, it would be phenomenal to see new variations of the rail lines similar to how there are variations of the roads. Perhaps you could sink the rail lines into the stone roads similar to what we see at railroad crossings or in tram systems within cities like San Francisco. Anything is better than exposed rail lines sitting atop dirt going through our cities.
It would be great if you would add more research options like expanding the land into water to be able to expand and conect islands, to increase the radius of irigations, oil and gas pumps, heaters, electricity stations, etc.
Dear Anno Team,
I would love a tram network (that has a separate system from the already existing railroad system). The game mechanics regarding it would be:
Extends access to buildings when you are near a stop e.g. a Market extends its reach with the radius of the nearby stops
This mechanics can be implemented similarly to the rail network, with station buildings, perhaps for visitors, to reach the sights. In addition, 1-2 rail ornament could be a good little DLC.
I also would like more options to city lights, the lone light with the geranium red flowers is nice, but it would be nice to have more options, or to increase the light intensity of the “auto-generated” streetlamps and other “built in” lightsources.
maby instead of ordement packs a ship skin pack would be nice
For the love of god the FORESTATION tool like in anno 1404 that would be awesome!!
>>>>Tree tool <<<<
more level in the other areas like the new world and ect that what i hope on but i get it eny way
and more level in the other areas like the new world and ect that what i hope on but i get it eny way
hope asia is comming and more level in the other areas like the new world and ect that what i hope on but i get it eny way
Hey globus, as stated in the blog above, Season 3 will not add another region/session to the game.
So happy to hear Season 3 is on the way!! ;D
If you have a great, sucessful game i don’t see why you would stop bringing out content for it as a few other successful titles have done.
Little bit of a shame no additional session, a north american session would’ve fit the era quite well imo. still with the number of existing sessions maybe it would have been too much…
Personally hoping for a proper, top tier military flagship! We have a legendary trade ship now just need a military 1! ;D Looking forward to whatever season 3 brings! 🙂
-Bigger Islands and a bigger Cape (in size)
-More modern City Elements would be great, like train station, shopping center, big moderen bridges and a wish for green areas.
-More Ship types
-a little bit of Terra forming
Trainstations \o/
What a great new, i’m so excited, so hype. Anno 1800 is a awesome game
I would be pleased if this season 3 would add natural disasters (tides, tsunami, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, volcano, avanlanche, landslide, etc.) and new (difficult to produce) needs and new citizien tiers.
What i like the most is when all my citizens have all their needs and everything is fine and then i grow the population and i’m like what the heck they will need now and then i see cars and i am like how the heck i will produce that and then i see all that new buildings and i say omg.
So yeah new needs and citizen tiers would be awesome.
I hope we will have more details soon so we can have some joy at the end of this shitty 2020 year.
Please do something like stairs, Elevator or bridges to claim slopes.
Or Cablecar…
That would be nice.
Complex Train managment would be nice, like signals and routing.
Egal wie, ich bitte euch: Einen Leuchtturm und wenn nur als alternatives disign für die Hafenmeisterei, egal.
Ansonsten wäre es mal interressant wenn ihr versucht das spiel nochmal von hartneckigen Bugs zu befreien. Vor allem bei älteren Spielständen findet man immer wieder seltsame Dinge(Kleinigkeiten, aber die häufen sich…).
Auch wären mehr alternative Disgns für Stadtgebäude(Wohnhäuser) interressant. Sonst sieht es irgentwann nach Einheitsbrei aus.
Ubisoft, your work on this Anno saga is fantastic! Anno 1800 is just Amazing! You don’t need a new Anno anymore
Anywayz, keep doing what you do best… and that’s making the game look and play wonderful!
I see often people ask for battles and ground troops etc. etc. PLEASE DON’T!! I like it peacefully because that’s what the game represents! And people who wanne fight?! There are plenty pirates and expert settings to “bombarded” there war-type-of-feelings
Cathedrals, Art, statues…
Those are the wonderments I love 2 see in 2021
Big huggg 2 Ubisoft so far
Please, yes! if it were ground troops, it would make the game epic!
Hey, as stated in the past, there will be no ground combat in Anno 1800.
Freut mich das noch ein 3. Seasson Pass kommt! 😀
Ich würd mir vorallem neue Inseln Wünschen. Gerne auch mal eine , klassich flache Insel, so in der größe von Cape Taleway.
Monumente wären für das Lategame auch echt was feines.
Dear Anno Staff,
First of all, great to hear that a 3rd season pass is coming in 2021. The past two season passes were great and hopefully this is succes is extended in 2021.
I hope te so an expansion regarding military. Ground troops would be an extreem good extension if you ask me . Next to this I hope to see more monuments, for example more imposing buildings like a big cathedral, an art gallery or military academies.
Thanks for all your hard work and hope to see more amazing things in the new year!
Kind regards
Sorry for the grammatical issues in this comment. Wasn’t wearing my glasses . Hope you get the main points
Hey Pieter, thank you for your comment!
We’ll definitely look at various feedback points you and other players raised and if and how they can be implemented in Season 3.
However, any kind of land combat will not be added to Anno 1800.
Ich würde mich über den Mal Editor freuen wie bei Anno 1404. Der war einfach und schnell zu bedienen und die Maps habe. Noch mehr Spaß gemacht.
Das wäre einsame Spitze
A new and interesting thing could be:
1. Ground troops, aircraft and new ships
2. A new infrastructure (trams, maybe a subway)
3. Political parties 🙂 election of a government
4. The beginnings of skyscrapers
Ich könnte mir eine Art Konflikt-DLC gut vorstellen, in dem es dann mehr um Themen wie Krieg geht: Mehr Schiffe, größere Schlachten, vielleicht doch Landeinheiten, Spionage/Sabotagemöglichkeiten wie bei Anno 1404 – Venedig und weitreichende Auswirkungen der Bürger-Proteste. Etwa, dass die Bürger bei ihren Revolutionen echte Forderungen stellen (nach weniger Verschmutzung, schöneren Inseln oder vielleicht auch mehr oder weniger Kriegsmitteln). Als Spieler würde ich dann gern entscheiden, ob ich die Aufstände aktiv niederschlage (mit entsprechenden Konsequenzen) oder auf die Forderungen eingehe. Das Kriegssystem könnte man dahingehend ändern, dass auf einer eroberten Insel nicht gleich alle Gebäude verschwinden.
Das Thema Klimawandel wäre auch spannend für DLC, verbunden mit Katastrophen wie Tsunamis, Überschwemmungen, Dürre oder Wirbelstürmen (sähe sicher auch mega gut aus).
Ich bin gespannt, was Ihr vorhat! Freut mich, dass es nach season 2 noch weitergeht!
Ich persönlich würde mir mehr Kriegsschiffe wünschen. So richtig fette Schlachtschiffe am besten!
Flugzeuge wären natürlich auch richtig nice, aber wie man die einbringt und ob die ins Setting passen sind halt da die Fragen.
Schade dass es keine neue Welt gibt 🙁
Die Idee mit der Asienkarte fände ich wirklich gut.
Dennoch freue ich mich auf die neuen Erweiterungen.
Ich hoffe sie trauen sich diesmal an die Schiffe ran, vielleicht gehen sie auch bei den Zeppelin oder Zügen bei oder fügen Flugzeuge in der Spiel mit ein.
Das hätte zumindest etwas.
Ganz egal was da kommt ich freue mich tierisch.
Würde mich freuen auf ein Kohlekraftwerk als dritte Alternative zu Gas und Öl und natürlich eine Kathedrale eine Metropole ohne Kathedrale is irgendwie nit das selbe und eine Asienkarte.
Please, Please, PLEASE, BB, I beg you, I’ve waited 2 full seasons, now we are going into a 3rd, PLEASE fix the ‘pirates not returning’ bug! I’ve reported it so many times, and it has existed since release day 🙁 I want the pirates to come back to my game. Please put some work into this
Love it! Thanks for the awesome game and all the content! If all of the content is not yet fixed maybe some ideas!?:
* More monuments (like 1404) and
* Ornamentals/buildings for the harbor
* More different Islands for the normal map generation?
* Maybe a way to have even bigger sessions (size and islands)?
* (Might not be possible, but I want to mention it here anyways) – Missions (going into other sessions) for everybody in multiplayer.
* Button to automatically collect and restart exhibitions (maybe similar to the new options for newspapers).
Thanks again for all the work!
Have a nice weekend!
Hopefully there will be metro, trams, waterfront decorations, Zeppelin LZ 1, more resources for residents ( perfume, tea, mahogany furniture) art galleries, level 3 in the new world, and balance in the Arctic
Long live ANNO! May there be more ANNO yet to come for all and Annoholics alike! Looking forwards to season 3! Keep up the great work ANNO Developers! Keep our beloved game series going strong for many more decades to come! 😀
I’m very curious what the 3rd season pass will bring. No new region gives me hope that one of the dlc will consist of expanding militairy options (i.e. introducing land warfare, air combat, expanding naval combat, or all of them 🙂 ).
That being said, I have really enjoyed all the dlc until now. So I have no doubt the new dlc’s will be just as good as the previous ones!
OHHH YES! Land warfare, air combat, expanding naval combat! That would be cool !
It would be something epic, sensational!
I knew there wont be new session 🙂
Thanks for the info 🙂
I hope we get to have seasons! Winter-Spring-Summer
Land Combat
Bigger main map