- Anno 1800
- DevBlog
DevBlog: A message to the Union!

As the release of Anno 1800 is drawing close, we want to kick off our launch marathon with a message from our dear Union friend Artur Gasparov.
Starting today, we will push the engines to launch mode where we will provide answers on the last burning questions (such as Open Beta details next week), bring you DevBlogs about the campaign and the soundtrack and – of course – more live-streams such as our EGX panel and a ceremonious unboxing soon!
And with the last sprint before launch, what are you looking forward to and what are your last curious questions for the big maiden voyage on April 16?
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Interesting turn of events, and plot twist with Gasparov. Though I have no intentions of being his nemesis.
I’m really looking forwards to the launch of the game. I badly want to play the game, and the live streams don’t help but tease us even more haha. Makes me even more excited for the release. ANNO 1800 is definitely going to keep me busy, and happy for a very long time. While remembering old ANNO memories, and making new ones! ^.^
I am still curious to see how the Investors function, and the World Fair. We seen 4 of the tiers in action so far in the streams (and experienced the first 3 in the closed beta). It would be great to see how the investors work, and how they generate more influence. Including how the World Fair works with them. I am also curious about post launch content as well. I’d love to see a third, fourth, and fifth world we could colonize. I actually have some great ideas for all those. But that should be saved for a future dev blog on the matter, or perhaps maybe a future Union vote maybe? I’d love to see more worlds, besides the New and Old World.
I like to thank the developers for their amazing efforts to create another ANNO game. I am very impressed with their hard work. And I hope that ANNO 1800 will help grow ANNO itself even more. I’d love to see other players learn about the game series, and try it.
What am I looking forward to? Well the game of course! I am already prepared for the big maiden voyage. I hope to find a suitable large island to build a big, and beautiful city. I look forwards to seeing the new world, since I wasn’t able to reach it in the closed beta. I also am interested in the 800+ items that are available in the game, curious to see what they all are and do. There are a lot of things that interest me. I expect to have a lot of fun playing ANNO 1800. And my support for the ANNO team will stand forever, as it always has. ^.^