- Anno 1800
- Union Update
Union Update: CDLC Teasers, Anno Union survey & Community Spotlight

Hey Anno Community,
Happy Friday! As you are getting ready to jump into the weekend, we thought of giving you one last recap on the latest news. On the menu today: a quick overview of the timeline for the upcoming CDLC after this week’s teaser, an update on the Anno Union Survey, and a Community Spotlight for dessert.
In terms of livestreams, we will take a short (summer-)break after having featured the first four Anno games in the recent months on our Twitch channel. We’ll likely resume our streams in late August or early September and keep you updated on this topic here.
A first teaser for the upcoming Cosmetic DLC
Some of you might have noticed this on Twitter and Facebook – last Tuesday, we shared a cheeky little sneak peek of the upcoming Cosmetic DLC:
A trail sign? A mysterious path leading to… the Lake District? Well, if you want to find out more about the new ornaments, keep your eyes on our social channels and the Anno Union: there’s one more teaser coming up next week, as well as a dedicated DevBlog on Wednesday 26 July, that will reveal the release date of the CDLC.
For the Game Update 18 Release Notes you’ll need to wait just a little bit longer, as we will have them ready for you in early August. Stay tuned for those!
In the meantime, we would like to know your guesses about the theme of the upcoming CDLC, so feel free to share them in the comments below. Let’s see who gets the closest to the correct one! 😉
Anno Union Survey
As you might remember, a couple of weeks ago we asked for your feedback about the Anno Union, your experience with the website and our communication over the last years in general. We have received so much valuable feedback from the survey you completed – and we would like to thank everyone who participated! Today, we would like to touch on a few topics that were highlighted a few times.
Forums – Well, not entirely surprising, but you made it pretty clear that you loved the forums and are missing a comparable platform right now, even if you’re using Discord and Reddit. As you know, Ubisoft is currently not planning to operate forums anymore, but we have taken note and will look into communication channels, old and new, as well as improvements to existing ones for the future and our next project.
Blogs (cadence/length) – From your answers, we learned that while the length of our (dev-)blogs seem to be just right for the majority of you, some would like to see more digestible blogs and would prefer to rather have more but shorter articles. We will keep this in mind for the future and see if certain topics can be split into different chapters, to give each article a stronger focus. In terms of cadence there will always be periods (like right now, for example) in which we won’t have too much to share with you and when news will be rarer, but we will do our best to give you a better overview and info on what’s coming in the immediate future. See the paragraph regarding the upcoming Cosmetic DLC.
Dark Mode – We were happy to read that the dark mode for the Anno Union is widely used, but we acknowledge that there are a some areas that could see some improvements. Thank you for pointing this out, we put those points on our list.
Q&As – We have always enjoyed doing Q&As with the Community, as it always was a great way for us to reply to your questions directly but also to connect with you all around the world. And clearly, you enjoyed them, too, since this topic was brought up several times in your answers to the survey. So, while we have to ask you for just a bit of patience: When the time comes, we will resume Q&As for our next project.
Community Spotlight
Now it’s time to focus on the creations of our beloved Community. We have seen quite a few outstanding screenshots lately, and we can safely say that your beauty building skills never cease to amaze us.
Speaking of beauty building, let’s start with this “beautiful” and maybe a bit abstract (???) creation by Aestris, shared on the Annoverse Discord. Three Christmas trees, and a panoramic wheel in the middle of a spiral made of canals and wheat fields. What’s the symbolic meaning behind all this? Is it a visual representation of the rule of the golden section? We have so many questions.
With summer heatwaves hitting quite hard in many parts of the world, we thought we could share a video by AnnoEffect, that feels quite… refreshing – but also looks great! After watching this video, we can confirm that Anno 1800 perfectly combines with scenic summer storms. We recommend watching this with earphones on, the sound of the rain feels so relaxing!
If you’re new to beauty building and would like to give it a try, Taka has shared a super interesting and useful video on how to combine the game content and some of the most popular mods out there, in order to create the cities of your dreams. Enjoy!
Finally, Laudica has shared this amazing creation on the Annoverse Discord. While still a work in progress, we were amazed by the creativity (combined with a lot of patience, too!) of this screenshot. We cannot wait to see the finished work! If you are curious to see how this evolves, do not forget to check the Annoverse for updates!
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Einsatzkräfte Ornamente wären auch ganz cool, so ein kranken wagen der mal grad wo steht oder Feuerwehrübungsplatz oder vorbereitungen auf so ein ein zwei kacheln, gefangenen transport usw. da gibts sicher viel was man mit den 3 fraktionen Feuerwehr, Polizei, und Krankenhaus machen kann wäre echt genial das würde den Städten nocht etwas mehr einsatzkräfte lebendigkeit geben. als verschönerung bevor notfälle 🙂
So dann haben wir jetzt dieses Jahr schon das “Neue Welt Paket” aus der Abstimmung von 2021 und jetzt das “Nature Pack” aus der Abstimmung von 2022.
Ich wäre nicht böse drum, wenn das letzte CDLC das Eldritch Pack wird! 😀