• Anno 1800
  • Cosmetic DLC
  • Union Update

Union Update: It’s Steampunk Pack release day!

Hey Anno Community,

It’s May 14th and we have to let off some steam – with the Steampunk Pack Cosmetic DLC releasing today!

Find out more about this latest bundle of ornaments and building skins in our DevBlog. Watch researchers test an experimental dragonfly-suit, give your Investor residences a steampunky new look or build dreamy plazas with the celestial ground tiles.

The Steampunk Pack is available on all platforms for the price of 4,99€ or your regional equivalent.

In addition to the new Cosmetic DLC, we also released a few bug fixes. You can find the Release Notes here on the Anno Union, both for PC as well as for Console.

Friendship Ornament

We’ve mentioned it about a month ago at Anno 1800’s birthday: To celebrate both said birthday as well as the incredible milestone of 4 million players, we’re adding a free ornament for everyone – the Friendship Ornament. We’re sure you’ll find a great spot in your cities to place it.

Thank you for your support!

Board game livestream

We have another livestream coming up this week as well: on Thursday, May 16th, we’ll be playing the Anno 1800 board game and its soon-to-be-released (German) expansion live on Twitch. Join us from 5PM UTC+2 onwards!

Anno Leadership Team Livestream

And one more livestream coming up: As part of our ongoing mission to give you more glimpses behind the scenes and the different people and teams involved in creating the worlds of Anno, next week’s livestream will look at the daily work of the heads of our team. With recurring guest Manuel (Creative Director), as well as Haye (Brand Director) and Stephane (Executive Producer) we’ll be talking about topics like their way into gaming, the scope of their work and what kind of games they like to play to relax.

Join us on Twitch – next Wednesday, May 22nd, at 5PM CEST.




  1. A ArthurBRx6 May 17, 2024

    I literally bought Anno 1800 Console Edition some days ago and I’m already buying DLCs.
    I bought it “just to try it” — not expecting “too much” from it — and I was very surprised on how the game is fun and cool (and note that I’m VERY picky).

    The game didn’t give me the “creator freedom” that I was expecting (exemples: we cannot build diagonal roads, the 90 degree railway “curves” are stupidly weird, etc, etc, etc) but the other parts/aspects of the game make it completely worth it (all the managing stuff, trading, etc, etc).

    I’m playing on Xbox Series X and I’m 100% new to the game AND the franchise (I never played an Anno game before).

    I’m here just to say that I absolutely hope you guys release on consoles everything you have released on PC until this moment.
    If you don’t do it (and only release the “cosmetic DLCs” on consoles), you’ll literally push new console-players — including me — away from the franchise.

    Yes, I do have a PC that I could use to play Anno 1800, but I CHOSE to play it on console.
    I have the “privilege to choose”, but not everyone has it, since a lot of people don’t have a gaming PC.

    The current-gen consoles have more-than-enough power to handle the game, so I cannot see any plausible explanation for you not releasing on consoles all the content already available on PC.
    And please note that I’m not even talking about mods here (although they would be very welcome on consoles too), I’m only talking about the vanilla game experience (with all DLCs).

    I was watching some videos recently and I realized that there are a lot of DLCs on PC that bring A LOT of new mechanics to the game — for example: the skyscrapers.
    Why cannot console players have all those cool/fun things/mechanics too? I’m sorry, but it doesn’t make any sense, at all.

    We — console players — deserve some respect; after all, we’re paying for your game too. If you couldn’t offer the same experience for console players (same as on PC), you shouldn’t have released it on consoles at all.

    So, please… be considerate of console players (both types: the ones who CHOOSE to play on console and the ones who can only play on console) and release all the PC-already-available-DLCs for Xbox and PlayStation too.


  2. M MaXenaeL May 15, 2024

    I also met with DLC activation issue yesterday. This fact made me nervous as I thought I madr a wrong pay. I even rhought to male a refund. After several hours after relogins, file checks and reboots I also found people on Reddit with this issue.

    So the euphoria of a new DLC was darkened swith this.

    •   Ubi-Thorlof May 15, 2024

      Apologies for the issues yesterday. The problem with the CDLC content not unlocking should be fixed now. Let us know if you’re still facing issues.

  3. D Dravidos May 14, 2024

    It happens the same to me. I have restarted the game several times and the CLDC does not activate. The game does seem to have been updated (18.2…) and the Friendship Ornament appears.

  4. O OnEst1_ May 14, 2024

    The dlc is not activated during the game. I bought it from Ubisoft Connect. Some people report the same problem on Reddit…
    Any solutions ?

    •   Ubi-Thorlof May 14, 2024

      Thanks for reporting this issue, OnEst1_, we’re aware of the problem with the CDLC content not appearing for players and are currently investigating. Hope to have it fixed soon.

    • B BCessel May 14, 2024

      I have the same problem here. I purchased the CDLC but it does not appear in the game, still showing the option to purchase.


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