- Anno 1800
- Game Update
- Season 3
Anno 1800: Game Update 12.1

Release Date: 6PM CEST, September 28th, 2021
Download Size: 700 MB
Game Update 12.1 adds support for Cosmetic DLC 5, the “Pedestrian Zone Pack”
- Fixed an exploit with the construction wheel from one session being accessible in other sessions
- The “+20% Hitpoints” effect from Captain Ibrahim now affects ships when equipped in the item slot
- Fixed an issue with planted trees disappearing after save/load (trees can now not be planted near roads or buildings)
- Items from Tourist Season and The High Life can now be bought at traders without the need to first develop them in the Research Institute
- Fixed an issue for ships on Trade Routes trading in the middle of the ocean (For all cases we investigated. If you still encounter this problem, please let us know.)
- The elevator in the Iron Tower can now also be used with an active recipe
- Fixed an issue where save files were overwritten with the same name instead of being numbered
- The “Estimated Briefcase Sales” now also affect Scholar Residences
User Interface
- Fixed an issue with delayed appearing of notifications after clicking on residence quests
- Fixed some incorrectly displayed character portraits in the quest book
- Fixed the skyscraper item category in the Research Institute
- Added the “Elevator” good to the Construction Materials Tab in Export/Import Docklands menu
- Fixed a campaign blocker during the quest “Family Bonds” (If you’re still encountering blockers during your campaign-playthrough, please let us know.)
- Fixed an issue with the Ditchwater island not being revealed during the campaign
- Improved the ruined states for Skyscrapers and the handling of the view at close camera distance
- The fog for the Arctic continental island has returned after a well-deserved vacation
- Removed doubled audio line during the Quest ”Royal Toilet”
Localization & Text
- Fixed a text issue during the quest “Skyline Tower: Strike-Breaking”
- Fixed a German localization issue for the “Pavillion” during the quest “Market Research: The Lab”
- Fixed an issue with the shortcut for ornament variation not being displayed for English Localization
- Fixed a text issue during the quest “Market Research: The Patent” for Russian localization
- Fixed a text issue for the “Add Floor” text in the game controls overview
- Fixed a text issue for “Current Amount” during the quest “Skyline Tower: Sound and Fury” for Russian localization
- Fixed a text issue for “Improved by Electricity” for Russian, Polish and Korean Localization
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Is there any news regarding the bugged achievements that unlocked when the game update went live back in the first week of september or is it still work in progress for a month now?
Yes, we addressed this topic in our blog on Tuesday: https://anno-union.com/union-update-pedestrian-zone-pack-game-update-12-1/
Let me quote from there:
“Starting with some bad news, but it’s something we have seen multiple comments about recently: We have investigated the issue with Anno 1800’s achievements having been unlocked for some players at the beginning of September during the technical issues with Ubisoft Connect. Unfortunately, this issue cannot be fixed retroactively, and we are not able to reset your achievement progress. “
Does this new update break old saves? My campaign world keeps crashing to desktop every time i try to load it up.
*i just learned the new update doesnt come out until 6pm tonight, whoops nvm XD
While the disappearing tree bug is much welcome, I really hate the counterpart of not being able to plant them near roads or buildings. I was using them a LOT, especially for Enbesa : those big trees covering a lot of space was very nice to have and give life to a city (and especially since Enbesa is really lacking in the ornaments department). Also, having a lumber camp with a sinuous road going there surrounded by trees is something I do a lot. And generally just using them to cover the outside edge of a non grid-like city is what I do almost all the time.
I always liked about everything you’ve done with the game and I simply adore it. I also understand that this is most likely a technical constraint that you have to deal with to not make them disappear. But this is a huge, massive bummer and this counterpart actually do hurt because it kinda takes away half of the tree-replanting feature for me. Really hoping you can find an alternative way to fix the bug and really hoping this change gets reversed at some point.
Also, it would be great to have a mass-change-ground-color too, changing the ground of each ornaments one by one is a bit of a pain, especially when using the Temperate Forest ornament. For example, when using the New World temperate forest, there’s that one bush in the ornament pool that doesn’t have a light ground color and it really is a pain to go and change those ornaments one by one in order to not have a unified ground color; I don’t know if it’s a bug, or if that one ornament doesn’t have a light background color but it’s pretty annoying and overall I would just like to have a unified ground color when using the Temperate Forests. But I would agree that it’s also a pretty minor inconvenience though.
While this comment is pretty negative overall, I wanna end on a high note and say that I’m really excited for that Cosmetic Pack and I can’t wait to be making canals in Crown Falls ! While that was my gripe and opinion on those patch notes, I really commend all the work you put in the game it’s amazing !
100% agreed.
The elevator in the Iron Tower can now also be used with an active recipe.
I got a recipe running but I cannot use the elevator in first person.
The update is not released yet, as stated at the top. If you still encounter this problem after the release at 6PM CEST today, let us know 🙂
Hi, me favorite game!)
Fixed the bug with unlocked achievements?
“Fixed an issue with planted trees disappearing after save/load (trees can now not be planted near roads or buildings)”
I understand it wasnt a release feature and there might be technical limitations but thats still very disappointing news. Beeing able to plant trees close to buildings/roads would be a huge improvement atleast for my playstyle.
Nethertheless, ANNO 1800 is a masterpiece and all your work and community interaction is very much appreciated. It is and will be my favorite singlelpayer game for a long time.
EDIT: Maybe you can give us 2-3 enbesa ornament based trees as it was suggested by the community to fill the gap this “fix” leaves behind 😉
wtf? they just removed the opportunity to plant trees? Anno, are you serious? I won’t buy the upcoming packs in principle.
No, we did not do that and nowhere does it say that.
As stated in the Release Notes, trees simply cannot be placed next to roads and buildings anymore (i.e. the places where they would disappear from after loading).
Reason for this automatic removal is, that the game removes trees etc. close to buildings to make sure they’re not going inside the building model itself. You can already see that when you place a building or a road somewhere.
Upon loading, the game does this check again and removes vegetation which is too close to a building.
So, to avoid that you can place trees in these spots which would lead to them disappearing after loading, these spots are now blocked automatically.
“Beeing able to plant trees close to buildings/roads would be a huge improvement atleast for my playstyle.”
Agreed. One thing I loved doing was filling the blank spaces with trees. I even played around with lighting effects with close proximity of trees.
But now that really enjoyable part of the game has been removed. Very disappointed.
Naja…besser als nichts bei den Bugfixes.
Bei der Menge der gemeldeten Fehler (für mich) eine recht bescheidene Ausbeute 🙁
Kann ich aus Spielersicht verstehen, es gibt noch einige weitere Bugs, ohne Frage. Allerdings lässt sich in begrenzter Zeit leider auch nur eine begrenzte Zahl von Problemen untersuchen, fixen und validieren.
Great!! Cannot wait for this, lets goooo!!