- Anno 1800
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Union Update: Fansite Kit and State of the Game

While we work on the upcoming game update 3.2 as well as the next content drop, which will enrich Anno 1800’s game world quite significantly, we have a few things in today’s Union Update to endure the waiting time until we lift the curtain on the content and when it lands.
Anarchist Propa….promotional video contest ends this Friday!
Our creative contest, in which you can submit your own promotional video for your empire, ends this Friday. Still two night shifts worth of time to let your empire shine! Remember: We have not only great gaming gear from Corsair for the top three winners, we will also give you a spot in the limelight, sharing your creative works on the Anno Union, social media and during live-streams.

Fansite Kit 1.0 has landed.
We released our first teaser of our Anno 1800 fansite kit a while ago and today, we want to share the first release version of our kit with the Anno Union. With the first release version, we added all of our detailed key-arts as wallpapers for various devices, including an anniversary wallpaper as well as a set of emoticons free to use on your platform of choice.
Get the Anno Union fansite kit 1.0 right here.
Is there something directly missing in our fansite kit which you would love to see in future or even something useful or just awesome the community created which we should add?

With the latest Game Update 3.1, we continue to work on various game improvements as well as upcoming gameplay content. Throughout the year, Anno 1800 will receive several further game updates and various DLC additions not only from our Season Pass content but also free content updates such as a coop mode, statistic building and more. We know that you are waiting for details when you will be able to start the hunt for lost treasures or to team up with your friends to create your mega-empire. With the Anno Union, we are committed to work with your feedback but that also means that our team spends time to analyze the tons of data you provide with your reports and your discussion on the forums and on other community platforms. The journey just started and a vast and feature rich game like Anno 1800 deserves the time and care to grow based on your feedback.
We also want to tackle reports about a few players still having issues with progressing through campaign quests or multiplayer desynchs. We will share the exact update notes about Game Update 3.2 and the release date pretty-soon. After 3.2, we will fully focus on the next larger content drop: game Update 4.

But until we share some dates for upcoming content, we want to ramp up conversations with all of you. And to get us all on the table, we invite you to share your most pressing questions in the comments below for the next two episodes of our community corner live-streams.
To give every one of you a chance to get your questions answered, we decided to not only rely on our live-stream chat but also gather questions for the stream here in the Union. This way, you might be able see the response to your personal question in the recorded broadcast if you cannot make it to watch the show live.
Save the date for our next Anno 1800 stream on twitch.tv/ubisoftbluebyte
Community Corner German: Tuesday June 25th 4.30pm CEST
Community Corner English: Wednesday July 3rd 4.30pm CEST
We are looking forward to the show and your questions in the comments below.
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Hello. I have a few questions I like to ask. Most of these are bug fixes. But I also have some game related questions as well.
1. First I like to start with questions about the game. I heard rumors that there is no commuter pier in the New World. Is this true? If so. Will there be plans to add a commuter pier to the New World? Or is this a part of the challenge to colonize the New World?
2. In the DLC that is coming soon “Sunken Depths”. This huge continental island that is mentioned for this new European session. Will this be a huge and massive island for us to build on? Or will this island also be occupied by Old Nate? Or will the island be available for us to build on? Where will Old Nate be in that session? Or will he be another NPC with his own base like all the other NPCs?
3. In Hotfix 3.1 Blog post here in the ANNO UNION. You mentioned about a bug that locks players from building harbor buildings on certain beaches on islands. You claimed that the Hotfix would fix the issue. But I am still having this issue in the game on all my islands. I also heard of other players still having this issue as well. Is the team aware of this? That the bug has not been fixed and the Hotfix was ineffective? I also started a thread on the Forums under feedback. Which is a report of all the issues I am currently having in the game. One of those issues is this harbor bug which is a bug I am still having and I linked a video in my report showing evidence of this. I would like to know more about this please. Thank you.
4. There is also another bug that I like to address. This is a new bug. I also did a thread on the forums for this one as well. To try figure out if others are having the issue as well.
Here is a link to that thread.
During the streams. Could the developers who will be present. Have a look at the Flagship to see if the bug I am having is also present for them as well? As far as I know this effects only the Pre Order Flagship. I have not yet looked into the Regular Flagship yet, to see if it is effected as well. But I asked players (in my thread I started) to look at both to investigate this and see if they get this issue as well. A community representative (on the forums) even mentioned to me that this bug is new and unheard of. I am very curious to know if the bug will show for the developers too, when they play the game during the streams. My thread also explains how to search for the bug too. Please let me know if you guys find anything. Thank you.
These are all the questions I have to ask. Hope the streams go well! Looking forwards to the next content drop coming soon! Cheers! ^.^
I hope someday at least have Portuguese subtitles in the game! all the latest ubi games are coming with dubbing and subtitles! why the Anno can not have at least some subtitles?
Are we getting an AI rework/Adjustment anytime soon? You said the AI would follow similar rules as the player, but that is a blatant lie.
Will the upcomming statistic building have some kind of option to show you destroyed buildings? If not that is a much requested feature.
I have question about further content\DLC’s.
Will we get entire new story or everything going to be implemented in existing campaign?
I also wanna you know that some random content like people quests or new expeditions honestly don’t give me much motivation to start another playthrough. Even different AI characters doesn’t represent too much content, except unique quests which is very quick and simple.
So, what I really want is a new campaign 😉
And I fully understand that’s expensive to create a stuff like that, because everything you create must be translated for all other supported languages including voice actors for every single one and pass all quality control. But I’m ready pay to this!
Hi All…
My questions:
Will there be addition to the New World to be able to build monument unique for South America? (Cathedral for example) like we had oriental palace in 1404? Please…! New World feels empty without it…
Can we have some buildings unlocked for sandbox to be able to build them as well? (Like Courthouse from Campain and Large harbor buildings – Kahina, Eli have them on their islands) This would add variety for our islands.
Day and Night cycle? This is a must – this game deserves it so much and it would look stunning! It was nicely implemented in 2205. I hope for this one since day 1.
Many Thanks for your response and thank you for your hard work making this game superb!
Hello everyone,
As already stated by DeVeteran and Rinus1800 about the Uplay Club Points it is not fair.
I asked the question a while ago on the forum in Suggestion-Feedback and Questions.
But i never get any answer.
I am not going to spend my points that I got from buying the Pioneers Edition. Otherwise I lose my discount on a next purchase.
Because I don’t play multiplayer, those points don’t count as well. Nobody can force someone to play multiplayer. But it is nice to for those who do, that they get reward points
If I count correctly than I got 25 points of the Season Pass and 90 points that I still can unlock. But to claim the rewards I need 170. That means that I am 55 points short!
That said about the points. So a bit of feedback now.
The last stream was a very good stream. A lot of questions answered and also a lot of good information about “The Anarchist”.
Also a lot of useful tips about the newspaper, items and so.
Even in the chat it was nice and relax. many people helping each other with answer and so.
So I hope that the next stream will be as good. I will watch both, German and English.
So yes, I am looking forward to both stream.
And I am curious about the next game updates.
I also hope that fixes will be made. I posted a lot of them on the forum.
I am having a very good and pleasant time already with this game so far.
Best regards,
totally agree on that @DeVeteran I also own the DLC and I was surprised that I have to pay Uplay points for something that should actually be free… I already paid for the DLC so why do we have to pay extra?! if you don’t have bought the DLC then it makes sense that you have to pay…
Please explain Ubisoft and/or make it free for people who bought the DLC
WIth the new DLC you put some new challenges / achievements and 3 new rewards in the Uplay Club. Fair.
What is NOT fair is that the rewards cost Uplay club points / units, in addition to you OWNING the DLC Anarchist, but more so, the cost is HIGHER than the points we get from the new challenges.
Case in point: The new challenges give 5, 5, 5, 15 and 20 units. So that is 50. BUT, the 3 new rewards cost: 40 for the portrait, and 20 for each of the two new ornaments, iirc, so in total 80. There is a BIG difference there. Why?
At least up the rewards of the challenges to 10, 10, 20, 20 and 20 units. Or decrease the cost of the Uplay rewards of the DLC / grant them free to those owning the DLC and reimburse the players.
It is wrong to charge twice for something… owning the DLC and then also paying Uplay points. At least make it so you can buy it with points if you don’t own the DLC, but if you have it, they are free.
So my question is this: Will something about this be done? About the rewards costing more than what the challenges give us? Or you are saying that we shouldn’t be able to unlock everything for this game?
Hi, not sure you pick up on @Twitter, but the point I am making is we have lost some Islands seed in the last patch, we could before the patch build bid cities, now we can not, also it all feel like you have make it hard for first time gamers the balance don’t feel right. Anyway a great game on campaign, just wish there are more to play, not so happy with sandbox.