• Anno 1800
  • Cosmetic DLC
  • DevBlog

DevBlog – The Eldritch Pack CDLC

Boo, Anno Community – happy Halloween!

What better day to finally showcase one of the most awaited Cosmetic DLCs of all time in the history of Anno 1800? This is not a drill, you read that right in the title – our next Cosmetic DLC will be the Eldritch Pack! Those of you who have been following us for a long time have probably seen this name pop up a couple of times in the past, mostly during the Community Vote for CDLCs – and you probably know that it holds a special place in the hearts of the Anno team.

Last week, you might have seen a small teaser of what you will find in this new Cosmetic DLC, but are you ready to be spooked and let yourself get carried away by glimmering lights, twisted trees and gargoyle statues? If your answer is yes, then…

… Something wicked this way comes!

Forgotten places, mysterious statues and Gothic architecture

Let’s start with one of our favourite ornaments from this pack: nothing screams Eldritch (pun intended) more than the Forgotten Abbey you saw in our teaser, don’t you think? It seems that this place has been abandoned for years, becoming a distant echo of the past. Left in ruins, now overrun by nature and eerie tranquillity. Is that all there is? Those green, flickering lights on the quiet surface of the water suggest something else…

The Eldritch Pack would not be complete without gothic statues: did anybody say Gargoyles? Not only is there a Gargoyle statue in the pack, but you can also spot some gargoyles on the Gothic Fence, standing tall and peering into your deepest thoughts. Not to mention the majesty of the Statue of Lady Morningstar. Look at all that grace! 

For all the fans of gothic architecture and style in the Anno Community: this pack will be undoubtedly a dream – or a nightmare, if you prefer – come true. Once you decorate your cities with the new ornaments, you will find yourself wandering around the Dreamspire at dusk or sitting at the Wishing Well hoping for your desires to become reality.

Gothic ornaments call for Gothic building skins

Do not get fooled by the cheerful atmosphere around the Old Inn, as the thick fog can bewilder anyone when they least expect it. The Worker and Artisan residences, on the other hand, are surrounded by a strange tranquillity. However, we heard rumours about… ghosts? Weird figures have been spotted creeping into the night, making our residents’ dreams less sweet and more frightening.

Even the Hospital now seems to be changed, somehow. Is it just us, or does it look even more imposing than before? A thick, mysterious haziness surrounds it, hiding all its secrets from prying eyes. 

After all this ornaments & skins talk, it is time for our favourite part: Q&A with the Art Team! We asked some questions to Laura, Prop Artist on Anno, to get some insights on the creative process behind the Eldritch Pack.

What was the main source of inspiration for this pack?

It was a bit of a strange mishmash, on one hand all those lone Victorian spooky villas with their gorgeous windows, towers and verandas. On the other hand, the ornamental charm of gothic architecture and statues. It was clear we wanted Grotesques and Gargoyles and a lot of fog to surround suspicious standalone villas. From that point on, ideas just popped up and this CDLC happened.

What was the hardest ornament/skin to create? Why?

The hardest were the residence skins. This time around we decided to not only paint the skins, but to as well alter the geometry. We deleted most of the second buildings, leaving only one standalone house and then created a geometry kit to add new windows, verandas and towers. Designing those was quite challenging, especially the Artisan houses, since those have quite a different base building structure.

We have noticed there are quite a few secrets hiding in this pack. Although we won’t spoil the surprise here for the players, could you talk about your approach in their creation?

It was super fun obviously, it is always nice, after being dedicated to one strong theme for such a long time, to add some funny little details to bring it to life. There is not really one inspiration or anything, it’s more like… my mind is a huge alive Pinterest of all the stuffs I’ve seen, read and listened to, basically a culture melting pot of my time and circumstances and if prompted with a certain theme it just delivers back to me.

Are you an Eldritch/spooky stuff fan yourself?

Whilst I love the ornaments and the architectural designs as well as the general mood and colouring of it all, I can’t take anything remotely spooky myself. Real life and human beings are spooky enough as it is, no need for more horror than that. 😉

Which ornament and/or skin from this pack do you consider your favourite? Is there a particular reason?

I really love the Ruined Abbey. I love the idea of nature taking back those places, and I appreciate the beauty of those buildings. The idea of those grand architectural achievements coupled with wild overgrowing nature fascinates me. Also, I really love the set dressing, placing plants everywhere and making it look all green and wild… just love that.

I really like the big spooky tree, too, since it’s based of one of the 1000-year-old oaks from Ivenack, a childhood place I used to go to a lot, so it holds a special place in my heart.

And then there is the Asylum. I just love how it turned out so imposing and it was a great fusion of minds between our concept artist Damian and me. I really love how working on assets together and having great concept art like that one takes a design to a whole other level.

What’s left to say? Get ready for a treat – no tricks here, promise – because the Eldritch Pack Cosmetic DLC will be available starting from 14th November on PC and consoles, for usual price of 4,99€ or your regional equivalent.

We cannot wait to see your spooktacular creations with the new Eldritch ornaments, we can sense they are going to be terrifying – in the most amazing way, of course.

We hope you are looking forward to the CDLC release as much as we are! For the bravest and the detectives amongst all of you, a quest awaits: will you find all the secrets hiding within the Eldritch Pack?

List of full content

  • Forgotten Abbey
  • Dreamspire
  • Cathedral Square
  • Wishing Well
  • Dead Tree
  • Twisted Tree
  • Gargoyle
  • Statue of Lady Morningstar
  • Fiery Lantern
  • Fire Pit
  • Stone Bench
  • Nostalgic Pavement (3 variants)
  • Ornate Pavement
  • Gothic Fence (modular system)
  • Black Gate
  • Victorian Skin for Worker residence (4 models)
  • Victorian Skin for Artisan residence (4 models)
  • “Old Inn” Pub Skin
  • “Asylum” Hospital Skin




  1. o ozgur-06 November 14, 2023

    There should be an area where a dam can be built on the island of Cape Trelawney to produce electricity, just like in the new world. Because on such a large island, as the city grows, oil shipment and electricity production become unable to meet the demand.

  2. B BCessel November 7, 2023

    Ubi, I’m very sad that I don’t have the DLCs in the console editions, since I have them all for the PC edition. But, is there any chance of releasing the MODS?

    •   Ubi-Thorlof November 8, 2023

      Hey BCessel, there are no plans to bring mod support to the console version, I’m afraid – sorry.

  3. d daber996 November 3, 2023

    A lot of the community are very excited about this CDLC! Once it comes out I’m gonna get back into the game, final get to Artistas!

    Also, it would be great to have more 3D/Concept Artists on your livestreams, assuming they would be comfortable with English speaking on camera. The visual design, models, concepts etc are so great, and a massive part of the game appeal, but it seems anyone from the art team is never on the livestream for this game.

    FYI, on Firefox the Ubisoft login refused to let me login and comment (I was logged in, but it insisted I need to ‘login to comment’. Worked fine on Chrome. Any other commentors have this issues? IMO could be something to check into as a reason that so few people have commented on this…

    • d daber996 November 3, 2023

      But thank you Laura for answer QA for this 🙂

    •   Ubi-Thorlof November 8, 2023

      Thanks for pointing out that issue on Firefox, can confirm it on my end, too. We’ll have a look!

      And regarding the livestreams: Some colleagues aren’t so comfortable in front of a camera while others have less issues with that. We’ll try to have people from different teams – including Art – in future livestreams.

  4. D Darkbirt November 3, 2023

    Nice CDLC. I’m looking forward to it.

    Maybe a hint for the next ANNO?

  5. C Claire-de-Lune November 2, 2023

    Freue mich sehr.
    Kann es sein, dass Lady Morgenstern so ein bißchen ausschaut wie Juno aus Assassin’s Creed?
    :):) Finde ich klasse!!
    Vielen Dank auch für die Super-Neuigkeiten bzw. den weiteren Cosmetic-DLCs 2024. Bin sehr gespannt, was da kommt. Finde, man kann davon nicht genug haben.
    Macht bloß weiter so.

  6. S SgtHydra November 2, 2023

    Really excited for this one. Especially the new skins adding a different atmosphere to their surroundings. Definitely an idea to keep for future DLC packs and Anno games.

  7. A Alister-MIV November 1, 2023

    Hooray! Finally, gothic motifs! I am delighted! How I wanted to see this in the game! Thank you very much for listening to us.

  8. M MrShouttaKun November 1, 2023

    I am not losing hope for a new season, the year 1800 is one of the most changing of all and the one in which most events occurred, I look forward to more expansion packs.

    •   Ubi-Thorlof November 2, 2023

      It’s great to see the reactions to Anno 1800 and read the continuous wishes for even more content.
      However, as communicated before, we’ll not be developing more gameplay content for the game. There’ll be 3 more Cosmetic DLC in 2024, but no new “Season” or other expansions.

  9. G Gygx_ November 1, 2023

    Statue of Lady Morningstar is Juno from Assassin’s Creed 🙂

    •   Ubi-Thorlof November 2, 2023

      Oh, you’re right, there’s a certain resemblance between them. That wasn’t the inspiration, but we could of course pretend that there’s a crossover of sorts 😉

  10. m mfuegar2018 October 31, 2023

    And the circus CDLC… When?

    • t thekingkupo November 1, 2023

      Exactly, now that they made Eldritch they need to make Circus and trams.

    • T Trebonianus0815 November 1, 2023

      Yeah a Circus-CDLC would be nice, but can’t we just appreciate the UPCOMMING Eldritch-DLC before you demanding something new?

    •   Ubi-Thorlof November 2, 2023

      Hey! The circus theme is off the list, we’re not planning to release any cosmetic content with that theme.

      • T Trebonianus0815 November 5, 2023

        Hmmm… a pity…. somehow. Is there a particular reason? You already got a zoo with waaaayyy too small enclosures, so a circus wouldn’t bother anymore 😀
        I mean I’m sure there are many other ideas and I’m excited already

        •   Ubi-Thorlof November 6, 2023

          We feel the circus would be one step worse than that, with the different aspects of how a circus was handled back then – and since the theme also didn’t do well in the previous polls, we’d rather try something different now.

          • T Trebonianus0815 November 7, 2023

            yeah, I see what you mean and it is comprehensible.
            Also I’m looking forward to the new ideas the team has, still I was wondering are there are possibilities for the community to give in ideas?
            I don’t wanna sound too immodest, but I think I got a good idea for the investor tier buildings, which I couldn’t find anywhere else. xD


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