- Anno 1800
- Announcement
Season 4 is coming in 2022

Hey Anno Community,
if you watched today’s news-packed Anno stream, you will have already seen our big announcement: Season 4 is coming to Anno 1800 in 2022! It’s true- thanks to your overwhelming passion and support, we have decided to support Anno 1800 for another year of industrialized city-building.
As we are just getting started on this journey, there are only a few things we can share with you today:
- Season 4 will once again consist of three new DLCs, which will arrive throughout 2022
- Following Season 3’s focus on further fleshing out the Old World, we will now turn our eyes to the New World
- As such, we won’t be adding an all-new session to the game
- We are, however, aware of the building space issues in the New World and have kept that in mind for our plans for Season 4
- Following today’s announcement of scenarios making their return to Anno 1800, we plan to ship at least one new scenario with each Season 4 DLC
- As always, each DLC will be accompanied by a free Game Update that will improve the game for all our players
For the full details on Season 4, you will have to be a bit more patient, as we plan to unveil them in March 2022. To tide you over until then, you can not only look forward to all the goodness coming next week (Game Update 13 with our first scenario, the “Vibrant Cities Pack” Cosmetic DLC and our “Plant a Tree” DLC), but also our first Cosmetic DLC of 2022, which is planned for February.
We hope you are just as excited as we are about embarking on another year of shared adventure and want to again thank you for enabling us to do so with your unwavering support.
The Anno Team
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I wonder if Ubi is gonna release it in march. its 3 days left with today and i still wonder.
We appreciate how many of you would like to create their own maps, however, for Anno 1800 we are currently not planning to release a map editor.
Guys , the March is almost over,… as days goes by, I am checking every day for the S4 .. At least announce the dates please…
Einfach nice das ein Season 4 kommt 😀 Immer her damit.
Hier ein paar wünsche für die nächste Season:
1. Strom in der neuen Welt.
2. Mehr optionale integration von Arktis und Enbesa in der neuen Welt. Z.b ein neuer Luftschifftyp für die Arktis der über die 3te Bevölkerungsstuffe in der neuen Welt freigeschaltet wird.
3. Arktische Gasvorkommen verschieben in Forschungsinstitut erforschbar machen.
4. Arktische und nate Items erforschbar machen / arktischen und normalen Schrott kaufbar machen.
(Schluss mit dem nervtötendem farming Grind)
5. Speicherstadt für neue Welt (Freischaltung durch 3te Bevölkerungstuffe)
6. Noch weiter anhebare Forschungsgeschwindigkeit, bei noch stärker ansteigenden Ingeneursarbeitskräften.
7. neue Lagerhaus + Kontorstufe für neue Welt (gleiche Menge Ladekarren wie alte Welt).
Hallo zusammen,
Danke das Ihr ein neuen DLC heraus bringt.
Hier noch ein paar Vorschläge von mir.
Mehr Optionen in der neuen Welt:
Elektrizität für die neue Welt von dem viele verarbeitende Betriebe profitierenen.
Eisen, Kohle, Kohle Sand, Kupfer Zink als Rhohstoffe um nicht alles aus der alten Welt zu importieren.
Erweiterung von Hafenamlagen in der neuen Welt (Wie Pendlerkai) DLC-Inhalte wie Touristen in der neuen Welt.
Neue Karte:
Mit Grossen „Inseln“ in einem Flussdelta.
2 Wege zur Erschliessung: über Flusskähne die den Transport zu einem Umschlagshafen ermöglichen oder der Einsatz von grossen Brücken und einem Schienennetz durch den Dchungel (Zu Öl endlich auch Menschen und Gütertransport).
Narutkatastrophen wie Überschwemmungen, schwere Krankheiten und Flusspiraten wären hier auch passend.
Der Umschlagshafen wäre dann eine Riesige Stadt ähnlich wie Crown Falls von wo aus Waren in die Welt und ins Landesinnere gebracht werden.
Auf der Karte sind 4 solcher Häfen möglich diese können jedoch zu einer Megastadt verbunden werden wenn man alle Tele für sich beansprucht.
Vielleicht wäre eine neue Zivilisationsstufe nötig, die sich zu 70% mit Luxuswaren aus der alten welt bedient und administrative Aufgaben übernimmt. Logistik kostet Arbeitskraft und Geld.
Forscher Wie Humbot könnte die neue Landmasse schrittweise frei schalten.
Unabhängigkeit von La Coronaals Militärische Kampagne.
Das würde ich mir wünschen.
Danke für die bisherigen Erweiterungen und viel Erfolg in der Zukunft.
12. Februar 2022
Bonjour Désoler de vous contrarier mais vous avez une très mauvaise communication en n’informons pas les joueurs ni images ou de petites vidéos du nouveau Pass saison 4
Bonjour screg95, I can understand you’re impatient to learn more about Season 4 and our plans for this year.
As previously communicated, we will unveil the full content of Season 4 in late March – but might also have a few teasers before that on our social channels.
So, for gameplay and more detailed info, you will still need to wait a few more weeks, I’m afraid. But I’m looking forward to your thoughts after the reveal 🙂
(apologies for replying in English)
Its March tomorrow you know, sooooo
Correct, but for news you will still have to wait a few more weeks: The full unveiling will be at the end of March 😉
Great, looking forward to it, looks like I’ll have to postpone my leave application till then 😉
Literally when can I give you money
This game very (very awesome)^e.
Will be in new season new lands/sectors with new resources and citizens??
Also Im steam user, hope S4 will arrive in steam too.
Heyho, like all previous DLC, Season 4 will also release on Steam.
We’ll go into detail regarding the content of the individual DLC in March 🙂
A masterpiece of a game! Every month I visit and check the progress.
I already invested circa 900hrs in Anno 1800 and 8000+ hrs on the other Anno games.
When I had my best run after I pre-ordered the game on Steam, Season 1 appeared – I stopped and waited for the update; when Season 1 was fully released, I started again a new game… then Season 2 was announced. So I stopped and waited… and I`m still waiting for the game to be completed.
DLC/Season shouldn`t affect the initial release to this extent, these were always add-ons.
Basically the base game and the Seasons represent an episodic release of the full concept, you are not fooling me.
Don`t take it as a criticism; I will wait as long as it takes, Season 6 or 7, however long it takes and I would still buy Anno and play it; however, this is something to consider moving forward in future Anno games; it is really frustrating. The changes implemented by each major Season add-on, for the full experience, require/encourage you to start a new game. I`ll only start, when the new Anno is announced.
Also, I lost out on a lot of achievements/rewards, which over time got made available free (without actually earning them in the game)
I`m excited to play and explore all the add-ons, but I`m also disappointed… I`m not a big fan of your “plan-as-you-go” technique; if I`m wrong and there is a roadmap and these seasons were always the plan, then you could`ve shared a summary of it with the public from the beginning.
Hey rzastavros.
You’re correct with your assumption in your last paragraph: Except for Season 1, the other seasons were not planned to happen initially. They exist because of the ongoing success of Anno 1800 and our players asking us to continue.
That also meant coming up with new ideas for these new Seasons – it’s not like we had a drawer with unused concepts ready which we then simply opened and started developing.
While I can understand you wanting to wait till all DLC are released, I would have to disagree with you on the “full concept” or “complete experience” aspect. All these DLC are optional extensions of the main game adding more layers of complexity to the game.
For any future project, the chances are high that we would follow a similar strategy and would plan longer postlaunch support due to its success in Anno 1800.
And yes, we heavily encourage you to start a new game now and then to see how certain changes impact your experience in various parts of the game.
However, none of the DLC require you to start again, if you don’t want to: Every DLC is compatible with previous savegames (except the Anarchist, which has to be in your savegame as a NPC from the beginning).
Hey Ubisoft! “Plant a Tree” DLC is really a very fair cause and I would very much like to support it, however you guys could have done at least some extra tree styles as just one decor tree is very poor against you against the players. it would cost a lot to make some new styles of decorations.
Hello Ubisoft team. First of all I would like to thank and praise the beautiful work done with ANNO 1800. I am a fan of the series and I have all editions with all expansions. I would like to make a fan request: Would an update be possible to translate the game into Portuguese-Brazil? Even if it’s a paid upgrade, it would be very interesting for us. An idea that I would like to suggest that would turn the game into something very interesting too: As we know, the islands with all the DLC’s take on huge proportions and managing everything becomes a big challenge. It would be great fun if a friend could, by invitation, join our metropolis and participate in the management of the islands, a Cooperative mode. Why the proposal? The multiplayer game just becomes too complex to reach the end, as it is a continuous game and usually takes months to get a sequel with a friend and making the game unfeasible. But if he could join cooperatively whenever available to continue a mission against AI, it would be a lot of fun. I thought about this when playing Farm Together on Steam. Big hug and Merry Christmas! PS: Sorry for the English translated by the Google tool, as I really don’t have that affinity with the language to describe so many dreams to ANNO.
Liebes Anno Team,
phantastisch das es noch ein weiteres DLC geben wird.
Werden die Inka Einzug halten als Spielmechanik mit dem einem neuen Monument “Der Machu Picchu” der ein ähnliches Einflusssystem wie der Palast haben könnte? Die Inka sind ja berühmt für Ihr Handelssystem.
I have a technical question. Should I start a new session to take the advantage of Season 4, or can I use it in existing one?
As with previous DLC, you can integrate next year’s DLC into your existing savegames.
That said, starting a new savegame will most likely also result in a different experience than you’re used to due to the planned changes in the New World.
I’m rather happy to get to re-subscribe to a 4th season pass 😀
Glad to see the New World getting some of the attention it really needs – space is an issue, but so is trying to make the New World have more legit lived-in cities that don’t make the place feel like a giant coffee farm. A tier 3 of “caudillos” who live in “haciendas” and are antagonistic towards La Corona would be interesting… Or a return of Pyrphorians as more persistent threat…
Dear Anno team!
Thank you so much for giving us another year with S4 because this is so lovely game and definitely the best city building game ever made! 1404 was always my top favorite and even with lots of nostalgia I must say 1800 smashed everything you did before in Anno franchise. I am super happy that you continue with development of this masterpiece which we all love so much. It is very rare nowadays that developers would listen to the players and would add almost everything what people ask to the game.
You are amazing team! Thank you and again Thank you! I cannot wait for the new content <3
I love the idea of scenarios finally being back to anno, but one scenario per dlc seems low, considering anno 1404 Venice had 15 when it came out, I would really like to see more of them
A couple of days ago Eden Burning and now this… Ohboyohboy!!! I did not even dare to hope this. 🙂
Bitte ermöglicht auch das gezielte setzen von Kaistraßen! Die Dinger sind super geil, das automatische platzieren macht allerdings die Hafenlinie total kaputt. Es muss ja nicht eine richtige Kaistraße sein, aber zumindest den “Skin” der Straße ändern, sodass es schöner aussieht. Dafür würde ich auch 20 Euro zahlen 😀
Bonjour Merci de faire de nouveau DLC la ou il serait cool de faire UP les Bâtiments service Publics, Poste de Police, Hôpital, Pompiers, hôtel de ville Graphiquement
Here goes my prediction.
– First DLC: some kind of modular construction airport to receive a merchant who will travel with a zeppeling.
– Second DLC: electricity will come into play to increase the production of factories. Maybe some hydraulic dam?
– Third DLC: A new residential level for the new world
Hola Fido,
¡Ojalá aciertes! Echo de menos la electricidad en el Nuevo Mundo y disponer de algún nivel más de residentes. Podrían programar nuevos bienes y cadenas de producción como en High Life (posiblemente, el DLC más completo hasta el momento). Respecto a tu primera predicción, me parece que no va en la línea de Ubisoft puesto que los jugadores necesitarían disponer también del DLC de El Paso (a menos que los zeppelines se puedan construir en otro lugar, como el Viejo Mundo). A mí me encantan los zeppelines y me gustaría que tuvieran una estructura de atraque propia, como ocurre en el Ártico.
Espero que nos enseñes algunos trucos para Eden Burning porque veo que mi forma de jugar es muy poco ecológica.
Thank you very much for your hard-working.
I am very pleased playing Anno 1800 since it was borned.
I really love this game!! Thank you so much and have an oustanding new year ♥
Und alle Jahre wieder hoffe ich auf Bodentruppen. ?
oops wrong language.
And every year again I hope for ground troops. 😀
Please, with season 4, you could translate the game to Portuguese too, you have many loyal players in Brazil and Portugal who are abandoned without having their language in the game.
Hello Silveira, we are currently not planning to add any more languages to Anno 1800, sorry for that.
Should I start a new session to take the advantage of Season 4, or can I use it in existing one?
Can we have more storage capacity for new world please, even I have enough production to supply crown falls, storage just not enough to handle the logistic chain. Also keyboard shortcut for rerolling on npc menus would be a huge relief
Anno team. Thankyou for all you do!!
A Crown Falls like island for the New World? Can’t wait!
My citizens are upset. No milk, cheese or other diary. They also want to be healthy and eat vegetables!
A new season of DLC:s? Scenarios returning for the first time since 2070?? This is too good to be true!!!
Je tiens à féliciter toutes les équipes ! Vous faîtes un travail formidable et vous avez rendu Anno1800 exceptionnel ! Bravo !!!!
Concernant la saison 4 j’aimerai retrouver un système de gestion politique sur l’ile avec des prises de décisions qui peuvent influencer la ville, révolution, manifestation, fêtes, avec la mise en place d’un sénat et des spécialistes à voter, etc.. ça pourrait être sympa d’ajouter ce mode !.
Concernant le nouveau monde, agrandir les îles serait top
Ajouter les trams, cinéma, et autres lieux de cultures
Agrandir les soutes des navires ou créer un nouveau plus grand
Et s’il-vous-plait !!! retravailler les spécialistes pour élargir leurs zones d’influence
Please do not give up ANNO 1800 support,
I wait for season 5 , 6 , 7 ,8 ,9 and so on.
Hope that all scenarios can be combined, so i can use it as a big great endlesgame
Liebes Annoteam, als begeisterter „Echzeitstratege”, der besonders Aufbaustrategiespiele liebt, war es zuerst nicht ganz einfach, sich an ein Anno ohne Landeinheiten zu gewöhnen. Ich habe die Serie von 1602-1404 mit mehreren Tausend Spielstunden zu würdigen gewusst. Auch einem 2070 konnte ich noch etwas abgewinnen. Ich habe mir vor einigen Monaten trotz aller Bedenken dann doch Anno 1800 gezogen. Heute, gut 700 Spielstunden später, muss ich sagen, dass ich überwiegend positiv überrascht wurde. Jetzt fehlen mir aber als Anreiz ein paar Dinge, die ich kurz benennen möchte, damit ich die nächsten 1000 Spielstunden in Angriff nehmen kann 😉 1.) Die „Dreier-Gegner” sind viel zu einfach, verhalten sich oft irrational und entwickeln sich spätestens ab dem Midgame so gut wie nicht weiter. Da fehlt oft der Anreiz zum Weitermachen. Wer sich noch an Lucius und die Gräfin aus 1404 erinnert, weiß, worauf ich hinaus will. Da sollte 2022 um einiges mehr möglich sein. Auch wäre es schön, mehr Parameter bei der Erstellung eines neuen Endlosspiels kontrollieren zu können. Ich meine eine Art Baukasten, wo man sich sein Endlosspiel entweder in der Rolle als Schönbauer, Stratege oder eben beides erstellen kann. Auch 2-3 neue, bzw. aggressivere Gegner wären sicherlich nicht verkehrt. Da Geld nicht stinkt, wäre es sicherlich nicht verkehrt, auch vermehrt die Strategen in „Anno-Boot”. Ich kenne zumindest nicht wenige, die sich hier mehr wünschen.
Da ist wohl etwas bei Schreiben falsch gelaufen. Ich wollte sagen, dass sich gerade die Dreier-Gegner ab dem Midgame so gut wie gar nicht mehr weiterentwickeln.
Moin! Wie wäre es mit neuen Gegnern? Wirklich schwierigen Gegnern? Und nicht diesen leicht unter Kontrolle zu bringenden 3er- Gegnern, die aktuell zur Verfügung stehen? Gerne nehme ich auch ein aufgewertetes Kampfsystem ähnlich wie in Anno 1404 (Trupps/Transportschiffe/Mauern). Größere Inseln wären auch was feines.
Looking forward to another year of Anno. Fantastic so far. Glad to see the community being active and devs responding to us.
Can we please get more colors for profiles? The standard pastels are goofy. Keep up the.great work!
I absolutely agree with the colors that Kaizen proposes!
So far I am delighted with all the dlcs and updates that are out there. A huge job, committed and done with passion. For this, I would like to offer my ideas for the next season.
1 – War. Add some system similar to Anno 1404 regarding squads, battalions, groups of soldiers, transport ships for militias, and everything that makes Anno 1800 the unsurpassed game of all time. Add defense walls, barracks, etc.
2 – Add some kind of reference to the cinema that had its origins towards the end of the 19th century.
3 – Work on the revolutions of the colonies in the New World. That independent colonies may be possible, under certain circumstances.
4 – Some basic electoral system, with candidates or political references, that allows varying the types of rulers and therefore, their political, economic, social, military for the entire empire, etc. An index of government approval and vote intention. An expansion of the Seat the Power DLC, which increases the possibility of policies.
5 – What if ANNO 1800 went straight to ANNO 1900 without changing the game and only through the dlcs that would advance the century? To think about it.
6 – Add a new map of East Asia, with its own architecture and needs to share with the rest of the maps.
7 – Something fundamental and necessary is to be able to expand the capacity of ships that transport commercial goods and oil tankers.
8 – Tax control by class, as in Anno 1404. Please.
9 – DLC Financiero. Stock Exchange. Possibility of bank loans, credit risk, payments, payment possibilities, debt installments, etc.
10 – Finally, something very important. TRANSLATION into SPANISH as in ANNO 1404. The Spanish-speaking community deserve it. Without further ado, thank you very much, and I hope these ideas serve as creative triggers.
This is everything I want. But I doubt they will listen.
I like all you suggest, but it’s should be option when come to land combat as some people dislike, but I do love it some kind of land battle to control land, wall, castle, all that is cool but problem island we had in anno 1800 is so small even large space can’t keep up all kind of building, crownfall even can’t handle it with all dlc building as well.
Heyho, glad you enjoy your time with Anno 1800 and its postlaunch content! 🙂
There certainly are some interesting ideas here, but I’m afraid to most the answer will be “no”, for different reasons.
We will not be adding any kind of land warfare to Anno 1800. The game has not been created with this feature in mind, neither when it comes to the technical framework nor when talking game balance. A system like this is simply out of scope.
Similar replies to other points, where entirely new systems would need to be designed, developed and also super importantly: balanced! Take tax control, for example: The game is built around the current system. Completely changing this would require high effort for many teams for very little gain.
Some of these points are certainly things that could be considered for future projects, when they can be integrated into the overall design from the start. But reworking existing systems with their limitations is harder.
The game already is fully localized to Spanish, not quite sure what you mean. If it’s about voice-overs: No, we won’t be adding additional languages to the game anymore.
In principle, thank you for generating this round trip with the community that obviously feels so much passion for the game that they have made, that it even involves their vision of the future of it. Regarding what is mentioned in response to the ideas that I have in particular raised, which perhaps coalesce a lot or synthesize the opinion and desire of many users, I think it is understandable, although one would expect at least a DLC that brings some significant change in the game, even if it requires more work from the company. I honestly understand what the inclusion of a new war mechanic (War) would mean. It will be perhaps the only debt that the game owes to users, the only thing it lacks to be more than ideal. On the other hand, what aspects of our proposals have sounded interesting to you? Thank you very much for the space for dialogue. A big greeting.
ESP: Estoy de acuerdo contigo (la guerra no va conmigo, pero en lo demás sí). Vamos a tener que hacer una colecta para conseguir fondos suficientes y “contratar” a Ubisoft para que nos añada una región de Asia al juego.
ENG: I agree with you (the war does not go with me, but in the rest it does). We are going to have to raise enough funds and “hire” Ubisoft to add an Asian region to the game.
Please add tram and some new road types please!!!!!
please add
Thank you for working upgrade the game and new stuff, I’m glad you guy willing to rework
or upgrade new world in season 4, New World Island had been kind of forgotten and need attention!
Since I was noticed lot of player using New world as big farm type, but not much on city or town, rare or limited development of town/city.
I do wish there is East Asia linked with Princess Qing, Princess Qing had her own style building of east asia or something, rather than using a westen country style (Eurp, USA, ect), so I guess this might be happen in season 5 if that possibly?
Since not add all-new session in season 4?
Thank you for making a season 4 and hopefully a 5. I hope season 4 we get to see the Orient as it was a large influence on 1800 as well.
You dont even read what you comment….
As stated in the blog, we won’t be adding new regions to the game with Season 4. The focus will be on the New World.
If this is the last season I hope it goes out with a bang! The content has been amazing so far. I hope some more content picks come too because I loved the city lights and amusement park ones.
I would love to see a ‘gold rush era’ dlc or at least art pack.
There are plenty examples of the architecture style in Australia.
For the love of god please rework how the specialists work.Make them island wide and nerf their bonuses i.e
Season 4 I hope the dev team give us a Commuter Pier for the New World as you know space is limited and this will cut down on building houses on every island so we can have more space if we need it! the same could be added to the Arctic islands they to are limited in space,
awwwwww yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssss
The absolutely crazy amount of high quality content you’re making for this game is insane! You’ve been updating this game for over two years, how about a cup of coffee? Greatly appreciate your passion and talent!
At the same time I’m so glad there’s not a new session in this season. Keeping up with it all can be somewhat overwhelming, and I really hope that this season will bring more depth to the huge amounts of content that’s already in the game. (would be very nice for there to be new ways of optimizing and upgrading production buildings too, absolutely loved what great harvest did for the farmer-tier)
I recently got the four hour notification ?
Some might want new session due East Asia, poor Princess Qing didn’t had her own east Asia theme, I found odd she using Westen building while she from East Asia.
Einfach nur Super!!! Bin vollauf begeistert, daß es doch weiter geht. Bin gespannt, was es wieder wunderschönes in den neuen DLC’s zu entdecken gibt.
Weiter so
Thank you soo much for this great news
“As such, we won’t be adding an all-new session to the game”
Ouch ;(
Dev’s please reconsider. I’ve been holding my breath for a DLC that ties into Princess Qing’s origin. Would love to see a new session that features a theme from easter Asia.
Eine wirkliche tolle Überraschung! Ich bin jetzt schon gespannt auf die Vorstellung im März!
Persönlich wünsche ich mir, dass es ein paar Inhalte gibt, die das Spiel wieder etwas weniger komplex, bzw. einfacher machen. Ich mag die Komplexität, aber aktuell fällt es mir sehr schwer, wenn ich einfach mal nur entspannt eine Runde zocken möchte.
Woop woop!
Take my money! ???
I am very happy to hear about this, this is a great game, one of the best games ever!!! I just hope you all are also able to make some progress on a new game as well, at least in the design and concept stages 🙂