- Anno 1800
- Season 4
- Twitch Drops
Twitch Drops & Early Access: New World Rising

Hey Anno Community,
Over the last weeks we revealed the contents of the upcoming “New World Rising” DLC, and now, the release is just a little over one week away!
As usual, the release will be accompanied by a Twitch Drops event – from which you can earn two DLC-themed ornaments – as well as an Early Access period for selected streamers.
Early Access Period
These streamers will be able to play the content of the new DLC – including the scenario – from Friday, December 2nd at 3PM UTC+1 until the release on Thursday, December 8th. So, if you can’t wait to see more of DLC 12 as soon as possible, that’s the way to get a look at even more gameplay. You can find a list of all streamers participating in the Early Access period at the end of this blog.
Twitch Drops
Additionally, there will the chance to earn Twitch Drops from December 2nd until the 18th.
These will already be available during the Early Access period for the selected streamers. All other streamers will be able to also activate the Twitch Drops on their channels after the DLC’s release on December 8th.
As a streamer not part of the Early Access, to sign up for the Twitch Drops, simply head to this page for your Twitch account, make sure to connect it with your Ubisoft account, and opt-in to the drops. You can find more info on Twitch Drops in this official FAQ from Twitch. When you stream Anno 1800 during the mentioned period, your viewers will be able to earn drops.
Earning Drops
Anyone watching any of the streamers who signed up for the Twitch Drops event for the mentioned periods will receive two new ornaments:
An “New World Rising” Banner for watching 1 hour and an “New World Rising” Mural for watching 3 hours.
The only thing you need to do is to first link your Ubisoft account to your Twitch account and then watch the streamers during the event for the mentioned time to receive your loot. You don’t have to watch these hours consecutively to receive your drop; watching them accumulated on participating streamers will also grant you the ornaments.
After receiving a drop, you need to claim it via the Twitch inventory. You can find more information on Twitch Drops in general in this official FAQ.
Please be aware that all rewards will only be delivered to you after the release of DLC 12.
If you haven’t already done so in the past, make sure to first link your Ubisoft and Twitch account by following the steps outlined on this website.
Below you can find a list of all streamers participating in the Early Access period.
Please be aware that you can also earn Twitch Drops from any other streamer playing Anno 1800, who has enabled the Drops on their channel, after the release of DLC 12. Just have a look at the Anno 1800 category on Twitch between December 8th and December 18th.
- Takarazuka (English)
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Other Languages
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Is it possible to get these ornaments later-on. I missed the event, is it gone forever now? 🙁
>> ONE << English Streamer in online… xplayman Give him a prio next time for these drops. He's actually pretty engaging too. Makes a pleasant change!
Every single other streamer… offline. Yes, it's after 11pm when I tuned in, but still, I'd be streaming right now if it wasn't for your stupid streaming requirement criteria.
Onwards and upwards, fellow players
Please add Turkish language
Hey mecdels, I’m afraid there are no plans to add more languages to Anno 1800 right now.
the same procedure as every year…