Gamescom Summary: More to come in 2021

Hey Anno Community,

Today was a great day for us cause not only could we show you some live gameplay of “The High Life” in our gamescom livestream, but we were also able to talk about what else you can expect to come to Anno 1800 in the next months.

What’s to come AFTER The High Life?

With Season 3 coming to an end with next week’s DLC, we want to give you an overview of what’s still to come to Anno 1800 this year – some of it you already know and expect, some of it will be new.

Cosmetic DLCs

Following the Community Vote in April, you’re probably all very much aware that the two winners are still to be released. As communicated earlier this year, this will happen after the release of “The High Life”, starting with the “Pedestrian Zone Pack”.

True to its name, it will focus on ornaments for your inner cities, from a Market Hall over over- and underpasses to public toilets you can expect a variety of objects to beautify your cities for pedestrians. You can have a first look at some of them below:

And… we’ve seen some pictures of canals! More details on that in a few weeks, because the release is planned for in just about one month: September 28th!

This year’s third Cosmetic DLC, the “Vibrant City Skins Pack“ (name not yet final) will release at the end of this year and bring some more visual variety to your cities! We’ll have more details on this CDLC closer to its release.

History Weeks

For autumn, a quick look at the calendar tells you there are four Annoversaries coming up!

More importantly, they include Anno 1701, the first Anno title developed by us here in Mainz, celebrating 15 years since release! How the time flies…

Expect insights into the Anno history, lots of nostalgia and multiple live streams to celebrate Anno’s long city-building tradition.

Big End of the Year Update and Green Game Jam

We left one big thing for last and some of you might already be wondering “what happened to the Green Game Jam?”.  Well, in December we will release Game Update 13, one big free Game Update including several more quality of life improvements as well as bug fixes.


Also part of this release will be the Green Game Jam project: We’re adding a new game mode, in which you will travel to a separate region set in the New World. To fulfill your main goal there, you will have to develop a city, but new mechanics make this endeavour significantly more challenging: Monocultures and overfishing can quickly lead to food supply issues while limited non-regenerative resources need to be well-spent. Will you be able to construct and maintain a sustainable city while keeping your environmental impact balanced?

As usual, we will be able to give you more insights into the new content closer to its release, when development has progressed enough that we can show you something.

Make sure to check out our gamescom live stream and our DevBlogs if you haven’t done so already – and get ready for “The High Life” releasing next Tuesday!

Union Talk – Cosmetic DLC and current Voting

Marcel and Oliver used one of those rare occasions they’re at the office at the same time to sit down and talk about Anno 1800’s Cosmetic DLC and their personal favourites of the current voting in this new Union Talk.


But hey, what are Union Talks again?

Since it has been over a year since the last episode, during which a lot of new players have joined the Anno community, it is worth reintroducing our Union Talk videos to you all.

Unlike our tightly scripted and focused trailers, Union Talks are not intended to deliver breaking news about upcoming content, but instead, take a longer format to take you behind the scenes of Anno development and to explain how and why we do things we way we do.

Do you have any questions about the topic of Cosmetic DLC or are there any topics you’d like us to cover in a Union Talk? If there’s something you have always been curious about regarding the development of the Anno games or the inner workings of our team, let us know in the comments, and maybe we can cover it in a future episode!


And now: Grab a coffee or some hibiscus tea and watch the two ramble on.

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(Also: Who watched the full 27min?)

Vote for this year’s Cosmetic DLC!

Hey Anno Community,

One lesson we learned over the last years is that there’s no such thing as “too many ornaments” for our beauty-builder community. We can see this being reflected in both the reception of, for example, the new harbour ornaments added with “Docklands” as well as the success of the three Cosmetic DLC we havereleased up until now.

For 2021, we’d love to expand on this and work on two more Cosmetic Packs for you. And as announced last week, we are planning to once more put the decision on the topics into the hands of you, our Anno Union community!

In total, we’re presenting you five possible Cosmetic DLC topics, of which we’re planning to develop and release the top two. More precisely, we plan to release both packs later this year in the same way we have done in 2020. As you will see, several of the topics are inspired by your feedback and suggestions while others are the result of internal brainstorming.

The exact content and scope depend on the theme of the pack, especially since we also have another Skin Pack for you to vote on. As before, the packs will be standalone purchases for a price of 4,99€ and will not be part of the Season 3 Pass to give our players maximum flexibility over their Anno 1800 experience.

And now enough of the introduction, here are the 5 themes you can vote on!


“Vibrant Cities Pack”: Change the look of your city with new skins for various buildings.

“New World Pack”: Enhance your New World session with dedicated ornaments and decorations.

“Pedestrian Zone Pack”: Make your pedestrian’s life more comfortable with over- and underpasses, statues, wells, and more.

“Eldritch Pack”: Introduce fantastical and gothic horror elements to your city with some spooky ornaments.

“Big Top Pack”: Have the circus come to town whenever you feel like it!


Of course, all of us on the Anno 1800 team have our own favourites that we are crossing fingers for, and we can’t wait to see which theme will emerge as the community’s favourite!

The voting will run for two weeks and end on Thursday, April 22nd at 11:59pm CEST / 5:59 EDT. You can click on any of the images to view them in full size. Happy voting, and stay safe!

[totalpoll id=”12713″]

*Please note that as before, all content will be cosmetic and will not change Anno 1800’s gameplay. The names of the packs are “working titles” and might change later on.

Union Update: Vehicle Liveries Pack release

Hey Anno Community,


last week we talked about our Cosmetic DLC plans for 2021 and the upcoming “Vehicle Liveries Pack”. The latter is now available via Prime Gaming and can be claimed by following the instructions at the end of this article.


The following pictures give you an overview of all available skins, just click on an image to see it in full size.

As mentioned last week, the “Vehicle Liveries Pack” will later this year become available via the Ubisoft Store, Epic Store and Steam (for owners of the Steam version) for the price of 4,99€.

Make sure to also check last week’s post for more details on our Cosmetic DLC plans.


You can already look forward to Thursday, when we will launch the vote for the remaining two Cosmetic DLC for this year. We’re already curious, which topics will end up being your favorites 😉

How to claim your “Vehicle Liveries Pack” with Prime Gaming:

  • Subscribe to Prime Gaming (
  • Visit the Prime Gaming rewards page (
  • Log in to your Amazon account
  • Link your Ubisoft account with your Amazon account
  • If you accidentally linked the wrong Ubisoft account to your Amazon account and you haven’t yet claimed the “Vehicle Liveries Pack”, go to to unlink your accounts
  • Visit to troubleshoot any issues with your Ubisoft account
  • Visit the Prime Gaming FAQ for any questions about Prime Gaming


You will receive your “Vehicle Liveries Pack” automatically in-game. Keep in mind it can take up to 48 hours for the content to be delivered in-game!

Our Cosmetic DLC plans for 2021

Hey Anno Community,

with Season 3 well underway, we today want to give you on update on our plans for Cosmetic DLCs in 2021.


Vehicle Liveries Pack – available starting April 6 from Prime Gaming

First off is something many of you have been asking for- more vehicle skins! The “Vehicle Liveries Pack” adds more than 30 new looks to your airships, ships, and trains, including both skins and new model variations.

As part of Ubisoft’s partnership with Prime Gaming, this pack will be exclusively available to Prime members for a limited time, at no additional cost. From April 6 onwards, any Amazon Prime members can redeem the Pack here to start outfitting their fleets.  If you are not an Amazon Prime member yet, you can sign up for a free trial, which also allows you to redeem the “Vehicle Liveries Pack”.

Later this year, the Cosmetic DLC will become available for purchase on Ubisoft Connect, the Epic Games Store and Steam (for owners of Anno 1800).

Here’s a complete overview of everything included in the “Vehicle Liveries Pack”:


  • 2 Battlecruiser skins
  • 2 Clipper skins
  • 2 Cargo Ship skins
  • 2 Command Ship skins
  • 2 skins for the Imperial Command Ship (available to all players since the game’s first anniversary)
  • 1 Command Ship model variation
  • 2 skins for the Command Ship model variation
  • 2 Frigate skins
  • 2 Gunboat skins
  • 2 Ship-of-the-Line skins
  • 2 Monitor skins
  • 2 Schooner skins


  • 3 skins for the train
  • 3 skins for the Imperial Train (available to all players since the game’s first anniversary)
  • 1 train model variation

Airships (only available to owners of “The Passage” DLC):

  • 3 airship skins
  • 1 airship model variation

Now comes the best part – to give you maximal flexibility in how you want to customize your fleet’s look, you can change the skin on every single vehicle at any time. Want to have your Battlecruisers operating in the new world to sport a unified “Conqueror” paint job? Go for it! Want to make sure that all your sail ships look their best for the next time a monument finishes construction on your main island? Dress them up for the occasion in the “Parade” livery!


Get ready to cast your ballot

Last Spring, we asked you, the community, to cast a vote to decide what Cosmetic DLC you would like to see next, giving you the choice between amusement park, circus, and city themes. And while we could not anticipate that you would essentially vote for both the “Amusements Pack” and the “City Lights Pack” (with a difference of less than 1% between them), we happily obliged by releasing them both in August and November of last year, respectively.

Starting next week on April 8 and running for two weeks, you will once again be called upon to vote for our next Cosmetic DLCs. Yes, that is DLCs as in plural – we will offer the choice between 5 new topics, and the two most voted for candidates will be realized as new Cosmetic DLCs for Anno 1800 later this year.

Many of us on the team have already picked their personal favorites that they will be crossing their fingers for, and we can’t wait to see how they will fare in your voting. We’ll see you next week to find out!

Stay safe,

The Anno Team

How to claim your “Vehicle Liveries Pack” with Prime Gaming:

  • Subscribe to Prime Gaming (
  • Visit the Prime Gaming rewards page (
  • Log in to your Amazon account
  • Link your Ubisoft account with your Amazon account
  • If you accidentally linked the wrong Ubisoft account to your Amazon account and you haven’t yet claimed the “Vehicle Liveries Pack”, go to to unlink your accounts
  • Visit to troubleshoot any issues with your Ubisoft account


You will receive your “Vehicle Liveries Pack” automatically in-game! Content to be delivered in-game within 48 hours of redemption.


Frequently asked questions

Q: Do I have to have Prime Gaming?
A: Yes, a Prime Gaming membership is required to receive Prime Gaming rewards – Prime Gaming is included free with Amazon Prime, and free trials are available for new users.

Q: Is this for all platforms?
A: It can be redeemed on PC only.

Q: I don’t see my rewards.
A: If you’re having trouble redeeming your Vehicle Liveries Pack, please contact support (
For more information about Prime Gaming, visit the Prime Gaming FAQ.

Union Update: City Lights release & Community Spotlight

Today marks the release of the “City Lights Pack” Cosmetic DLC which adds plenty of smaller ornaments as well as the eponymous city lights to your game, allowing you to further customize parks, build markets, and more. If you missed our dedicated blog last week about the development and the contents of the DLC, you can find it right here.

Beautify your city with the new Steelwork Fences with lanterns or the grand Clearwater Pool with swan paddle boats and provide your hard-working residents with fish sandwiches and even delicious pizza!

The DLC will release later today at 6 PM CET for the price of 4,99€.

We’re looking forward to seeing pictures of your redesigned city parks!

A concept drawing for the Clearwater Pool

Game Update 9.1

Alongside the “City Lights Pack”, we’re also releasing Game Update 9.1, which addresses various issues you have reported to us since the release of Game Update 9.

As always, you can find the full release notes on the Anno Union in the “Updates” section.


Since we’re still seeing reports from players missing some of their Ubisoft Club (now Ubisoft Connect) rewards since the switch in late October: We’re aware of this problem and are currently in contact with the Ubisoft Connect team to find a solution. As soon as we have news on the topic, we will let you know.

“Gamings Sounds” concert live stream

Originally planned as a live concert, the WDR (a German public-broadcasting institution) is holding a live stream concert on November 20th, 7 PM CET, playing parts of the soundtrack from various video games! This includes for example “Grandiose Magnificence” from Anno 1404 or “Next to the Throne” from Anno 1701 – both composed by our friends at Dynamedion.

Links to the stream will be provided by WDR at a later date and we will share them as soon as possible 🙂

December Livestreams

With the end of 2020 drawing near, we think it’s a good time for another livestream or two and having a nice chat before the holidays.

Since we had a lot of fun visiting some of your cities earlier this year, we’d love to do so once more and see what you have been building over the year.

If you want to send us your savegame for us to check out live on stream, please send it to

Community Spotlight

As we like to do it, let’s end this Union Update with another Community Spotlight, featuring some of the cool screenshots, art or community projects our great community is working on.

For example, there’s this awesome chess field Tonton_lp built – the statue variety might create some confusion while playing, though…

Over on Reddit, Nanmab shared some impressions from their Enbesan capital, using the canals in a creative, decorative way.

Dulcamarra returns with a new Anno 1800 comic strip about her experiences in the world of Anno:

Finally, we want to highlight a great fan project by schwubbe, which was recently completely translated into English (other languages are also available for most parts of the website) and also includes all goods and resident tiers of “Land of Lions”. On his website, you not only find details to all buildings and their production chains but also a handy calculator (which now uses houses instead of population numbers, we’ve been told) to figure out exactly how much your residents consume and how many production buildings you will need to construct.

You can check out the calculator yourself here – maybe the “modding” section is also interesting for some of you.

If you want to share screenshots with us or are working on a project of your own, tag us on Twitter or post it over on Reddit or the official forums where we’re regularly reading through the stories, screenshots and discussions you share.

DevBlog: “City Lights” Pack Cosmetic DLC

Hey Anno Community!

In this blog we want to give you some insights into the development of the “City Lights Pack” Cosmetic DLC, how it got its final name and what kind of ornaments you’ll soon be able to build in your city.

“City Lights” is the third Cosmetic DLC for Anno 1800 and focuses on giving you plenty of smaller ornaments to beautify your cities with markets, plazas and other recreational opportunities. Coming in close second after the “Amusements Pack” in the community vote in spring, your feedback as well as the success of the previous Cosmetic DLCs lead to the decision to also work on the back then still called “City Life” pack.

As we are aware of the big number of min-maxers and record builders who would rather cram a few more houses in the last corner of the island than “waste space” by building parks, Christmas markets or rollercoasters, the Cosmetic DLC can be purchased separately – à la carte, as we called it in the past. We think this flexibility allows every type of player to focus on the kind of content they want to see in their game.

Let’s now talk a bit about the development of the “City Lights Pack” Cosmetic DLC. The focus this time was on providing a variety of smaller ornaments to enable you to beautify spots all over your city, create markets and bring more variety to inner-city parks – instead of using the ornaments to create one or two big areas filled with ornaments, like the “Amusements Pack” often tempted players to do.

This meant that it was clear for the team that for example market stands needed to be part of this pack, together with food stores, tables and other objects that you will find all over any city, to improve the “City Life” feeling (hence the original name).

This brought with it its own challenges, since even seemingly unimportant objects like fences or a phone booth had to be designed in a way that enables players to give their city its own special character. The regular presence of phone booths, for example, will give a city a more modern, technologically advanced feeling – even if the object itself is merely decorative.


As you’ve noticed, during development we renamed the Cosmetic DLC, with “City Life” being replaced by “City Lights”. This happened rather organically, since it was during development, that one of our artists decided to attach lanterns to the new fence elements. After playing around with it, we quickly realized that adding additional light sources to the city was too cool to not implement – especially considering the awesome day and night system!

With these fence elements as well as stand-alone lanterns you can now bring some beautiful light sources to your cities’ parks and public spaces – and light up darker areas, to make sure your citizens do not get lost on their way home from the Pub.

Even though the “City Lights Pack” primarily consists of many smaller ornaments which can be placed in bigger numbers across your city, we knew we had to also create a big showpiece, an ornament that can be the centre piece of a vast park – or just stand on its own in a busy city centre, to help the residents relax from the busy world around it.

In contrast to for example the “Amusements Pack”, where it was clear pretty much from the start that a Ferris Wheel simply had to be part of the DLC, the “City Lights” showpiece idea (the large pond with swan paddleboats) only developed over time. In the end it combined several elements: decorative parts like statues and fountains, paths for your citizens to stroll along, a pond to not only bring a feeling of nature into your cities but also open up densely packed city environments and the paddleboats as a recreational activity for your residents.

Both the idea of an inner-city pond as well as the swan boats are not new, but inspired by real developments of the 19th century.

Now that they developed three different Cosmetic DLC, we had to ask our art team: What’s your favourite of the three, which did you enjoy the most creating? The answer came quickly: The “Amusements Pack”. Not only did they like the theme itself, we also have amusement park enthusiasts in the team, who enjoyed creating an Anno 1800 counterpart to the modern ones they’re usually visiting. Additionally, this DLC gave them more creative opportunities concerning the design of the individual buildings – while for example the look of a Christmas market is much more set in stone in comparison.

Now that you learned about the development of “City Lights”, you might want to have a full list of all ornaments of this DLC? We can help with that:

  1. Farmer’s Stall
  2. Florist’s Stall
  3. Grocer’s Stall
  4. Fishmonger’s Stall
  5. Cheesemonger’s Stall
  6. Pizzeria
  7. Bread Confectionary
  8. Drinks Shack
  9. Sandwich Shack
  10. Couples’ Table
  11. Solitary Table
  12. Family Table
  13. Steelwork Fence (5 different elements)
  14. Sandpit and Slide
  15. Children’s Playground
  16. Water Trough
  17. Public Timepiece
  18. Steel Clockhouse
  19. City Light
  20. Telephone Box
  21. Clearwater Pool


The last thing to cover in this blog is the exact release… and we’re happy to announce that our third Cosmetic DLC will release next Thursday, November 12th, at 6PM CET/12PM ET for a price of 4,99€.

As we tend to do it, alongside the DLC we will release Game Update 9.1, addressing several issues you reported since the release of “Land of Lions”. More on that early next week.

Stay safe,

The Anno Team

Union Update: City Lights

Since the release of “Land of Lions” last week we received a looot of feedback from you. A big thank you from the Anno team for all the lovely comments, for the praise, the stories of the little surprises you found while playing and all the videos and screenshots you shared.

We’re happy that you’re enjoying the lands of Enbesa and the features of Game Update 9 as much as we hoped you would.


Of course, we also kept track of the reports some of you posted about bugs and technical issues you are facing and your feedback about certain mechanics or balance decisions that you would like to see changed.

While we’re still going through plenty of your suggestions and ideas, we can confirm that our team is currently working on Game Update 9.1 to address the issues some of you are dealing with at the moment.

Game Update 9.1 is scheduled for mid-November, and we will soon share more details with you.

City Lights

Another topic for November will be the release of the “City Lights” Cosmetic DLC Pack which we already teased a few weeks ago. As before, we will introduce you to the content of this DLC and tell you a bit about the creation and ideas behind it in a dedicated DevBlog.

Expect more details including the exact release date soon.

Community Spotlight

We mentioned the number of screenshots earlier in this post, so what better place to post them than in this very Union Update? Thank you for the great shots, keep them coming ?

Discovering Enbesa via airship or using it for a touristy sight-seeing tour? SirQuestinghood had the right idea.

Of course, figuring out the best layouts incorporating the canals of the new irrigation system is one of the challenges of “Land of Lions”. Both archibeaver and Apfelcreme shared some for Sanga Cow, Goat and Linseed Farms:

Leaving Enbesa and returning to the Old World, the new Research Institute and Scholar Residences change the cityscape of the settlements there, as Seilofo and Eremon485 show:

Last but not least, we simply had to include Laudica’s circular city. You can already see the preparations for where the Scholars are supposed to go.

Of Lions and Lights

Hey Anno Community,
we know that many of you have been patiently waiting for more news on our next major DLC, “Land of Lions”. We also know that we had previously promised to have more information on this feature-packed content in September. Unfortunately, due to some additional feedback we have been working to implement, we won’t be able to honor that promise, and there will be no news from Enbesa this month. On the bright side, we will not only release “Land of Lions” itself in October but are also working on several DevBlogs to give you an in-depth look into Anno 1800’s biggest DLC prior to release.

Enjoy the “City Lights”
Speaking of releases- another frequently asked question was whether the runner-up from our Cosmetic DLC vote, the “Bustling City Life Pack”, would make its way into your cities in the future. We are happy to say that the answer is “Yes!”, with a small “but…” attached. While the concept is very much the same many of you voted for earlier this year (vending booths, playgrounds and other things you will find in daily city life), the pack has undergone a name change to “City Lights Pack”, to account for the new streetlamps! This latest Cosmetic DLC will be coming to Anno 1800 later this year, after the release of “Land of Lions”.

We are looking forward to sharing much more about both DLCs with you all in the weeks to come!

The Anno Team


DevBlog: Amusements Pack Cosmetic DLC

Hey Anno Community,

Today we want to take you a bit behind the scenes and magic of your very own future amusement park, which will open its doors next week thanks to the release of the eponymous “Amusements Pack” Cosmetic DLC.

Before we dive into the process of bringing these new ornaments to life, let us go far afield to talk about ornamentation and the concept of Cosmetic DLCs in general. One thing that makes the Anno community so special is that the games manage to attract many different types of players, who all manage to carve out enjoyable niches within the games’ plethora of systems to find what they are looking for. Traditionally, two of the most prominent tendencies within the community have been the min-max-ers who don’t mind their citizens living in abject squalor as long as they can manage to cram just a few thousand more onto an island to reach that next record- and then there are the self-styled “beauty builders” who use Anno games as interactive dioramas to realize their wildest modelmaking fantasies without too much worry about the efficiency of it all.

When coming up with ideas for our post-launch strategy and DLCs, we always have these different playstyles in mind, and try to think up with new content that will offer something for everyone. Both of our currently available Season 2 DLCs, “Seat of Power” and “Bright Harvest” are good examples of this philosophy, as they offer new gameplay mechanics for the economically-invested crowd, and add stunning new sights to the beauty builder’s toolbox.

The downside is of course that such fully featured DLCs will take several months to develop, which inevitably means that there are always some lulls between new Anno 1800 content coming out. This is where Cosmetic DLCs come in, as they allow us to deliver some new Anno 1800 content in-between the major DLCs. Where a DLC like Land of Lions takes months of work from a sizeable team, the Cosmetic DLCs will take a few artists a couple of weeks to design and implement. This also gives us the opportunity to create some strongly thematic content that may not appeal to everyone (for example, anyone who is not into Christmas themes id unlikely to enjoy the Holiday Pack).

This is also why we do not include the Cosmetic DLC Packs in the Season Passes, as we do not want to drive up the price with content that we know won’t appeal to a big part of the community (the min-max’ers). That is why we think that an à la carte approach is the best way to go with the cosmetic packs, allowing everyone to get exactly the content they want to see in their cities.

These were some of the considerations we had in mind when we came up with the Holiday Pack last December, which was the first such DLC for Anno 1800. Following its release, a few things quickly became clear from your feedback: 1) Anno players love more ornaments but would 2) prefer content that would feel right at home throughout the year, rather than just in the run-up to the Holidays. We also immediately received lots of feedback and long wishlists for future cosmetic packs (these lists were the origin of the agricultural and industrial ornaments that were added to the Bright Harvest DLC).

As a next step, we took this list of community ideas to our artists to see where they saw the potential for a nice themed pack of 15-25 ornaments (depending on their size and scope), and to check the feasibility. For example, we saw a lot of players asking for some form of harbor ornaments, and we actually did some technical tests to see what form these could take, but found the idea clashing with the general lack of harbor front building space.

In the end, the team came away with three topics that we could see making for visually interesting Cosmetic DLCs: a circus, general props for urban life, and the amusement park. With this list, we decided that it would be cool to give the Anno Union who has been so supportive of the game throughout its development the choice of which pack we should tackle next.

That’s why we launched our latest Anno Union vote in April, to give you all the deciding vote between the tentatively named “Bustling City Life, “Trip to the Big Top” and “A Day at the Amusements” DLCs. Of course, every one on the team had their own favorite they were rooting for, so rest assured that we kept close tabs on the voting, and every change at the top of the polls was immediately shared in various chats! In the end, the Amusements Pack took the day, with the slimmest of margins over the City Life Pack.

With that decision out of the way, our artists immediately got to work on ideas, starting with a series of quick concept scribbles. These sketches are intended to quickly produce a wide range of potential ideas, allowing the team to get a feeling for what things could look like inside the game.

When selecting which scribbles, we want to take to the next stage, we consider a few things:

  1. Player fantasy: What are things that players expect based on the chosen topic? For example, it was obvious from the start that the Amusements Pack should include a ferris wheel, so we even put it into the artwork for the vote.
  2. Variety: We want our Cosmetic DLCs to have a good mix between different sizes of ornaments, to give players flexibility in how they can use them. In general, we want to have 1-2 big showpieces (like the Holiday’s Pack’s merry-go-round), a few medium sized ornaments, and several versatile small ornaments you can use to fill any gaps between other buildings.
  3. General fit: Despite rumors of an alleged first-person mode, Anno is of course played from an isometric perspective. This is of course also something we need to keep in mind, as not everything that looks cool when standing before it in real-life will translate well into an isometric game perspective.

It was during this phase that the idea for a rollercoaster as the second centerpiece of the DLC alongside the ferris wheel first came about, with everyone loving the idea of having such a massive ornament (one of the biggest in Anno history).

Next come the first rough 3d models for the chosen concepts. While very rough around the edges and untextured, they give the team a good feeling for how well they fit into the game world, and alongside already existing buildings and ornaments (see #3 in the list above). Once an idea passes this final hurdle, it is in for good, and we can get to finishing and polishing to be ready for its grand debut in the game.

Of course, it would not be Anno if the world weren’t bustling with life, so of course the Cosmetic DLC packs also call for some customized feedback units. If you are unfamiliar with the term, “feedback unit” is our internal term for any kind of citizen walking around your city to give you visual feedback for how things are going (like the groups of tourists gathering around the rarest zoo exhibits). For example, our Christmas market from the Holiday Pack just would not have been the same if the man himself, Santa Claus, hadn’t been making an appearance in it!

Once all ornaments and their respective feedback units are finished, all that is left to do is to create the thumbnails for the construction menu to allow you to place these all over your burgeoning industrial empires, which is where our UI team comes in to help get the DLC over the finishing line. Speaking of the build menu, some of you may be curious about what exactly is included in the Amusements Pack? If so, look no further:

  1. Ferris Wheel
  2. Rollercoaster
  3. Ticket Booth
  4. Ice Cream Stand
  5. Cotton Candy Stand
  6. Tin Can Alley
  7. Shooting Game
  8. Food Stand
  9. Beverages Stand
  10. Strongman Game
  11. Face in Hole
  12. Barrel Organ Player
  13. Balloon Seller
  14. Portrait Painter
  15. “Welcome” Gate (with a second variation of it)
  16. Bar Table

And the best thing is that you won’t have to wait very long at all for your very own amusement park to open, as our second Cosmetic DLC will already be out on August 11, at 6pm CEST/ 12pm EDT/ PDT, for a price of 4,99€/$.

There is one last question to cover, and that is the “Bustling City Life” Pack, which put up a very brave effort in our Anno Union vote and came in an extremely close second. We have been receiving lots of questions about the possibility of doing this second pack as well ever since. The answer is that we would love to do so! Should the Amusements Pack prove to be as popular with players as we all hope, we would be very excited to do the City Life Pack for you all for release after Land of Lions, towards the end of the year, including a small pond with pedal boats to help your citizens cool down in the heat. For now, we cannot wait to see all our beautiful screenshots of the Amusements Pack next week!

Stay safe,

The Anno Team