- Anno 1800
- Union Update
Union Update – It’s “Empire of the Skies” Release Day!

Hello Anno Community,
While summer comes to an end, a brand-new adventure begins in the Anno world: “Empire of the Skies” is now available!
Game Update 15 & “Empire of the Skies”
Game Update 15 can now be downloaded! The “Empire of the Skies” DLC is now available on Ubisoft Connect and Epic, and will be available on Steam starting 7PM UTC+2 today. In the past weeks we have spoken a lot about the new content, so if you need some guides before diving into it, feel free to check our DevBlogs on the new Airships, all the new game features and content added with DLC11, and the “Clash of Couriers” Scenario!
Game Update 15 also features a long list of bugfixes, quality of life improvements and some balancing changes – you can read the full Release Notes here.
We want to make you aware of one Known Issue, however:
The Local Departments will unequip their departments and policy upon loading a savegame while their effect stays active. As you might imagine, this is going to be fixed, so we recommend not using and relying on said exploit to avoid any issues later down the line.
We will keep you updated on our planned patch.
Twitch Drops
Just like every DLC release in the past, “Empire of the Skies” comes with its own set of Twitch Drops: a banner and a mural, to show off the amazing Key Art of “Empire of the Skies” directly in your Anno cities. The Twitch Drops event will run until September 29th, so you have still got some time to watch your favourite Anno streamers and get yourself some fancy new ornaments. For more information check out our dedicated article.
A new Community Challenge
A new DLC also means a new Community Challenge for you, Annoholics! Last time you passed the Challenge with flying colours and built over 145000 Fertiliser Modules. WOW! Well, this time there are actually *two* Community Challenges – the main Challenge related to DLC11 and a side challenge. For “The Sky is the Limit”, you are required to build 500.000 Airships – combined amongst all players across the world, of course! “Fire on the Water” instead involves ships and harbour defences: you will need to build collectively 250.000 of the new Flamethrower Monitors and Flamethrower Towers.
Completing the main Challenge will lead to the reward, a new billboard ornament featuring a brand-new artwork related to the DLC. And, of course, we’ll also give you said artwork as a download to be used as a wallpaper. Rewards will be added with a future Game Update. Good luck on the Challenge, Anno Community!
This brings us to the end of this Union Update. We hope you enjoy “Empire of the Skies” and the “Clash of Couriers” Scenario! We cannot wait to see the transformation of your cities with all the new content – and the transformation of the sky, with all the new airships. So, feel free to share screenshots and videos with us!
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Der Unterhalt für die neuen Luftschiffe ich zu hoch.
The AI only takes 2 Islands and will not go above worker level.
Kann mir jemand helfen ich hab in der neuen welt nun alles rund um die neuen luftschiffe gebaut aber jetzt ist die quest weg und die neuen Spezialisten finde ich ebenso nirgends kann mir jemand helfen ?
LG aus Bayern
Hi Anno 1800 team. I think I found a bug in the DLC11 scenario. In the second phase, when I choose “Nuevo Mundo Exprés” I can’t get it to recognize that I have reduced the productivity by 20% of all the productions of the 2 islands that I have. I’ve checked it several times (even stopping post offices and mailboxes since I can’t lower their productivity). It always tells me in the mission progress 18 / 20%.
I have tried to reduce productivity even more, to stop production, to not have any production stop… and it does not exceed 18/20%.
Any idea what might be going on?
Please, tell me if this possible failure should be reported on another website.
Thank you
They are count by the total workforce of the whole island.Including those worker who doesnt have a job.Try to provide more job for them! 🙂
Thank you! I will follow your advice
Love them new DLC’s guys!
But, my new airships can’t pick up my local mail! What happend?! a bugg??
They only wil load there ships with packets like water and such.
Yes, I have produced local mail, but the ship doesnt find it while making trade routes.
Please help ??
I’ve tried what you suggested but it doesn’t work either. All workers are busy and 18/20% keeps showing up. I will have to leave this challenge and move on to the next phase. Thank you for your suggestion.
sorry to hear that, maybe you can post question with some picture in the anno forum, it might help.https://discussions.ubisoft.com/category/661/player-support?lang=en-US
Thanks SerikaG. I have solved the problem by lowering the productivity to 25%.
There is an issue now with the seat of power DLC. Every time I load a game, the policies of the government departments are unplugged but the benefits from the previous game still apply. If I add those policies back again on the sockets, the buffs are being added on top of the previous ones. I have buildings now with insane production capacitity!
This! I noticed it the other day. Hope they fix this soon, and the insanely slow loading times of Airship Platforms…
Und wieso kann mann bei einem Flotten abwurf nicht von allen schächten abwürfe machen?. Wäre cool wenn das auch gehen würde
Sehr viele Bugs mit den Abwürfen von Luftschiffen. Gruppen abwürfe sind verbugt und auch einzel abwürfe sind verbugt
Wenn ich mit mehreren Luftschiffen Bomben hageln lassen will, kann ich die reihe der abgeworfenen bomben bzw. Die richtung in die die Luftschiffe die bomben abwerfen sollen nicht seblst bestimmen. Das erschwert die nutzung sehr. Bitte darum das mann das ändert. Danke!??
Bauen die Ki Gegner auch die neuen Luftschiffe ?
Master franke as a gallery item plox
There is a problem now: when I open my list of trade routes and hover the cursor over any trade route, I don’t see its path between the islands. I can only see it if I open the trade route settings and then hover the cursor over it. It’s really inconvenient right now.
(sorry for my English. It’s not my native language. I hope the essence of the problem is clear)
me too.
here is my comment to the Release Notes for GU 15.
In trade route screen I can not see which ports are connected anymore.
I have the same problem. It’s very annoying
Please please please restrict the Airship Platform to only accept loading/unloading mail. Otherwise it makes it pretty much impossible to replace ships with airships in normal trading routes making this DLC loose most of the value added. The loading speed of 2t/min creates a biiiig queue of airships that are transporting consumer goods to the islands.
Restrict platform to mail only will only solve part of the problem.When you play through the high life and having like more than 1,000,000 investors on your island, which consume about 500+ in-region mail and cross-region mail per min,3.5t/s is definitely not enough
Its ridiculous when the arctic platform have 5ts basic unload speed, the newest platform only get 2ts.Besides i do think we need more cargo-airship items since the devs only add one blue card which increase cargo slow done for 30%.I hope there is a way we can get more than 1 Particularly Pull-y Pulley without mods, even through the grand gallery.
Loading speed should be changed to 200/sec. for islands with >1M investors.
On a sidenote why cant we start with some items in coop multiplayer
Would be a nice option
Any chance the gallery also gets the item for reduced forest density?
With the +1 iron I can play 2070’s pollute it all but id also like to see a way to start a game with items that allow me to build a lots of farms woodcutters orchards and play as eden initiative
I’m very disappointed that the new factories don’t require 10,000 employees…
Thank you!
It’s appears thats Zephyr are not affected by the influence’s Elite Magnate effect.Does it designed to be this or it’s just an mistake?