- Anno 1800
- Union Update
Union Update: Community spotlight and postcard contest

Game Update 9 details
Due to the current circumstances, the annual gamescom video game convention was a purely digital event this year.
And while our streams from this digital gamescom were German only, no worries: You can also find all information about the features of the free Game Update 9 which will release alongside Land of Lions in October in this blog. You can of course also take a look at the VOD of the video by clicking here and we want to thank everyone who tuned in to the stream and shared their thoughts and questions.
Talking about livestreams: Currently we’re discussing the best format for exciting dev streams to introduce you to the land of Enbesa in Land of Lions in the next weeks.
But we’re also already thinking ahead for ways and new formats to keep our Twitch channel active in the time after that and provide you with not only entertainment but also insights into the world of Anno. For this, we’re also curious to hear from you what you’d like to see from us regarding streams and shows. So, share your thoughts on our Twitch channel in the comments below!
Anno 2070 update
As several attentive players have already noticed, we recently deployed a small update for Anno 2070 with the goal of fixing the issues with the autopatcher which previously resulted in an infinite restart loop for several players. Together with the removal of the Solidshield DRM a few weeks back, we hope this fix will help you continue to enjoy Anno 2070 and its Deep Ocean addon.
Community Spotlight
After an absolutely brilliant cross-stich art piece in the previous Community Spotlight, today we’re able to feature this stunning artwork of Hannah Goode by libby_sharp. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Clearly you’ll never get tired of sharing screenshots of your cities and islands with us – and we’re not complaining!
This time we have Cruse10’s park and gardens around their World’s Fair, Grieswurst’s atmospheric but also kinda sad industrial fires and CrzdHaloman’s self-sustaining mini-island:
Your questions about the Anno 1800 boardgame
The official Anno 1800 board game is set to release in October (in German, English release is planned for next year) and we know several of you are already excitedly waiting to get your hands on this offline version of Anno 1800. We want to give you the opportunity to ask your questions about the board game to its designer, Martin Wallace!
Just leave them in the comments below and we will select a few to forward to Martin Wallace. The replies will then be featured in a future Union Update.
Postcard contest
Doesn’t everyone love to receive some post cards from friends and family around the world? Or maybe YOU want to share some of the wonderful experiences you’re having during your time off.
Over on Twitter, Ruud adapted to the current slightly vacation-unfriendly situation and instead shared beautiful postcards from the world of Anno 1800, as you can see below.

With this as an inspiration, we’re now asking you to send us your postcards from Anno 1800 to advertise why people should definitely visit your city or island: Long sandy beaches? Vast parks and cultural buildings? Plenty of shopping and entertainment opportunities? Architectural marvels? Prepare your public mooring, clean the city’s streets and get ready for the tourist swarms!
To create your postcard, you have complete creative freedom and can – besides of course the screenshots of your islands – also use official artworks, assets and logos to let your magical vacation spot shine. Please do not use any images or assets you don’t have the rights for; the main part of your postcard should be screenshot(s) from your cities or islands.
Screenshots from modded savegames are allowed.
Use the hashtag #annoholidays on Twitter or head over to the forums and share the postcard in the dedicated thread.
Entry deadline is September 27th.
The team’s 5 favourite holiday destinations will each win a Anno 1800 t-shirt and will be featured in a future Union Update.
We’re looking forward to your mail!

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Das Gameupdate 9 finde ich sehr klasse und bringt gute Veränderungen. Also erstmal probs dafür!
Ihr habt gefragt ob man noch Vorschläge und Ideen hat:
Natürlich gibt es da reichlich aber welche nähre and der Realität liegen wären z.B:
Das zuschütten von Lehmgruben und Ölplätzen sowie Minen.
Mehr Monumente ,Kriegsschiffe (oder noch etwas mehr in Richtung Krieg und Diplomatie) Bin mir auch nicht gerade genau sicher ob man im MP Mitspielern Geld schenken kann. Aber das sollte man können!
Naturkatastrophen ist natürlich ein Wunsch, aber eher was für einen Season Pass 3
Und über das zweite Kosmetik DLC würde ich mich auf jeden Fall freuen. I <3 Anno1800