- Anno 1800
- Union Update
Union Update: National Park Pack release day

Hey Anno Community,
it’s Tuesday, and release day! The new Cosmetic DLC National Park Pack is now available on all platforms (on Steam it will be available from 7PM CEST onwards as usual).
Build dedicated parks for your citizens or simply add hiking paths and picnic opportunities to already existing forests on your islands – and create lakes and little streams. This CDLC is all about being outside in nature. For your people used to ever-growing cities and industrial smog, this should be the ideal opportunity to relax and unwind.
There’s more releasing today than just the National Park Pack, so, let’s take a look:
Release Notes
Together with the National Park Pack, we’re also releasing patches for both PC and Console.
On Consoles, it addresses an “out of memory” issue on PS5 and potential causes for desyncs on all consoles.
On PC, aside from addressing two exploits, the loading times of the game with mods have been drastically reduced and we fixed the unbuildable area on one of the New World islands.
You can find the full Release Notes for Consoles here and for PC by following this link.
Mod Browser
Very importantly, players on PC will now also be able to make full use of the new integrated mod browser thanks to mod.io!
Scroll through the available mods either on the mod.io page in your browser or – even easier – in the game directly! Subscribing to any mod of your choosing will trigger the download. Check for each savegame which mods are used and leave an update or a nice comment on the mod pages for their creators.
For you mod creators, we’d love to spotlight your creations ingame and on the Anno Union, so, don’t hesitate to upload them to mod.io, too!
Read more about the mod browser here.
We also set up a subpage right here on the Anno Union with the mod browser itself as well as links to FAQs with more information and redirections for further resources. Check it out: https://www.anno-union.com/mods/
We’re looking forward to both your screenshots of newly created parks and lake areas, as well as feedback on the new mod browser!
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I hope for the last CDLC you go with a cosmetic moving tram or train for passengers and different rails or a building skin for little asia or something. I know you guys want to move on from this game already. Just can’t get enough of this master piece.
Leute dieses National Paket für 4,99€ hat sich echt gelohnt das ist ja eine genialität wieviel Variationen und was das ganze beinhaltet das ist viel mehr als die anderen pakete das ist das beste pak bis jetzt die anderen sind auch cool gewesen aber das übertrifft einfach alle und hat eigentlich schon 9,99€ verdient weiter so freu mich auf das nächste CDLC und vielleicht kommt ja doch noch ein Einsatzkräfte CDLC wo feuerwehr übungsplatz pasuen bereich für ärtzte und ein park fürs Krankenhaus für die Patienten usw. und umzäunungen und sicherheits sperren für polizisten oder so ein knast wagen kommt schon ubisoft das geht noch !!!!!
Und der Mod browser der noch viel mehr ornamentalische schönheits variationen rein bringt wow dieses game hypte jetzt wieder noch mehr und diese fühlbare frische alles auf, bitte lasst euch ganz viel zeit bis zum nächsten Anno 🙂
Dave301287, I know how to check for mods that fail (thanks to Jakob): you should see the mod-loader.log file which is in C:\Users\*****\Documents\Anno 1800\log.
The following fail me:
[Gameplay] Enbesa Mail Integration (Hackner)
[Ornamental] Grand Monuments GU16 (jje1000)
[Addon] Lysterions Cocktails
[Addon] Lysterions Collection
A group of specialist (some of then)
I’ll deactivate those mods tomorrow and see if it works.
there are a far too many misfiring now…
it seems we are the only ones with this problem
I paid for my The new Cosmetic DLC National Park Pack, And shows in my orders I have it at the store website But in game it wants me to be buy it!
Hello Anno 1800 team,
I have purchased the new CDLC and launched the game to see the changes you have made, but I couldn’t because when it seems to finish loading the mods it crashes.
I haven’t added, removed or updated any mods for several days and I’ve been playing this morning with no problems before the release of GU18.
I’ve removed all mods and the game has loaded with no problems (well, with one big problem: I’m out of mods).
Has anyone else reported a similar problem?
Thank you
same here, same problem, and like multiple ocassions in the past we need to see which mod is causing this
I’m sorry. I’m going to start with the most suspicious.
I have checked the game files on Ubisoft Connect as suggested by another player and they were fine.
I have only included Jakobs mods and it crashes as soon as he finishes loading them.
I only see a black screen since the update to GU18 with the mods that it is loading in the lower left corner.
Ubisoft team, please, what can I do? How can I contact you to see what is happening?
Thank you
i have got the same problem, it seems they screwed up …. AGAIN. Have to wait for a fix it might take days,
We’ll wait, we can’t do much more. If you find a solution, let me know and I’ll do the same.