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- Union Update
Union Update: Time to recuperate

Another week has passed, and gamescom 2018 is in the books- and what a gamescom it has been! After countless presentations, interviews and stage shows – not to mention an award (Best PC Game of gc 2018) that we are as you can see very proud of – the Ubisoft Blue Byte team has mostly unscathed returned to the studio to tackle the final 6 months of development before Anno 1800 ships globally on February 26th, 2019.
However, we do need a little bit more time to rest our vocal chords and to read your hundreds of comments on the Union, our forums and social media, so there won’t be any new Union content this week. Starting next week, we will return to our regularly scheduled programming as we start to review gamescom with you, and take a closer look at some of our newly announced features like South America and the expeditions. In the meantime, feel free to share some of the questions you would like us to tackle over the next few weeks in the comments!
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Ik had nog een vraag over luchtvaart.
Zoals jullie weten is de luchtballon in 1783 succesvol getest.
Ik ben erg benieuwd of die aanwezig zal zijn :-S
Maar in 1891 is het eerste zweefvliegtuig succesvol getest.
Dit is nog wel in de negentiende eeuw maar wel erg aan de late kant, dus wat moeten we daarvan denken?
Al zou er geen luchtvaart aan te pas komen dan zou het spel nog steeds geweldig zijn 😀
Wel ANNO-LOVER-2006, ze hebben hierover al eens iets vermeld in een eerdere dev-blog waarin ze hebben gezegd dat ze geen luchtvaart gingen integreren. persoonlijk dacht ik automatisch aan het militaire aspect (zeppelins en zo…) maar die uitvindingen waren net iets te laat om nog in aanmerking te komen voor ANNO 1800. maar nu je praat over gewone luchtballonnen zou dat inderdaad zeer mooi in het spel gaan, het zou ongelooflijk cool zijn om die te zien rondvliegen 😀
zou misschien kunnen gebruikt worden voor een expeditie of voor een extra aantrekkelijke stad?
Congrats! you deserve it very much, I can’t wait on future dev blogs. 🙂
And I was wondering what happened with the ship design contest? It ended a while ago and I am very curious which ship will get in the game.
We are working on it, our team was incredibly busy before gamescom but with the convention time behind us, we can now finally sit down and go through things like the finalists for the design contest.
Congratulations! I watched the award ceremony live, I was so happy when I saw you won it! I can’t wait for future devblogs, especially about South America!
There are many questions like: how many tiers will be in America, how tightly connected will America and Europe be (will we be able to produce all needed building materials in America?, will we need some basic European goods in America?).
I also have a general question to you as game developers: how long before the actual release should the game be ready? I guess that after finishing and polishing the game you still need time to make some preparations right before releasing it.
And will you make a devblog about trading with NPCs and other AI players? I am curious if you plan to improve or change anything there.
Agree re. more info on trade. Both with computer players and with south America.
Indeed a job well done and very much deserved!
As a veteran Anno player I’m very looking forward to the final product in february next year. Keep up the good work. I can imagine there’s still a lot of work to do which we “common” people are totally not aware of.
Best of luck!
Congratulations with the well deserved award.
Thanks, you are far too kind 🙂
Can someone please remove the extra “the”?
I don’t know how to edit my sentence.
A bit late. But thank you very much for.