- Anno 1800
- Cosmetic DLC
Our Cosmetic DLC plans for 2022

Hey Anno Community,
In January, we gave you a first short preview of our plans for 2022 and as also already communicated last year, we’ll have a looot of information about Season 4 in late March.
In the preview we also already revealed that we’re planning more Cosmetic DLC this year after the success and the extremely positive reception of our previous CDLC.
Generally speaking, we will follow a similar strategy as we did last year: We’re once again planning with 3 Cosmetic DLC spread over the year and there will be once again a Community Voting for one of the themes. Let’s take a closer look:
The very first CDLC is going to be the “Seasonal Decorations Pack”, giving you multiple options to celebrate each period of the year in your game. We’ll go further into our DevBlog next week, no worries. The release of the “Seasonal Decorations Pack” as well as Game Update 13.2 is planned for February 15th.
For now, we’ll leave you with a small teaser:
In May, we will hold this year’s Community Voting for the third and last Cosmetic DLC of this year. We haven’t quite agreed on the four candidates yet but can already tell you that the Circus will not make a return after clearly losing both previous votes while Marcel’s beloved Eldritch Pack will most likely be part of this year’s voting again. We’re looking at providing a mix of different types of Cosmetic DLC, more on that in May.
The release of the winning CDLC is currently planned for autumn, more details to come later this year.
You may have noticed we skipped the second Cosmetic DLC in our chronological order: That’s because it will release AFTER the voting mentioned above but BEFORE the winner of said vote.
A big part of video game development is planning (one of the main tasks of our Production Team) and with the Season 4 DLC also in development we ultimately decided it’s making our lives significantly easier to decide on and start working on the first two Cosmetic DLC.
The voting in May is too late for us to start working on two CDLC afterwards, while we figured that having a voting directly in January would have seemed rather rushed considering we haven’t even gone into detail on the Season 4 content.
So, with that out of the way: This year’s second Cosmetic DLC is scheduled to release in June and will focus on more ornaments for your industrial and production districts – something we have seen discussed and requested multiple times in the past.
This should provide you with even more ways to beautify the… not so beautiful parts of your islands 😉
Those are our rough Cosmetic DLC plans for this year, with more details still to come in the next months. – Or, in the case of the “Seasonal Decorations Pack”: Already next week!
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I’m sure if you released the circus DLC it would sell successfully. Too bad we can’t enjoy it.
It might, sure. But considering it got the least votes two times in a row, the priorities of many of our community members seem to lie elsewhere when given the choice.
Ich verstehe die Inkonsequenz bei vielen CDLCs nicht. z.b. die Kanäle. Warum ist da keine Brücke dabei wo Boote durchfahren können UND die auch direkt als Straße angesehen wird? Oder die Brücken bei Speicherstadt. Wieso muss erst ein Modder diese “aktivieren” so das die hoch und runterfahren wenn Schiffe ankommen? Oder Dächer der Stadt in Kombination mit Bunter Anstrich. Wieso werden nicht auch die Hochhäuser eingefärbt? Jetzt könnte man sagen das ja nicht jeder Dächer der Stadt hat aber das ist Quatsch, es kann ja optional sein was sich nur freischaltet wenn man Dächer der Stadt hat, quasi ein Anreiz. Aber ich wette 99% der Anno Spieler kaufen eh den Season Pass und keine Einzeldlcs aus dem SP.
Das selbe mit dem ZUG, bis heute gibt es keine Brücke über die Gleise die auch als Straße fungiert oder es gibt auch keinen Tordurchgang mit Straßenfunktion.
Ich hoffe ihr nehmt euch dieser Probleme einmal an, einiges davon könnte man ja auch in SP4 einbauen, anderes kostenlos für SP3 Besitzer nachbessern.
Af.. again with the Eldritch Pack. Circus is a way better option, why not both returning if you want it so much. I think the Eldritch Pack could have been another skin of the latest CDLC and done. Not everyone want witchy stuff in the game and clearly that’s the reason it lost the votings.
The Circus Pack won’t be coming back since it proved rather unpopular in two separate votes already, so fair to say it is not atop player’s wishlists.
Bonjour a quand des skins pour les pubs et les services publics ainsi que les corporations
I’m so excited for all the new content!
I’m assuming the “Seasonal Decorations” pack will have Christmas decorations in? If so what happens if you have already purchased the Holiday Pack? Will the decorations be unique or a duplicate?
Can’t wait to see more !
They are of course new ornaments- we certainly wouldn’t want to sell you duplicates!
If the Eldritch Pack fails again just roll it into Halloween…? All praise to Cthulhu.
Additional skins for production buildings would be pretty nice – means we can break up some of the industrial areas a bit more. If beauty is only skin deep, just add more skins 😀
Nice to hear that Anno 1800 still has a lot of stuff coming in, great game. Just wanted to mention the most annoying thing in the game (for me and I guess other who want to build beautiful stuff) ornaments grass not matching (or has option to match) map grass or other surface – some blending in would be nice. Also some ornaments have forced white paving, would be great to have option to change to grass – that would be way more options to combine ornaments. Maybe transparent base under ornaments would be a solution for blending in ornaments? Like you could select grass/paving/transparent
Hi guys’
Love from Australia
please one more BIG map Please!!!
Hey there. Im a big history need that absolutely loves the time period of anno 1800 and I also absolutely love the game, its my favourite. Every DLC so far is just so good. All I need for absolute perfection would be some ocean liner dlc where you can build titanic like liners in big shipyards. In general more types of ships would be appreciated. Would be cool if you would think of something like that
Hi Team, don’t you think a circus DLC without animals would be more popular? 🙂 Eg. street puppet show, street jugglers, acrobats, etc. Without a simple big tent, there could be everything on the streets or within a fenced area. But this is just my idea, I’m not sure what was the summary of the dislikes regards to this DLC.
ENG: Thanks team! I’m looking forward to the first CDLC, but most of all I’m looking forward to the content of this year’s Season Pass.
ESP: ¡Gracias, equipo! Estoy esperando el primer CDLC pero, sobre todo, estoy deseando conocer el contenido del pase de temporada de este año.