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Happy Birthday, Anno 1800!

Hello Anno Community,
it’s crazy how fast the time has passed already. For us, it feels like Anno 1800 was released just yesterday. In reality, it’s been two years since we first dove deep into the age of the Industrial Revolution together.
We love remembering how much fun Anno 1800 was already in development and then directly after its release. So, on the occasion of its second birthday we’d like to share a few stories with you! Grab a beverage of your choice, sit back and enjoy this glimpse into our team’s favorite moments that came about in the course of Anno 1800.
Johannes, Software Developer, would like to share a few moments from the development of the game with you:
In the course of developing the game, various scenarios had to be tested. A colleague had to test what happens when you start a multiplayer game and change the system time in the middle of it. Therefore, he had to work for two days with the wrong system time and never knew, what time it was in reality . As a reward for solving this rather strenuous task and so that he always knows what time it is in the future, we gave him a clock. The clock doesn’t just show the time, it tells you what time it is by computer voice when you press it. In the end, the whole office had something to gain from this.
In the course of development, we had first programmed groups of people and then later added animals. On the first day, when the graphic designers added the new chicken asset, there was no special code for it. This meant that the chickens behaved just like the humans. This, combined with the fact that we had set the number a bit too high, meant that in the Daily version, because of the family group system, the streets were suddenly crowded with chicken gangs. Of course, this was fixed in development, but it still contributed a lot to the general amusement of the team.
Jan Gihr, one of our Gameplay Programmers, also remembers it:
The animals also had the behavior of normal humans at that time. That means that they visited the zoo and the museum just like humans do, for example. We had a lot of fun with that.
Another nice moment was when we realized that the First Person Mode was well received by the players. We even added some fun interactions into the game especially for that. There was once a situation in a stream where a streamer was walking down the street in First Person Mode and turned around. He saw a man take out his fishing rod and start fishing in the fountain in the center of town. While this wasn’t an intentional feature, it was still very funny to watch.
Of course, Anno 1800 didn’t just provide fun moments during the development phase. Andrea Fricke, one of our Game Designers, has fond memories of the time when Anno 1800 was released:
When Anno 1800 came out in retail stores (which is really still a thing in Germany ?), some of us went to our electronic store to check out the physical copies of our game. We went to the correct floor, excitedly going down the escalators, and spotted a cardboard display, completely customized like the cover of Anno 1800. We screamed a little, still didn’t want to appear like lunatics to other customers in the store, and ran towards it. It wasn’t fully stocked yet, and since we all wore Anno 1800 t-shirts, an employee rather quickly realized that we are developers of that game. He brought more copies of the game, we helped fill up the display, were grinning and hugging each other happily, and took photos in front of it.
After Anno 1800 came out, my sister (living in a different town) told me: When she is in an electronic store and sees Anno 1800 on the shelves, all stacked in just one spot, she spreads out the multiple copies over several spots of the display, so that Anno 1800 takes up more space on the shelves!
When Anno 1800 won 4 out of 5 awards for which it was nominated at the “Deutscher Entwicklerpreis” in 2020, naturally only some of us could go to the award show. When we returned with the awards, we made a tour through the studio with the awards, looking into happy grinning faces that ran towards us and wanted to hold the awards in their hands and make group photos of each other. “I want to make a photo with this, and then with that, and with those colleagues, and now with the other ones!” We congratulated each other, everybody was smiling and grinning, we made big group photos as well, and celebrated the success.
And, of course, you have also provided many great Anno 1800 moments. Level Artist Simon Wolf talks about one of the Level Art Team’s favorite moments, the Island Voting that took place on the Anno Union:
The community sent us a lot of great, self-made island concepts back then and we then made the winning concept an island in the game. It was very cool to work so directly with the Anno fans.
Mainz’ Communication Manager Bastian Thun also shares some great moments with you:
Folks told me over and over, even our own communities, that our Anno players are of a certain older, very specific demographic. Working with the Anno Union, it was amazing to see that, contrary to the preconceptions we had, our community meetups consisted of fans from any age group. Watching teenagers, who fell in love with the series with 2070, having nerdy discussions with folks like me or even older, who played 1602 in 1998, is to this day an incredibly connecting and heartwarming experience for me.
Finally, we, the Anno 1800 team, would like to thank you all once again! The success of the game, and thus many wonderful memories, would not have been possible without you. We will continue to work on making sure you have a great time with Anno 1800 and we always look forward to your constructive feedback. Without you, the game would not be what it is today.
Thank you for supporting us, stay healthy and take good care of yourselves!
Your Anno 1800 Team
Oh, right, we almost forgot: As a small “thank you” for the great cooperation, we want to give you a small glimpse into what’s to come as part of the new DLC „Tourist Season”: One of the new buildings, the Chemical Factory, will play a major role when it comes to addressing your tourists’ needs. How exactly? More to follow over the next weeks!
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Happy Birthday! I love the fact that you have such a great and talented team who works with passion and attention to small details! I hope that you will not stop here and bring us new awesome projects! All best! Love you! 🙂
Happy Birthday
Hallo liebes Anno Team,
ich weiß, ich habe hier schon seeehr lange kein Kommentar abgegeben. Ich schaue aber regelmäßig auf die Union Seite, um zu schauen, was es so Neues gibt.
Ich wollte mich einfach mal bedanken..
bedanken dafür, dass ich damals den Technical Test probieren durfte. Und anschließend die Beta Closed (glaub ich).
..so sollte der Anfang anfangen ! Weiß leider nicht, wie ich den Beitrag hätte löschen können.
Hallo liebes Anno Team,
ich weiß, ich habe hier schon seeehr lange kein Kommentar abgegeben. Ich schaue aber regelmäßig auf die Union Seite, um zu schauen, was es so Neues gibt.
Ich wollte mich einfach mal bedanken..
bedanken dafür, dass ich damals den Technical Test probieren durfte. Und anschließend die Beta Closed (glaub ich). Ich bedanke mich auch, dass Ihr soooo viele Wünsche u. Ideen von den Usern anhört , annehmt und versucht so Einiges ins Spiel zu integrieren. Einen großen Wunsch habt Ihr mir erfüllt (wissentlich/unwissentlich), dass man wieder durch die Gassen flanieren kann, wie bei Anno 1701. Das habe ich bei den darauffolgenden sehr vermisst. Es ist noch viel schöner, als zuvor. Diese vielen kleinen Details… Ach herrlich! Der Hafen, die Stadt an sich und sogar die Loren an den Minen sind unglaublich schön. Von den Easter Eggs ganz zu schweigen. Ich musste sofort an Paris denken, als ich die Ingenieur- und Investoren Häuser sah. Und nun kommt auch noch der „Eiffelturm“ . lach…
Was mich auch Mega gefreut hat, war, dass die Eisenbahn hinzu gekommen ist um damit die Kraftwerke zu versorgen. Schienen durch die Stadt… perfekt. „Fehlt nur noch die Straßenbahn“ 😉
Einige stören die Stromleitungen. Mir gefällt das! 1. Ist es was Anderes und Neues. Und 2. War das damals so. Alles voll Kabel über den Straßen.
Ich habe mal richtig schöne Bahnhöfe bei einem Mod gesehen. Würde doch passen zu Season 3 für die Touristen.
Der Hammer finde ich anschließend DLC Reiche Ernte. Tank Höfe mit Mähdrescher und Traktoren. So geil…
Das man dann auch Luftschiffe bauen kann hat mir auch richtig gut gefallen.
Der alte Nate erinnert schwer an Trenchcoat bei 2070 😉 Natürlich das mit dem Öl auch. Die Sessions von Anno 2205. Auch Grafik technisch. Die Expeditionen bei 1404 mit Item und die Kanäle in Enbesa (Noria). Und noch so Einiges. Von Jedem Etwas dabei..
4 neue Regionen zu entdecken. Besonders gefällt mir die „Neue Welt“. So farbenfroh. Mit Palmen und schönen südamerikanischen Häusern. Ich verweile gerne dort. Wie gesagt, ich flaniere gerne durch die Gassen (oder fahre mit der Kutsche oder Trecker)
Ihr habt das mit Abstand bis dato schönste und größte Anno auf die Beine gestellt. Und immer noch kommen Sachen dazu. Von weiteren Sessions, bis hin zu Kosmetik DLC´s.
Ich könnte noch über so vieles weiterschwärmen (City Lights Freizeitpark Speicherstadt etc.) Aber da wäre ich noch 2 Std. hier am Schreiben
Apropos Freizeitpark… Ich hab mich weggeworfen, als ich rausgefunden habe, dass man mit der Achterbahn u. Riesenrad mitfahren kann. Sooooo Geil. Wie gesagt… noch besser, als bei 1701.
So, genug Euch zu getextet.
Vielen Dank für das tolle Spiel!!!! Ich, bzw. wir Alle hier, hoffen, dass es nicht das letzte Anno ist. Ihr habt jetzt ein paar Jahre Zeit, um zu entwickeln Wir werden ja noch so gefüttert, dass es uns noch viele Jahre beschäftigen wird Anno 1800
Schöne Grüße auch an Dirk Karrenschieber.
Happy Birthday Anno 1800
Lg Striffelbaer
Happy birthday Anno !
Faithful since Anno 1602 and proud of it !
Anno 1800 is the best management game ever ?
Thanks to the whole team for the follow-up for 2 years, that’s a great pleasure to play it again today ! ?
Happy Birthday. I was wondering if the next Anno would be called Anno1899 or Anno1999? 😉
bonjour la possibilité de construire un arc de triomphe une fois le ou les ennemies vaincu avec un style de construction comme l’exposition universelle bonne continuation faite nous rever encor sa fait que 6 mois que joue a Anno 1800
Chemicals for cleaning the hotel? Or maybe for poisoning the tourists to get their stuff? Probably not the latter..
Continue the great work! Anno 1800 solidified the bluebyte name in top tier game developers, you need to make sure that title stays.
ANNO 1800 is one of the all-time classics IMO
Season pass 3 will further make sure that 1800 is the best of the series.
Good luck to the next ANNO team; they are quite up for the challenge to surpass the 1800.
Happy Bday Anno Union Team!!!!!
Chemical factory that make toys for visitors 🙂
Happy Birthday ANNO 1800!
Please add an option that allows you to return defeated opponents. Of course, the player would have to share the island or islands. This option will give you the desire to continue the game on the current map, because after defeating opponents and expanding the city, we start to get bored. Sorry for the English, it’s Google, I hope he translated the meaning well.
The game is amazing, Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Anno! – Still my favorite game by a very long way.
Really looking forward to ‘Tourist Season’
Are they making Absinthe drink?
chicken gangs…need to see this ?
happy birthday Anno guys
Congratulations with all the well deserved rewards.
Happy birthday Anno 1800.
Interestingly, the factory probably delivers materials for restaurants…or maybe I’m wrong..or not..or
You mean ratsbane? 😀
We’ll see soon ! 🙂