- Anno 1800
- Union Update
Union Update: Bug Process DevBlog & Community Spotlight

Hey Anno Community!
Our latest Cosmetic DLC, the “Pedestrian Zone Pack” was released a little bit over a week ago, and since then we have seen so many beautiful screenshots you shared with us and the rest of the Community. We hope the reworking of your cities wasn’t too hard, but we can definitely say that the results are amazing!
Without further ado, let’s dive into this Union Update.
Jumping trains and other feedback
In the wake of the Cosmetic DLC release, we have received reports that whenever a train or any type of feedback unit gets close to a Pedestrian Bridge, the units will then “jump” instead of moving below the bridge. We would like to thank you for all the reports regarding this bug and we can confirm that our teams are investigating the issue.
You also provided feedback on some elements of the “Pedestrian Zone Pack” which we will have another look at regarding their technical feasibility (e.g. allowing road-bridges longer than two tiles over the canals), since everything involving the road logic always comes with a bunch of technical challenges.
As soon as we have news regarding any of these topics, you will read them here on the Anno Union.
DevBlog: From Bug Report to Game Update
Next week we will dive again into the world of QA with a new DevBlog, this time focused on the interesting and rather intricate topic that is the bug fixing process: From your bug report to us releasing a new Game Update.
Issue prioritization? Golden Ticket phase? If you are curious to know more about our internal processes, then don’t forget to visit the Anno Union next Thursday!
Community Spotlight
As pointed out at the beginning of this Update: There are so many fantastic screenshots! Time to share some of them here in this week’s Community Spotlight.
Our first pick is this screenshot taken by Mithaladriel: here we can see this lovely residential district crossed by canals. We recommend checking the whole thread on Reddit, we know you’ll love it as much as we do!
“I could spend all day making little marketplaces” said Takarazuka on Discord. We share the same feeling! This marketplace looks so lively and colourful.
LeGeektateur shared a new series of screenshots on our official forums, but this picture in particular caught our eyes. What a beautiful pedestrian zone and such a wonderful view!
Finally, our last shout-out goes to DerBaronTV for creating and sharing his “Anno Bible”. The whole team has been blown away by the work done on this, bravo! We think this will be a great resource for the Community – we definitely had to share it on the Anno Union. You can find the Anno 1800 Bible here.
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I love making workers districts surrounded by sewers.
That Bibel is incredible!! Good job, DerBaronTV 🙂 Good job to others too
Thank you very much ?
* 🙂
Wow, was für eine hervorragende Arbeit von dir BaronTV. Da steckt viel Liebe, Zeit und Arbeit drin.
Vielen Dank für dieses Meisterwerk.
Vielen lieben Dank! 🙂
Einmal Annoholiker, immer Annoholiker 😀
Mit Anno 1404 habe ich damals (2012) begonnen und ein Kumpel nannte es spontan “Die Anno Bibel” =)
Ich hatte 4 Wochen Urlaub und die letzten 15 Monate hatte ich nicht die Bibel geupdated und jetzt ist sie wieder einigermaßen up2date.
Viel Spaß damit!
Dies ist eine wirklich erstaunliche Arbeit. Vielen Dank!
Gerne und Danke 🙂
Holy Cow! I am speechless… :O
Thank you very much for the mention <3
Der Baron – http://www.DerBaron.tv