- Anno 1800
Union Update: DLC 10 feedback, Community Challenge update & Community Spotlight

Hello Anno Community,
Last week we kicked off Season 4 with “Seeds of Change” and its related scenario, “Seasons of Silver”. Now it is time for us to give you an update on the feedback we have received from you all and the steps we will take from here.
Feedback, bug reports and patch information
First, we would like to thank you for all the feedback you have shared with us so far. We have taken notes of your feedback related the Hacienda and some of its modules such as the new residences, alongside the fertiliser production cycle. As we said last Thursday, we are investigating potential changes and their impact for some of the mechanics and features, while we keep an eye on others. We can already confirm that the production time of fertiliser will be lowered with the next update.
Furthermore, we updated our Known Issues List with the bugs you have been encountering after Game Update 14, such as all achievements being unlocked or increased multiplayer desyncs after the update. Please check this list to stay up to date on issues we’re working on.
We will address some of the issues in a patch, that will be released in the first week of May. Stay tuned for more details and the full release notes! As always, thank you so much for your patience and support.
Community Challenge
To kick off Season 4 and spice things up a bit, we launched a challenge to the Community: we asked you to come together and reach a global target of 60.000 fertiliser modules built. Well, Anno Community, you did us proud. So far, you have built over 70.000 fertiliser modules! WOW – that is a lot of… dung!
Clearly, the next challenges need to be more…. challenging.
Community Spotlight
We decided to fully dedicate this Community Spotlight to some of the amazing guides and videos you created and shared with us and the rest of the Community. Whether you are struggling with the “Seasons of Silver” scenario or would like to know some tips and tricks about the Hacienda and its modules, here are some guides we recommend!
Let’s start off with a complete guide to the Hacienda mechanics by Takarazuka – a very detailed guide to know about the Hacienda, its mechanics and modules, but also advice and suggestions.
Struggling with that gold medal for the new scenario? Here is a video by StratGamer with 10 tips for “Seasons of Silver”!
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Wow, amazing! Thank you to all the devs for always updating and improving this fantastic game. Your work is greatly appreciated 🙂 Loved the idea of the Hacienda, and it really made me spend some extra time in the New World. It’s such a pretty region with a great soundtrack and atmosphere, but the lackluster functionality of the Hacienda unfortunately wore off after a while. So glad to hear you’re taking a look at what could be tweaked!
As a beauty builder one tiny little thing I would really really appreciate, would be an empty paving tile (with that new red brick texture) under the decorations tab. I really want to use the new decorative elements, but without an empty floor-tile (like the white ones for the investor/tourist tier) it’s not possible to make plazas or fill in the blanks between other decorative elements.
Can’t wait to see what more Season 4 will bring!
Hi Devs,
I found a bug within Expeditions. When I try to send a second expedition, after the first was finished, the game crashes. I open the expeditions menu in Cape Trelawney and when I want to select available ships and click “Cape Trelawney”… boom, game gone.
Best Regards