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DevBlog: All roads lead to Anno

“The Road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.”
– Bilbo Baggins, The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Very few things in an Anno game would function without roads: they connect all the player’s buildings on an island, starting at the harbour and connecting lonely woodcutters, houses in the towns and every other little production outpost.
They enable the transportation of goods and visualize the delivery time and distance of said goods via transportation feedback units with carts or wagons. They play a key role in the city planning for players and help organize the different parts of an island.
And, lastly, all kinds of other feedback units (i.e. pedestrians, animals, etc.) spawn on them as well and make the world look livelier and more believable.
Importantly: They are sticking to the grid like everything else in the game. But… what if we expanded your options in the grid for Anno 117: Pax Romana?
In our two-part series on the Anno grid and roads, we first give you an overview of what changed and what that means for your gameplay experience. In the second blog we’ll dive deeper into the “how” and “why”, the technical details and challenges we faced in making this happen.
Roads in Anno 117: Pax Romana
To be perfectly honest with you, this was not the first time we thought about breaking up the usual 90° angle grid for Anno. Each time we ran into issues, felt that the solution would not quite live up to what we thought was important to Anno and/or decided that our time was better spent on other features, adding more value to the game and for our players. After all, one does not simply rework the Anno grid system.
Until now!
In Anno 117: Pax Romana the grid is reworked with additional functionality to allow for 45° angles of roads and buildings. This does help making both streets and anything connected to them look significantly more organic, and can certainly change up the look and feel of both building your cities and setting up your production chains.
We have also put work in making corners and street connections look smoother, creating automatically smooth curves instead of sharp corners. The streets also automatically adjust and straighten when buildings are placed near them (e.g. when players place a house directly in the corner in order to waste as little space as possible space) for a more appealing look.
As Anno 1800 veterans, you can otherwise expect similar behaviour as you’re used to: roads are adjusting to the terrain elevation, they’re creating bridges when you draw them over a river and change to a pier-style version when built on the coast. You can also expect different road types, with better versions costing more but providing some benefits.
A look under the hood
That was a VERY quick overview but how are roads working now, from a design point of view? Let’s get into the technical details with the support from Nicolas from Game Design, Christian and Johannes from Gameplay Programming, Tim from 3D Programming and David from Art.
The grid in Anno 117: Pax Romana is made of single tiles which are further divided into 4 sub-tiles, while Anno 1800 only had single tiles. This was a necessary change to allow for diagonal building, since we can now make any objects you place also correctly fit into the grid diagonally, see below:
Another change to support both diagonal roads and the improved visuals in terms of smooth curves: streets are now graphs, instead of being rendered tile by tile. This essentially allows us to render the entire section from one node to the next (see image below) which does make it look more coherent and takes any intersections into consideration.
One downside of this change is that it’s not possible anymore to build a road that covers exactly one grid tile. A road will always have to be at least two grid tiles long.
As a result of these changes and the increased number of ways roads can intersect, we couldn’t use the same way we handled road tiles on Art and rendering side in Anno 1800 where each possibility had its own complete version created by the Art team. Back then, we worked with sets of road tiles like this:
In 45° the number of possible intersections is drastically increased. Calculating that number is actually not trivial, because street intersections are not limited to one tile so they can overlap with other intersections creating something that can lovingly be described as a huge mess.
You remember the sub-tiles of each main tile? Based on them, we decided that Art would create a smaller subset of pieces which then would be assigned to the correct position (according to context) to form roads based on the code created by the 3D Programming team.
That doesn’t mean that this process is easy – this picture shows quite nicely what’s possible when building multiple pieces, curves and intersections close together – and all of that has to work and look pretty:
Building smoothly
Important for us was that players can switch between the “good old” 4 directions that served the Anno series so well over the last 25 years or all 8 directions we offer you now on the fly: you can enable and disable the option at any time.
This also meant that intuitiveness played an important role when we designed the update to the grid and road system: Despite these new options, our focus was to still make building roads as straightforward and simple as before, where a few clicks connect two points on the island no matter how they are orientated in the grid.
Accordingly, all buildings also automatically align themselves to the placed roads next to them, no matter if they are built in 45° or 90°. You can still manually rotate them to your liking, of course
On that note we’re sure you’ll appreciate another quality-of-life feature that made its way into Anno 117: Pax Romana from Anno 1800’s console version. Hovering with a road in build mode over any building allows you to build a road that surrounds the whole building with just a single click. This way you can quickly have a block of residences surrounded by a road – or a warehouse, like in the example below. Have a look!
And finally, the important question: How does the team prefer to build their cities in Anno 117: Pax Romana? And which approach would they recommend players as default option – using all 8 directions or only the “traditional” 4?
Nicolas: “I personally like having different neighbourhoods (different cluster of residences, production) and each one can have different orientation.
I also like to orientate element based on the shape of mountains, coasts and rivers. It creates very dense and optimal clusters and still feel very organic.
One of my favourite aspects is have farm field with various shape. Bye-bye angular farm fields!”
Johannes: “I usually play in a manner, where I want to reach my next goal as efficiently as possible – and for me that works best when fully sticking to a 90° angle.
However, it’s a totally different thing when playing multiplayer. My focus then switches away from building efficiently towards building more interestingly looking districts. This takes more time and space but also feels rewarding when I can delight / surprise my multiplayer-partner with the more organic look.”
As you see: While Anno 117: Pax Romana stays true to the grid (that has become central to the series and makes everyone happy who loves building as efficiently as possible) we did introduce more flexibility on top of what you’re used to. Those came with their own set of challenges during design and development but also new opportunities to change up the visual style of your cities and islands, more freedom to build your islands the way you want. Despite the added complexity through the diagonal option, building roads in this expanded grid feels as intuitive as before.
Other features in the game use a similar functionality to the roads… more on that later. Completely unrelated: Did you know that the historical Romans built a ton of aqueducts?
We did mention “challenges” a few times throughout this blog, as well as implications for other parts of the game – more on this in the second part of this DevBlog in the coming weeks.
So, for today: We hope you got a good first idea of what to expect in Anno 117: Pax Romana. If you have any questions on the grid or the topic of roads, don’t hesitate to share them with us!