- Anno 1800
- Game Update
Anno 1800 (Console): Game Update 7

Release Date: December 5th, 3PM UTC+2
- Added support for the “End of an Era” Pack Cosmetic DLC.
New Content
- Unlocked all past Console Twitch Drops for everyone
Bug Fixes
- (Xbox Series) Fixed an issue with some missing textures in the “Pirate Cove” Pack Cosmetic DLC
- Fixed the broken scroll function for the left population widget on the Population tab in the Statistics screen
- Fixed the missing button prompt on the “Edit” newspaper page
- Fixed a misalignment of image and news window on the main menu screen
- Fixed missing button prompts for switching tabs in the ship fleet object menu after having only trade ships selected
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Are you ever going to solve the autosave stacking issue? I didn’t know about the bug, put 300 hours in a campaign and then I couldn’t log into my game anymore. Having bought the game I can not explain how infuriating it is.
Hey Borsi, I’m unsure what you’re referring to.
If you’re asking for an option to limit the number of autosaves for Anno 1800 then I’m afraid the answer is “no”, we’re not planning to do further updates for the game.
Are you seeing this, @Borsi595mk1 ?!?!
Here we are, literally saying: “hey, your game has these extreme game-breaking bugs and issues, please fix them”, and they are implicitly and indirectly telling us to our faces: “we are not going to fix it, deal with it; you bought a broken product, and you’ll have to use it as it is”. This is outrageous and absurd beyond words.
I am not, and have never been, someone who wishes harm upon anyone — individuals, groups, or companies — but I strongly believe in karma and divine justice. And I must say:
Ubisoft deserves everything that’s been happening to it lately.
So many wrong decisions, incompetent staff, poorly managed teams disconnected from reality, etc. It’s almost as if there’s internal sabotage at play. The community points out to the company that there are severe/critical issues with a product, and an employee (Ubi-Thorlof) states that “the company will not fix” these extreme problems. If this isn’t internal sabotage, then it’s pure incompetence and sheer insolence.
I simply cannot understand the central leadership’s apparent indifference to everything going wrong without taking a stand for meaningful change.
Assassin’s Creed Shadows will probably be the last product from this company that I’ll ever touch (and only because it was a gift). Beyond that, I see no other choice but to distance myself from this disrespectful company.
I am writing to extend my most sincere thanks to you for showing the entire community that you care little — if at all — about us, and that you indeed only care about our money.
In the September 2024 update (which, in truth, was less of an update and more of a technical adjustment to enable the base game to support the ‘Pirate Cove’ DLC), I offered you an honest comment — practically an open letter — informing you of a game-breaking bug wherein one of the enemy NPCs destroys the harbor of one of our in-game partners, thereby permanently preventing the player from conducting any business/trading with that character.
This is not a new bug; you are fully aware of its existence and of how it has been ruining the game and the experience of countless players for quite some time. I informed you that I myself have fallen victim to this bug (and continue to be affected by it), only for you to now release an uninspired cosmetic DLC while having the audacity to leave this critical issue unaddressed.
When I turned on my console this morning, I was initially delighted to see an update for Anno 1800. However, that joy quickly turned to frustration upon realizing that the most severe issue of all had not been fixed.
Had you released this lackluster DLC while also addressing the significant problem I raised, I would have purchased it as a gesture of gratitude. But no, such a dignified course of action was not taken. Instead, you launched an uninteresting DLC and failed to address a game-breaking issue that has long plagued the experience of the Anno community.
I once held a great deal of admiration for Ubisoft. Today, however, I am overwhelmed with a profound sense of pity and disappointment. With teams like yours, it’s no wonder why the company has been in such visible decline in recent years.
I dislike coming across as “overly severe”, but in this case, there is no severity — only facts and the undeniable reality.
Sincerely disappointed,