Twitch Drops: Anno 1800 Console Edition

Hey Anno Community,

Over the last weeks we have talked a lot about Anno 1800 Console Edition, and now, the release is just a few days away!

As we have done in the past for all releases of the PC version, the release of Anno 1800 Console Edition will be accompanied by a Twitch Drops event where you can earn several ornaments, skins and company logos for the Console Edition.

Viewer: Earning Drops

The Twitch Drops event starts on March 16 – release day – and lasts till March 23.

Anyone watching any of the streamers who sign up for the Twitch Drops event for the mentioned periods will be able to unlock several items for Anno 1800 Console Edition:

By watching any of our partner streamers (see list at the end of this article), you can earn the “Anno Union Banner” for watching 1 hour and the “Celebratory Ship Skin” for the Ship of the Line for watching 2 hours.

In addition, there are 4 company logos, the “Anno Union Billboard” and the “Celebratory Ship Skin” for the Battlecruiser which you can earn from any Anno 1800 streamer. Each day of the Twitch Drops event, a new item can be earned in the order shown on the image below:

The only thing you need to do is to first link your Ubisoft account to your Twitch account and then watch the streamers during the event for the mentioned time to receive your loot for Console Edition.

After receiving a drop, you need to claim it via the Twitch inventory. You can find more information on Twitch Drops in general in this official FAQ.


*As PC player, you already own the mentioned logos/ornaments/skins.

Streamers: How to participate

Any streamer can participate by signing up for the event. Simply head to this page for your Twitch account, make sure to connect it with your Ubisoft account, and opt-in to the drops. You can find more info on Twitch Drops in this official FAQ from Twitch.

When you stream Anno 1800 Console Edition or Anno 1800 PC during the mentioned period, your viewers will be able to earn drops.

Partner Streamers

Below you can find a list of all partner streamers participating in the Twitch Drops event where you can earn the two items listed above for Anno 1800 Console Edition:















Development of Anno 1800 Console Edition is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action within the framework of computer games funding.

Union Update: Console DevDiary and Free Week

Hey Anno Community,

With the release of Anno 1800 Console Edition drawing ever closer, we wanted to talk a bit more about our work on the project, talk about the why and how and the experience of the team. Check out our DevDiary Trailer below, with Charles, Elisabetta, Jan-Philipp, Lisa and Nicolas giving you some insights into the development of the console version:


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And as a little bonus, we have a small glimpse at the behind the scenes of the creation of the video:

Free Week – March 16-23

We’re also happy to announce a Free Week for Anno 1800, starting in two weeks’ time. Download and play the game on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Epic and Ubisoft Connect from March 16 till March 23rd. Or convince a friend to give it a try and join them for some multiplayer fun!

The Free Week contains the full base game experience, and as with our last Free Weeks, if you purchase the game afterwards, you can simply continue where you left off.

Anno 1800 Postlaunch-Soundtrack

Also releasing at the end of March is the full Anno 1800 postlaunch soundtrack!

While the limited edition “The Four Seasons” Vinyl from Black Screen Records has almost sold out by now (in record time): Don’t worry – you can still preorder from one of these stores. We’re of course also releasing the remaining soundtrack digitally.

The digital version of the soundtrack will make its way to the usual places like Spotify, iTunes in late March. We’ll of course update you as soon as it’s available.

Development of Anno 1800 Console Edition is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action within the framework of computer games funding.

DevBlog: What’s in the Annoversary Update?

Hey Anno Community,

With the playtest for the “Annoversary Update” (previously: “Jubilee Patch”) having concluded – thank you to everyone who participated and wrote us their feedback! – let’s talk both about our learnings from the test as well as (of course) about the upcoming Game Update itself!

So, what is the “Annoversary Update”?

The “Annoversary Update” is the last big free Game Update that we’re planning for Anno 1800 on PC (the update will not release for the Console Edition). It includes two larger new features, several quality-of-life improvements and a laaaarge number of bug fixes.

As the name implies, it’s releasing just in time for the 25th Anniversary of the Anno series! That’s a quarter of a century full of Anno!

Specifically, the release is planned for April 4th, and in addition to what we mentioned above, you can also look forward to a few surprises for the Annoversary in particular. We keep those for later 😉

Instead, let’s take a look at the contents of the Update.

The Creative Mode


The Creative Mode is a completely separate game mode, an alternative to campaign or sandbox mode. Important to note here also is, that this is NOT the intended way to play Anno 1800 since it does not simulate a regular game. Instead, it’s a mode targeted towards our beauty building community, making it easier to build the city (or industrial district) of your dreams!

Accordingly, in Creative Mode, multiple core mechanics are disabled or changed, for example:

  • Money is unlimited
  • The influence system is deactivated
  • You won’t have to worry about incidents
  • Buildings don’t need a street connection, don’t have construction costs, and don’t require input goods or workforce to function

Basically, it allows you to build whatever you want and as much as you want and – it’s in the name – be creative!

To further help with that, there are more special rules and changes compared to the regular game, like:

  • Immediately place any type of residence building without needing to upgrade
  • Place unlimited numbers of decorative versions of all monuments
  • Place any of the Museum, Zoo or Botanical Garden exhibits freely without having to first acquire them

The Creative Mode is intended as a playground to play around with and specifically for the beauty builders among you to have a less restrictive sandbox to build and design as you please. If you own any DLC or Cosmetic DLC, they will of course also be available in this mode.


Even if you’re not so much into beauty building, the mode might still be interesting for you because of the second feature we’re adding. Introducing…

Yes, this certainly is something we have seen being requested a lot over the years: A way to save layouts and use them again later or even in a different savegame. And that’s exactly what the Stamp Feature does.

Like with the copy tool, you can select a number of buildings, streets, ornaments etc. that are then saved as a “stamp” in a separate menu. You can rename each stamp and select an icon (from any of the buildings included in the stamp) and there are folders you can sort your stamps into.

To make things much easier, you can organize and rename your folders and stamps also outside the game in the Windows File Explorer. Additionally, this allows you to share your stamps with other players, for example on Reddit or Discord. Be it a perfect production layout or a beautiful park for your city, we’re already looking forward to seeing your creations.

If a Stamp includes content that is either limited to the Creative Mode or part of a DLC you don’t own, you can still place it, but the unavailable objects are placed as blueprints and cannot be upgraded (or, in the case of DLC content: not until you own it).

More Quality-of-Life Improvements

In addition to these changes, there are also some smaller quality-of-life improvements in this update, a quick selection below:

  • Roads can now be upgraded/downgraded via the upgrade tool, like regular buildings
  • You’ll be able to enable fully colored minimap islands (an improvement we took from the Console Edition)
  • In Warehouses and the expedition preparation menu you can now search for specific goods
  • We’ve reworked the Happiness calculation for residences to better factor in Hotels/Tourists that previously had too little impact
  • Some smaller improvements for our modding community

Learnings from the Playtest

The recent playtest in particular helped us identify a few key areas where the two new features need some more context or explanations (esp. when it came to the Stamp Feature and the folders), and we’ll soon start working on those to have them ready upon the update’s release.

Additionally, our testers highlighted a few more bugs both with those new features, as well as in other areas, that they’d like us to tackle for the update, that we now have on our fix-list for the next weeks.

Once more, a big thank you to everyone who participated in the playtest and provided us with reports and feedback!

So… what’s left to say? The “Annoversary Update” will release on April 4th, and as usual we will have the full Release Notes ready for you closer to that date when we have finalized the version.

In the coming weeks we’re getting ready for the launch of the Anno 1800 Console Edition which we’re very excited about. And at the end of March you can then expect news on the “Annoversary Update”. Stay tuned!

Union Update – Sign up for the “Jubilee Patch” playtest

Hey Anno Community,

Today, we’re starting recruitment for the upcoming playtest for the “Jubilee Patch” which we have teased a couple of weeks ago.

The “Jubilee Patch” is our upcoming Free Game Update that not only includes a large number of bug fixes and improvements, but also additional quality-of-life additions and new features. We’d love to get your help in testing said update and in providing us with feedback on which aspects could still need some polishing or improving.

The overall goals for the playtest therefore are:

  • Test the new features developed for the “Jubilee Patch”
  • Test various QoL improvements
  • Test the general stability of the update

A large number of bugs have also been fixed already and will be in said playtest version, so, getting feedback from any of you who were affected by these problems will be especially valuable. This includes for example quest bugs like:

  • Anarchist Quests
  • Barbecue Quest (Skyline Tower, The High Life)
  • Inauguration Quest (Iron Tower, Tourist Season)

But also several of the bugs listed on our Trello Board:

  • Issues with the Flamethrower Monitor
  • AI attacking civilian buildings near the shore
  • Wrong checkmark behaviour in cultural buildings

The playtest is planned for February 16 to 19 – and you can sign up today! Just follow this link.*
We’ll be randomly selecting a few hundred players early next week, after which the invites will be sent out. Please be aware that you will have to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) to participate.

Soon after the conclusion of the playtest, we’re going to share more details on the “Jubilee Patch” with everyone. Stay tuned until then, and don’t forget to sign up for the playtest!



(*the sign-up period has ended)

Union Update: Your questions about the Console Edition

Hey everyone, hello Anno Community,

It’s been about two weeks since we unveiled the Anno 1800 Console Edition on Twitch, showing off what the team has been working on for while already. If you missed it, you can check out our full livestream here.

Both during and after the stream we have noticed a few questions popping up that we certainly want to answer – so, read on for more information on the console version. Let us know in the comments if there are any open questions left!


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And we have been filming another video this week, as you can see on the photo below. Stay tuned till late February, when some of our colleagues who worked on the Console Edition talk about the project.


Your frequently asked questions

On which platforms are you releasing Anno 1800 Console Edition?

Anno 1800 Console Edition will be available on PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series S|X on March 16th, 2023. As we wanted to provide the best gameplay experience, we decided to use the power of the next gen consoles, with which we felt we can deliver the same experience without cutting corners or removing features.

What versions of the Console Edition are available? Is there going to be a physical version of Anno 1800 Console Edition?

You can choose between the Standard Edition, which includes the full base game, for 40€ and the Deluxe Edition, which includes three additional Cosmetic DLC (Amusements Pack, City Lights Pack, Pedestrian Zone Pack), for 50€.

The Standard Edition is available as physical version at selected retailers.

Find out more by following this link.

Are there any major differences between the PC and the console version?

The Console Edition includes the base game of Anno 1800 with all major free updates released for the PC version over the last 4 years. Our mission was to provide the full Anno 1800 base game experience on consoles. For this end, we reworked the complete UI and controls, and also added an extended tutorial as well as the ‘Annopedia’, an in-game wiki with information on all the game’s features and mechanics.

Does the Console Edition support Cross-play & Cross-progression?

The Anno 1800 Console Edition allows multiplayer matches with a maximum of 16 players, with up to 4 players per team in co-op mode. However, the console version does only support multiplayer between players on the same platform.

Cross-progression between Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 is supported.

What kind of input methods can I use with the Console Edition?

Our main focus during the development of Anno 1800 Console Edition was to achieve a smooth experience with a controller, for which the UI and controls were redesigned. It will therefore not support mouse and keyboard.

Since the PC version is optimized for mouse and keyboard input and for all the additional Season Pass DLC released there, we are currently not planning to add controller support to the PC version.

At what framerate will Anno 1800 Console Edition run?

Our focus for the Console Edition was to provide a smooth gameplay experience at all times considering the game’s complexity with large cities across two regions. The Console Edition therefore has a locked framerate of 30 FP on all consoles.

What are your plans for DLC content for the Console Edition?

For Anno 1800 Console Edition, we have decided to focus on the base game experience of Anno 1800 which already provides many hours of content, especially since we’ll be including the Free Game Updates that have been released for the PC version so far. Upon its release, the first 9 Cosmetic DLC that have already been released on PC will be available for purchase. The recently released “Dragon Garden” Pack as well as the three remaining Cosmetic DLC that are planned to be released in 2023 will become available later this year. There are no plans to release the Season Passes on console.

Did you stop further DLC development for the PC version (as you announced last year) because of the Console Edition?

No, the Console Edition is already in development since autumn 2021 and we continued releasing both content and free updates for PC since.

The team working on the Console Edition here at Ubisoft Mainz is made up of both veteran Anno developers, as well as new colleagues who joined us specifically for this project.

The plans to end main development for the PC version were independent from our plans for a version for console, as we felt that the PC version is in a good position with all the post launch content.

Are you already working on a new project, a new Anno game?

As we stated end of last year in our article on the future of Anno, part of the team is working on a new project that’s currently in an early conception stage. It’s too early to talk about it now but we’re always happy to read the ideas and wishes of our community.

Revealing Anno 1800 Console Edition

Today, we’re very happy to reveal the Anno 1800 Console Edition!


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For the first time in Anno’s 25-year history, a core Anno game is launching on consoles, marking this not only an exciting step for us as a team, but for the Anno brand as a whole!

Anno 1800 Console Edition includes the full Anno 1800 base game experience with all major Free Game Updates released so far, with multiple improvements to make the game just as enjoyable on consoles as it is on PC. We will go into more detail on that in the next paragraph and future articles in the week until release.

Talking about the release: Anno 1800 Console Edition will launch on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S on March 16th this year!

Bringing Anno 1800 to consoles

For us as a team, this project was an exciting challenge, after years of PC-focused development for Anno. From the obvious use of a gamepad instead of mouse and keyboard to the larger distance between you as a player and your screen: many things had to be considered and redesigned.

At the same time, we were very excited to not only gather new experiences, professionally, but to also be able to bring our “baby” to new platforms and therefore a new audience.

You probably already noticed in the trailer above that we redesigned the full UI: The construction menu is now a radial menu – much easier to navigate with a gamepad – while other elements have moved to other parts of the screen. There are multiple further changes, like an enlarged region map to quickly jump between islands, the option to automatically build roads around building blocks and the Annopedia with lots of useful information on game mechanics and features, just to name a few.

Of course, you will also profit from various features that we developed for the PC version over the last years like the statistics screen to keep an overview of your production, population and finances, a day-and-night cycle to see your cities in a completely different light and co-op mode to tackle the challenges of the 19th century with friends and family. Like on PC, up to 16 players can join up for some fun multiplayer time.

If you’re curious how the Console Edition looks like in action: Please head on over to and check out the VOD of our reveal live stream!

Editions and Early Adopter Offer

Starting today, Anno 1800 Console Edition is available for pre-order in two versions:

The Standard Edition includes the base game and is priced at 40€.

The Deluxe Edition includes the base game as well as three Cosmetic DLC: The “Amusements” Pack, the “Pedestrian Zone” Pack and the “Vibrant Cities” Pack with more ornaments and building skins for your cities. It is priced at 50€.

The three Cosmetic DLC included in the Deluxe Edition, as well as all other Cosmetic DLC that have been released for the PC version so far, will also be available for individual purchase for the console version after release. The “Dragon Garden” Pack releasing in January on PC will also become available on consoles later this year.

Additionally, there’s a limited Early Adopter Offer if you pre-order the Console Edition or purchase it within the first 30 days after release (until April 16th). This bonus pack includes the Imperial and Console Founder pack with several additional skins, logos and ornaments as well as the digital artbook. And, in the meantime, if you cannot wait to listen again to the superb soundtrack of the game, it’s as always available on all main streaming platforms here!

Anno 1800 Console Edition will release on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 on Thursday, March 16th. Until then, you can expect more news from us with a dedicated DevBlog on our work on the console version, as well as a trailer giving insights into the development process. We’ll also have several videos to help you get started in the world of Anno 1800. So: Stay tuned for the coming weeks, we’re excited to share more!

You can preorder Anno 1800 Console Edition right now for the platform of your choice by following this link:

Development of Anno 1800 Console Edition is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action within the framework of computer games funding.

DevBlog: The “Dragon Garden” Pack

As part of our “What’s next for Anno 1800” blog from December last year, we also talked about our Cosmetic DLC plans – and teased the first of this year’s topics: The “Dragon Garden” Pack!

Today, let’s take a look at what you can soon add to your cities to celebrate the new Lunar Year.

Light up your city and create the right mood with a variety of lanterns: Both Lantern Gates as well as individual ones are highlights especially at night. The Wishing Tree, the perfect place to hang your New Year wishes, is also decorated with a set of bamboo lanterns.

And, of course, let’s not forget the (literal) highlight of the DLC: The Great Dragon itself, easily outshining the rest and making a great centre for the overall celebrations.

Nothing stands in the way of having the best start into the new Lunar Year (the year of the rabbit, by the way, not to be confused with the Rabbids).

Additionally, there are also some ornaments that don’t have as much of a festive character but can be used to create a (dragon-) garden or dedicated district. Starting with the Forbidden City Wall and Gate to frame such an area, you can place mighty stone Lions to protect the entrances. The Garden of Serenity or the Pagoda, on the other hand, are wonderful places to relax or to meet good friends.

With these new ornaments in your bag, you’ll be able to celebrate Lunar New Year in style – and can probably make Princess Qing very happy. We can’t wait to see your creations and designs!

The “Dragon Garden” Pack will release next week, on January 19th, for the usual price of 4,99€. You can find a list of all its ornaments below.

List of all ornaments

  • Lantern gate (2 variants)
  • Lamp Post
  • Lucky Bamboo Lanterns
  • New Year’s Lantern
  • Fortune Coin Stand
  • Wishing Tree (3 colour variants)
  • Bronze Bell (with and without roof)
  • Gong (with and without roof)
  • Wishing Gate
  • New Year Stall
  • Peaceful Pagoda
  • Forbidden City Wall (modular)
  • Forbidden City Gate
  • Garden of Serenity
  • Stone Lion
  • Great Dragon

Union Update: Game Update, live stream and challenge rewards

Hey Anno Community,

Happy New Year! We hope you had a great time over the holidays and started well into 2023.

Let’s take a look at what’s planned for the coming weeks in the world of Anno 1800:

Upcoming Game Update 16.1

Firstly, we’re currently in the validation phase for Game Update 16.1, a patch that will address several of the issues you reported to us following Game Update 16 and DLC 12. For example, the duplication of item effects when using the multi-move feature, several text issues for the Stadium and the problem that the game was not starting under certain circumstances.

The Game Update is planned for January 19th, we’ll have the full Release Notes for you closer to that date.

Celebrate Lunar New Year in style

Talking about January 19th: On the same day, we’re going to release the “Dragon Garden” Pack Cosmetic DLC.  Celebrate the New Lunar Year with the Dragon Garden Pack and create stunning lucky-dragon-themed districts in your empire with new ornaments. More details and screenshots on Thursday in a dedicated blog.

Revealing Anno 1800 Console Edition

Before these releases, however, there’s one more big event: On the 17th at 5PM UTC+1 we will reveal the Anno 1800 Console Edition in a live stream on

We’re excited to show you what we’ve been working on and how you will soon be able to experience Anno 1800 on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. Mark the day, we’ll see you there!

“Cultural Boom” Community Challenge

Last but not least: The DLC 12 Community Challenge!

As we already said before the holidays, you smashed the goal of settling 81 million Artistas with ease. In fact, in the two weeks the challenge was running, you achieved three times that: a total of 242 million! Incredible, your New World cities must be very crowded by now and we hope you built some parks for them to relax.

With Game Update 16.1 next week, we’ll add two rewards to the game for everyone: Two new company logos themed after DLC 12 (orchid and bird) and two new player colours (Bordeaux Red and Orange).

Union Update – Happy Holidays 2022

Hey Anno Community,

We’re super close to the holidays and the end of the year, time for one last blog post here on the Anno Union.

This year’s focus was very much on the New World region, with “Seeds of Change”, “Empire of the Skies” and “New World Rising” all adding new options and possibilities for the New World – with DLC 12 even expanding the region further and adding Manola, a large continental-style island.

That said, we have also seen many happy comments (and screenshots!) in regard to the “Old Town” Pack Cosmetic DLC and admired all the little castles you built. We are not only happy that the Cosmetic DLC continue to be so well-received, but are also amazed by seeing what you create with all these options in the game now!

In addition to our livestreams (as usual with a very wholesome chat), 2022 marked the first time since 2019 that we could bring Anno to a large physical event again! Gamescom 2022 was a great experience for us, and we loved meeting some of you there.

And while we love seeing the comments, screenshots and videos you posted about “New World Rising” and the things you discovered in the DLC, we’re aware that some of you are still encountering issues with starting the game, even after the hotfix from Friday last week. For our investigation, it would be great if you could get in touch with Customer Support and provide your DxDiag file as well as your Ubisoft Connect launcher log. 

There are also several other bug reports we’re investigating following the release of DLC 12, like missing translations for certain menus or a problem with item effect duplication. We’ll keep you updated on the most notable problems via our Known Issues Board.

Therefore, looking into 2023, our first focus in January is ironing out those issues with a patch. As we communicated in early December, we’re also working on a larger Game Update for Spring and will have more news on it and its contents early next year.

Additionally, expect news on the Anno 1800 console version next year, too!

As some of you have already asked, we’re as usual sharing this year’s artworks as wallpapers with you. You can download the whole bundle here. Enjoy artworks from “Seeds of Change” over the “Industrial Zone” Pack to “New World Rising”! 

We’re wishing you Happy Holidays and a great start into the New Year.
See you in January!
The Anno Team

Union Update – Updates and a Community Spotlight

Hey Anno Community,

It has been a week since the release of “New World Rising” and we hope your New World is thriving with happy Artistas! We thought it was the perfect moment to stop and have a look at the awesome content you have been sharing with us, as well as giving you an update on what has been going on in the past few days.

Issues with Anno 1800 not starting after Game Update 16

While we are extremely happy to see so many of you experiencing cultural boom in the New World and building amazing Medieval citadels with our latest DLC and CDLC, we are also aware that some of you are currently facing issues with the game not launching since Game Update 16. As stated in this forum thread, we think we have found a fix for the problem and are currently in validation. We should be able to tell you a timeline for the fix tomorrow. We recommend following our forum thread to stay up to date with the latest news, as we will update it as soon as we have more information.

Once again, we apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

“New World Rising” Twitch Drops

One last reminder for our current Twitch Drops campaign, as you still have 3 days to grab two fancy new ornaments dedicated to “New World Rising”! All you need to do is grab a snack and a cup of coffee (or tea if you prefer) and watch your favourite Anno livestream for 2 hours.

Community Challenge – Cultural Boom

We are halfway through the “Cultural Boom” Community Challenge. First of all, wow! There is still a week to go, but you already passed it with over 107 million Artistas! You have done an excellent job in welcoming new residents to your New World islands, so we decided to add something else as a reward: two new profile colours – congratulations, Annoholics!

And now we wonder – will you get to 200 million by the end of the Challenge and show off your outstanding city-building skills?

Community Spotlight

With the release of “New World Rising” and the “Old Town” Pack CDLC at the same time, we decided to dedicate today’s Community Spotlight to these two themes and the wonderful screenshots you have shared so far.

We start with Maulwurf_Viking2371, who shared this amazing screenshot on the Annoverse Discord: this seems like the perfect location for a small Medieval town, plus the idea of building it next to the fortress makes it even more special. Great shot!

When it comes to beauty building in Anno 1800, Aestris never disappoints. Aestris has been sharing a lot of screenshots portraying life on Manola – it was difficult for us to choose only one screenshot, as every one of them looked stunning! Therefore, we decided to go for an overview of Manola. Mixing the ornaments from different packs, including the “Old Town” Pack is a great way to spice things up.

We love screenshots that tell us a story in some way, and we thought that this collection of screenshots by Hippimichi on Reddit does exactly that. We chose to highlight a close-up of the old town and the merchant, while you can also see a parade about to enter the old town walls, but we recommend checking out the whole collection on Reddit!

Artistas bring wonderful colours to the New World, and One_King_4900 has captured this splash of colours by night. We love the contrast of the quiet darkness surrounding the bright and colourful Artistas residences, enhanced by those faint streetlights. What a lovely combination!