- Anno 1800
- Twitch Drops
- Union Update
Union Update: Twitch Drops & Reddit AMA

The release week is drawing near, and we have some final announcements to make to help you prepare for what’s to come ?
Reddit AMA
First, since there seems to be a great demand for knowledge, we thought a proper AMA (“ask me anything”) would be a nice idea, to give you all the opportunity to ask whatever question you want to the Anno 1800 dev team.
This AMA will happen over on the Anno subreddit where we’ll start a new thread on Monday. From the 22nd till the 25th, members from various departments of the Anno team will be active on Reddit to reply to your questions posted in said thread.
There might of course be a few questions we can’t answer (yet) for various reasons, but we’ll do our best to address as many as we can.
We will share the link to the AMA thread on Monday via our social channels, so you don’t have to repeatedly refresh the subreddit page to look for it.
We’re looking forward to a great release week with interesting questions!
“Docklands” Twitch Drops
Over the coming days, we will give you the opportunity to already take a closer look at the contents of Season 3’s first DLC – “Docklands” – as well as the improvements coming with Game Update 10, by watching some of your favourite streamers during another Twitch Drops Event.
The whole event takes place from Friday, February 19 until Sunday, February 28.
During the event, you will be able to watch how a variety of selected Twitch streamers turn their harbors into massive trade hubs with the new Docklands district and the Export/Import Contracts. Oh, and don’t forget about all the new ornaments!
Anyone watching them construct the modular Docklands and exporting thousands of tons of fish for a handful of Steam Carriages can grab two brand new ornaments, the “Docklands” Flag and the “Docklands” Lamppost. The only thing you need to do is to first link your Ubisoft account to your Twitch account and then watch the streamers during the event for up to 3 hours to receive your loot. You don’t have to watch these hours consecutively to receive your drop; watching them accumulated on participating streamers will also grant you the ornaments.
After receiving a drop, you need to claim it via the Twitch inventory.
Please be aware that all rewards will only be delivered to you after the end of the Twitch Drop Event.
If you haven’t already done so in the past, make sure to first link your Ubisoft- and Twitch-account by following the steps outlined on this website.
You can find the full list of all participating Streamer below:
- Dinklebean (English)
- Republic of Play (English)
- Mackdoogle (English)
- Arkcard (English)
- Takarazuka (English)
- MisterElliot (English)
- Mathia (Dutch)
- Koinsky (Dutch)
- Midnan (Dutch)
- Klappie (Dutch)
- Sou Shibo (Polish)
- LosiuGra (Polish)
- WeAreTheVR (Hungarian)
- Vallegaming (German)
- Writing Bull (German)
- Radlerauge (German)
- Fetter Zocker (German)
- Syrenia (German)
- Maty (German)
- desman2k6 (German)
- pirolino1966 (German)
- Shurjoka (German)
- Lory (German)
- D1rtyD3vil (German)
- Freiraumreh (German)
- Zazuno (German)
- xXLittleKeyXx (German)
- DonFreez (German)
- Inzaynia (German)
- Rumathra (German)
- Reeze (German)
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Bitte bitte macht die Twitch Drops erneut verfügbar! Ich bin Sammler und habe sie leider verpasst, würde das Spiel jedoch gerne “komplettieren”. Es wäre mein einziger Wunsch und Vorschlag für die Zukunft.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Zumindest aktuell ist nicht geplant, vergangene Twitch Drops separat nochmal zu veröffentlichen.
Aber ich nehm das gern mal auf.
Wenns in der Hinsicht Neuigkeiten gibt, sagen wir natürlich Bescheid.
I did everything according to the instructions, I got this drops on twitch, but they still haven’t appeared in the game 🙁 Today is March 2.
Mir gefällt das neue DLC sehr gut aber ich denke es sollte nicht möglich sein Waren erst zu kaufen, dann wo anders zu verkaufen um so einen Gewinn an Waren zu erreichen. Ich hoffe das dies durch ein leichtes anpassen der Tauschverhältnisse noch geändert wird.
Das Spiel ist einfach klasse. Meiner Meinung nach wird es aber langsam zu Umfangreich.
Ich habe seit zwei Tagen Probleme, an die Drops zu kommen. Bei der Laterne steht bei mir immer, dass ich diese verknüpfen solle, obwohl das bereits geschehen ist. Bei den jeweiligen Streams steht bei mir auch immer in Klammern: Drop aktiviert.
Ich habe mich bereits bei Twitch nochmal aus- und wieder eingeloggt, aber es hat sich nichts verändert.
Es wäre schön, wenn man das fixen könnte.
Geht mir genauso. Bei Ubisoft steht aber auch, dass ihnen ein Problem bekannt ist und versuchen es zu lösen. Ich hoffe das klappt dann auch, weil ich gerne die Laterne hätte. Die ist viel cooler als die vorherigen Plakatwände…
oh sorry – wrong language – system isn’t able to remember my last selection properly …
Was soll ich sagen ?
Schlimmstes befürchtet und das wurde noch übertroffen.
Tauschhandel als Warengenerator mit nahezu unbegrenztem Gewinn ?
Arbitrage vom allerfeinsten – 2 Lager und ein paar Schiffe reichen aus, um Waren aus dem Nichts zu erzeugen.
Ich denke, das sollte nochmal überdacht werden …
I’m sorry for posting here in german, system isn’t able to remember my language selection …
Drops are broken.
– My Uplay account has been connected for years to Twitch.
– I have already unlocked and claimed both dops on Twitch, but Twitch keeps displaying “Connect” under them.
– I have reviewed the game, and I do not have the drops.
– I have reconnected my Uplay account to Twitch, but the same thing.
– I have Disconnected and Connected my Uplay account to Twitch, even using different web browsers, but the drops continue displaying “Connect”.
What else do I need to do to make this thing work. It used to work fine before, but these drops are a total pain to claim.
Hello! This is a common and widespread issue. Please see my forum thread here for further information on the issue.
Surprised to see a Hungarian channel (WeAreTheVR), I think it’s the first time. Although it’s wrongly labelled “Polish”. Well, yes, we have a saying that goes “Pole and Hungarian, two good friends” but we are not the same. 🙂
I missed all the past Twitch drop events, so this is great!