- Anno 1800
- Live Stream
- Union Update
Union Update: Meet your rivals!

Welcome to another week in the Anno Union, this time with an introduction to the cast of Anno 1800 second party characters as well as an update to the streaming schedule.
Meet your rivals!
Originally planned for the end of last week, we prepared a video for you showcasing the variety of AI opponents which will be able to choose as your dire enemy or future to be ally.
Every single rival will have their own character, which will not only define their general difficulty rating but also influence their playstyle.
Since the Closed Beta, we improved their behaviour in many ways and while old chap Willy will remain let’s say, a slow and simple fella, the AI’s capabilities of defending islands or deciding on various tactics fitting to the situation has improved a lot. As an example, especially war savvy characters will make decisions such as attacking your Harbour directly, engaging your war fleet or launching attacks on your trading routes based on the current situation.
Are you looking forward to testing your skills in naval warfare against the Psychopath Graves or are you more interested in Tea parties with Bente Jorgensen? We are curious to know how important the second party opponents are for you and if you are more the player who likes to challenge themselves with the most fierce of opponents?
Streaming Schedule – 2 streams on the horizon!
As promised during our special German episode of our Community Corner last week, we will have another English episode this week Wednesday at 5pm CET.
While we won’t have a special guest this time, our Community Developer Bastian will not only give you further insights into the fourth tier but also answering your chat questions.
And as one stream is not enough, our Anno Afternoon community crew will return this Friday 5pm CET – Not only Guddy is back on board, we will also jump from the trusty old Closed Beta ship to a newer development version of the game!
We plan to bring you more live-streams in future, from development insights with our AnnoCasts to community focused shows like CommunityCorner and AnnoAfternoon.
If you do not want to miss a show, make sure to follow out twitch channel to receive notifications as soon as we are online.
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Guys u made the single black npc dude “the voice of freedom”come on now dp better man
I would prefer that the beta ends with a comet…or perhaps a Volcano destroying the world, The Victorian Age is a battle of science against nature after all.
Well nice to meet them all! I’m sure that I’ll get along well with Willie, Beryl O Mara, Bente, and Princess Qing. As for Alonso Graves, he can smell my guns, and ships of the line. Cannons pointed at him for sure! He’ll be gnawing on my best wishes, which will be reaching him any moment anytime he tries to attack. As for the wannabe baron Carl, I don’t have much to say about him. I think he’s a bit too uptight in his head. Curious to see how we get along. For Gasparov I believe we can get along well. I have a taste for architecture too! I’m sure we’ll enjoy each other’s company. And as for the rest. I am not too sure, though I hope we can get along well together. ^.^
Great lineup of 2nd party AI characters. Looking forwards to meeting them soon! I’m impressed with this lineup. I don’t usually play with 2nd party AI characters (usually every now and then when I want a challenge, or some company.), but with this interesting lineup, I’m more curious to get to know them more! I’ll be sure to check out the open beta too! Also looking forwards to the streams this week too. I won’t make it in time due to the large time difference between us. Though I’ll be sure to watch them even after they have aired. I really enjoy them, even the German ones too. I don’t speak, but I enjoy watching to witness more of the game. Which I really want to play so badly. If only April can come any faster!
Oh and I have a very good question to ask Bastian. I hope that this question can get in on time before the stream on Wednesday:
“If we start the game with the flagship. Be it the regular one, or the pre-order one. If later in the game you lose your flagship. Be it to pirates sinking it, or failing a expedition. Will there be a way to get another replacement flagship? Because I know for Anno 1404, if you lose your flagship for whatever reason, you can always buy another one from Lord Richard Northburg.
Will there be a NPC who will offer up a replacement flagship for sale? Should you lose yours in Anno 1800 for whatever reason? Or will the flagship be lost forever, and you cannot get a replacement? Or will the sailing ship shipyard allow you to build only 1 to replace your lost flagship?
I would really like to know about this please. I am very curious to know if there will be a way to replace your precious flagship, should you lose it. If not, then the best advice in that case, will be to ensure, that you do not lose your flagship for whatever reason, by playing smart. And avoiding situations that would risk your precious flagship.”
I won’t be able to make it for the streams when they will be live, but I’ll be sure to watch them after they have aired. I also hope that I can get my question answered too!
Thanks again for the updates! And the introduction to the 2nd party AI characters! ^.^
You have room for two more in that photo 😛
And not related to the present blog, did you consider that when we play the open beta in April we may want to continue the same game (session) after we buy?
I agree, it would be nice to be able to continue game from open beta if that is possible. If not I understand why.
Hello “old” friend :P, yeah for me at least being on so many tests starting it on 12th, only to start it again on 16th is a bit much. I really want to reach that World’s Fair they have been talking about and I didn’t get to play with it.
Yeah I agree so close together hate to have to restart again 4 days later. But oh well will see what happens.