• Anno 1800
  • Union Update

Union Update: Game Update, live stream and challenge rewards

Hey Anno Community,

Happy New Year! We hope you had a great time over the holidays and started well into 2023.

Let’s take a look at what’s planned for the coming weeks in the world of Anno 1800:

Upcoming Game Update 16.1

Firstly, we’re currently in the validation phase for Game Update 16.1, a patch that will address several of the issues you reported to us following Game Update 16 and DLC 12. For example, the duplication of item effects when using the multi-move feature, several text issues for the Stadium and the problem that the game was not starting under certain circumstances.

The Game Update is planned for January 19th, we’ll have the full Release Notes for you closer to that date.

Celebrate Lunar New Year in style

Talking about January 19th: On the same day, we’re going to release the “Dragon Garden” Pack Cosmetic DLC.  Celebrate the New Lunar Year with the Dragon Garden Pack and create stunning lucky-dragon-themed districts in your empire with new ornaments. More details and screenshots on Thursday in a dedicated blog.

Revealing Anno 1800 Console Edition

Before these releases, however, there’s one more big event: On the 17th at 5PM UTC+1 we will reveal the Anno 1800 Console Edition in a live stream on twitch.tv/ubisoft

We’re excited to show you what we’ve been working on and how you will soon be able to experience Anno 1800 on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. Mark the day, we’ll see you there!

“Cultural Boom” Community Challenge

Last but not least: The DLC 12 Community Challenge!

As we already said before the holidays, you smashed the goal of settling 81 million Artistas with ease. In fact, in the two weeks the challenge was running, you achieved three times that: a total of 242 million! Incredible, your New World cities must be very crowded by now and we hope you built some parks for them to relax.

With Game Update 16.1 next week, we’ll add two rewards to the game for everyone: Two new company logos themed after DLC 12 (orchid and bird) and two new player colours (Bordeaux Red and Orange).




  1. I IIAc3sII January 19, 2023

    When are you FINALLY going to fix the broken pirate ship behavior and all the AI ships attacking and destroying civilian buildings/bridges/farms and even things like neutral vendor harbors being destroyed.
    I might as well throw the game out the window, we need real bugfixes.
    its been 3 months since you broke the game, its been long enough.

    I don’t care about anything else anymore, no silly DLCs, Console Edition, Dragon Garden Pack or whatever, the only thing that matters is making the game playable again!
    Don’t sell me useless gimmicks for a broken game please.

    Some people cannot even launch the game anymore or play it in multiplayer, its all just a giant mess since GU15.

  2. O Oppuzzor January 16, 2023

    Geschätztes Anno Team, ich freue mich sehr auf die Konsolenversion PS5! ?

  3. P PCWIN7Gamer January 15, 2023

    Hallo liebes Anno, Team, ich bin sehr begeistert von den 4 Jahren der Anno 1800 Geschichte und die zahlreichen Dlc´s und das was dazu gehört, auch gefällt mir die Vielfallt von Anno 1800 und die Stetige Verbesserung von Anno.
    ich freue mich auch auf den kommenden patch, mir gefällt auch das neue hinzugefügte anopedia. was ich mir zum Beispiel noch wünschen würde, wenn mit dem neuen Patch noch die funktion der Layouts den weg ins Spiel finden würden, das würde nochmal es erleichtern und man müsste nicht switchen zwischen Spiel und Browser um sich das Layout rauszusuchen. das wäre nice wenn es den weg ins Spiel finden würde.
    aber ansonsten finde ich Anno ein sehr schönes und spielintensives Game was seinem Preis wert ist und wie alle anderen Teile sehr gut gelungen ist, danke für die Großartige Zeit und freuen tu ich mich schon auf das nächste Anno Projekt. Mal schauen wo die reise diesmal hingeht und ob die Reise auch so groß wird wie bei Anno 1800

  4. T TheDanenator January 12, 2023

    Ich hoffe ebenso auf einen Patch der Übersetzungsfehler im Baumenü (mir bislang nur in der alten Welt aufgefallen).
    Und ein Fix für den Erfolg “Handelsgesellschaft” (welcher bereits seit Release des Spiels besteht) wäre auch mal nicht verkehrt…..

  5. t thekingkupo January 12, 2023

    Please Season 5! New Asian themed session and more ornamental DLC! Still hoping for a circus DLC.

    •   Ubi-Thorlof January 12, 2023

      Hey, as we communicated in our blog in early December last year, we are not planning any further Seasons or major content DLC for Anno 1800 anymore.

      • C Coouge January 13, 2023

        This makes me really sad. 🙁
        I was really hoping the last season will focus more on the east. Anno 1800 will feel more complete by then. We came this far, why not make it to make the game feel more complete? 🙁

  6. C Castarune January 11, 2023

    Great Red sea coming. Also hope music bug get fix this patch. It takes the mood out of the game..

  7. D Darkbirt January 11, 2023

    When the console version comes out, wil it be possible to play ANNO 1800 with a controller on the PC version?

  8. S SerikaG January 11, 2023

    Happy New year everyone! And Reeeeeeeeeeed colors! Just put a hammer and a sickle to our logo and we can start a revo… ahem, festival of the reason in the name of Dr. Hugo.

    And a little question here. Upgraded fire stations are not reducing explosion rate, while its original version does.Is it designed to be like this or devs just forget about explosion?

  9. S S.Salzmann January 10, 2023

    also bei mir gabs nur 2 sachen.
    1. das szenario wird mir als gold nicht gegeben und somit bekomme ich auch keine tickets für die Galerie und 2. irgendwas stimmt mit der KI nicht ich spiele immer mit dem mercier dem Admiral und dem Graves ( letztens mal mit omi Hunt), vorher haben sich alle drei immer gegenseitig bekriegt, aber seit dem Dlc hält sich die 2. schwere KI immer aus dem Krieg raus und keine KI kommt mehr über Ingeneure.

  10. L Licenturion January 10, 2023

    I hope the ‘music stops and never starts again in the old world’ bug is fixed to

    It is pretty boring when you start a new game and you don’t have the new world available yet to ‘fix’ the problem by switching sessions quickly.

  11. Q QueenRubyy January 10, 2023

    Please please please tell me you guys looked at the desync issues that have been happening to lots of people, including me and my partner! We both Uplay+ to play it together, now on our second month and after trying many many things it still doesn’t work, we’re desperately hoping this patch will fix it!! Thank you so much in advance

  12. A Azrael5111 January 10, 2023

    Erster. 🙂 Auch Euch ein schönes, neues Jahr. Ansonsten freue ich mich auf das Update, da auch ich einige, kleine, Bugs habe.


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