Union Update: Modder Spotlight – Kurila

Hey Anno Community,

With the mod browser now implemented for Anno 1800 on PC, adding community creations to your savegames has never been easier! We’ve been very happy with the reception following the release last week and hope many of you will give some of the fantastic creations from the Anno modding community a try – especially if you haven’t done so before.

Since we owe a big thank you to said modding community, we of course want to feature some of their creations on our channels. This of course includes the Anno Union, and today we’re not only featuring some mods, but also have an interview with their creator: Kurila!

Read on to learn how he got into modding and what he recommends to players who want to start creating mods.

Hey Kurila! Thank you for taking the time. Let’s start at the very beginning: How did you get into modding Anno 1800? What was the reason you started?

As is usually the case with modding, I wanted to try to implement my own wishes and ideas.

I had already modified existing mods before, but my first own mod was that farms with tractor barns have fast transporters like the electrified factories.

But that was only the start, as we know. What other kind of mods have you worked on so far?

So far, I have created mods that include completely new products and their production, such as smoked fish.

My aim has been to find a way to make fish interesting for engineers and investors.

I have also created mods that have expanded existing productions, for example, the production of schnapps and beer requires either clay or glass in addition to the existing products. Since their previous production was too simple for me.

But I have also created smaller mods that only involve minor changes, such as making the Arctic canteen also function as a warehouse.

Did you have any prior modding knowledge or specific skills (programming, 3D art, …) when starting to mod Anno?

I had no idea about modding at the beginning. I had been playing computer games since I was a child, but otherwise I had nothing to do with computer-related work. My beginnings with mods were with XCom2 where I had adapted values in existing mods, so it went on at the beginning also with Anno 1800.

But at some point, this was no longer enough to achieve my wishes and ideas, so I started to look at how I could achieve this myself.

So, having started from zero yourself, what would you advise someone who wanted to get into modding Anno themselves?

Not to be deterred because everything seems too complicated and incomprehensible.

You have to start small and then develop your work. Otherwise, it’s too easy to get caught up in complex processes without understanding the basic structure of the mods.

I was very sceptical at the beginning about trying to learn how to edit graphics as a person with no experience in 3d graphics, as it seemed so incredibly complex.

But with the help of other modders and their modding tools it is possible with patience and will to learn everything you need.

And, final question: is there something (new) you’re working on right now?

One of the mods I am currently working on is an extension of the production of clothing.

Sewing thread and Wool Fabric should have a relevant role in their production.


Thank you, Kurila! We’re looking forward to your future mods, making a complex game yet even more complicated 😉

At the end of today’s blog, we want to highlight one specific mod by Kurila, the “Production Works” one. In true industrial revolution spirit, this one is all about factories, adding for example a Cable Factory – with cables now being required for the construction of elevators as well as for the construction of various buildings, like Power Plants or Radio Towers.

Drinks now also need materials to produce the container it’s filled into: glass for bottles, wood for barrels etc.

You’ll also find more uses for Wanza Timber (from Land of Lions) in adjusted recipes as well as new needs for your population – like potatoes!

Check out Kurila’s mods on mod.io or search for his mods directly in the in-game mod browser.



You would like us to feature your mod in a future spotlight? Reach out to us here in the comments or on Discord!

Union Update: National Park Pack release day

Hey Anno Community,

it’s Tuesday, and release day! The new Cosmetic DLC National Park Pack is now available on all platforms (on Steam it will be available from 7PM CEST onwards as usual).

Build dedicated parks for your citizens or simply add hiking paths and picnic opportunities to already existing forests on your islands – and create lakes and little streams. This CDLC is all about being outside in nature. For your people used to ever-growing cities and industrial smog, this should be the ideal opportunity to relax and unwind.


There’s more releasing today than just the National Park Pack, so, let’s take a look:

Release Notes

Together with the National Park Pack, we’re also releasing patches for both PC and Console.

On Consoles, it addresses an “out of memory” issue on PS5 and potential causes for desyncs on all consoles.

On PC, aside from addressing two exploits, the loading times of the game with mods have been drastically reduced and we fixed the unbuildable area on one of the New World islands.

You can find the full Release Notes for Consoles here and for PC by following this link.

Mod Browser

Very importantly, players on PC will now also be able to make full use of the new integrated mod browser thanks to mod.io!

Scroll through the available mods either on the mod.io page in your browser or – even easier – in the game directly! Subscribing to any mod of your choosing will trigger the download. Check for each savegame which mods are used and leave an update or a nice comment on the mod pages for their creators.

For you mod creators, we’d love to spotlight your creations ingame and on the Anno Union, so, don’t hesitate to upload them to mod.io, too!

Read more about the mod browser here.

We also set up a subpage right here on the Anno Union with the mod browser itself as well as links to FAQs with more information and redirections for further resources. Check it out: https://www.anno-union.com/mods/

We’re looking forward to both your screenshots of newly created parks and lake areas, as well as feedback on the new mod browser!

Anno 1800 x mod.io – the mod browser is coming

Hey Anno Community,

You remember April, when we unintentionally released the integrated mod loader? Well, technically that was only one part of our modding support plans for Anno 1800 on PC, so, let’s talk about part 2 today!

Over the last months we have been working together with the team at mod.io on a more comfortable way to use mods: A dedicated mod browser for Anno 1800!

Not only will this enable you to find, activate and use mods much quicker than before, but it also gives all of you who are creating all those fantastic mods for Anno 1800 a spotlight right in the game!

mod.io partnership

To achieve this, we are partnering with mod.io, a platform for UGC (User Generated Content), who are already supporting over 150 other great games for millions of players. They helped us with integrating their browser into Anno 1800, ironing out any remaining issues and lending us their expertise for a smooth release.

“We’re thrilled to partner with Ubisoft, powering official mod support for Anno 1800. As a pillar of the strategy genre, it’s fitting that Anno continues to lead the way by providing players with new experiences, while celebrating its jubilee. Bringing mods to the forefront, to players in-game and on the Anno Union, we’re proud to collaborate with Ubisoft, and the creators they inspire,”
said Scott Reismanis, CEO and Co-founder of mod.io.

It’s been a pleasure working with the team from mod.io and we hope you’re all just as excited as we are for letting you use this new feature to customize your Anno 1800 experience to your needs with mods from our fantastic community.

Mod Browser Functionality

Let’s talk about this UGC solution for a moment then: The mod browser for Anno 1800 on PC will allow you to browse through all available mods directly within the game itself or in a web browser via the mod.io website. You can then subscribe to any mods you like, prompting an automatic download and install. The already integrated mod loader will make sure the mods are recognised by the game and activated.

On mod.io, where the mods are being hosted, all Anno 1800 modders can set up pages for their creations, add descriptions and images as well as and see statistics on ratings, downloads and subscribers. Leave them a nice comment if you enjoy their mods!

You can also have a look at the available mods directly here on the Anno Union. On this page you can also find further resources and an FAQ for everything related to mod support.

Next Steps

So, what are the next steps? We are planning to release the update with the mod browser on August 22nd at 3PM CEST, together with the “National Park” Pack Cosmetic DLC.

Already before that, however, starting today, our friends at mod.io and us will be launching the official Anno 1800 subpage on their platform. This will allow any of you modders to already upload your creations there and set up your pages – this way players can immediately find and use your mods on release day!

You can find the Anno 1800 hub on mod.io here: https://mod.io/g/anno-1800

Finally, and very importantly, we want to specifically say thank you to the group of modders who helped us test earlier versions of the mod browser integration and provided us with valuable feedback and bug reports. Your support was greatly appreciated and helped immensely with providing a much better user experience in the end!

This is an experiment for us, too, and we’re excited to release the mod browser in just a few weeks to further strengthen our awesome modding community!

The Anno Team

DevBlog: The “National Park” Pack Cosmetic DLC

Hey Anno Community,

Please grab your walking sticks and the picnic basket, we’re going on a hiking trip!

With the “National Park” Pack we’re leaving the city completely and are looking at the wild side of your islands – you left some space for recreation, right? In the Cosmetic DLC vote in 2021, the “Nature” Pack received many positive comments – and we also loved the idea of doing something different so much that it soon ended up in our plans for this year.

Along the hiking trail you might meet people sitting down to catch their breath or spot some wild animals, curious about who is making all the noise in their forest.

There also are some majestic trees to discover, as well as old ruins and grand rock formations.

And if the terrain just gets a little bit too rugged or swampy: Don’t worry, there are elevated boardwalks to keep your feet dry while providing a slightly better view on your surroundings.

Sometimes, however, you just want to sit down and grab a snack or simply rest for a moment. For that, you have multiple different options: A picnic in the forest, maybe even with pizza? Or do you rather want to sit down at the Hiker’s Hut and enjoy the reassuring feeling of having a roof over your head?

These more spontaneous rests aside, you certainly should not miss a visit to the “Eagle’s Nest” Café. Not only do they serve the probably the best coffee and cake in the whole national park, but the eponymous tower also offers a fantastic view over the area.

And what if it starts getting dark? Don’t worry, find a nice place to set up your tents, start a little fire and enjoy the sounds of nature. And if you made some friends along the way, why not set up a proper large campfire to share both food as well as spooky stories with them?

The lake system

Walking through the forest all day may of course become a bit tiring – you will want a refresher! And is it even a proper hiking trip if you’re not getting attacked by mosquitoes while camping? So, let us visit the lake now:

The “National Park” Pack comes with a modular lake system that lets you create both small rivers as well as larger bodies of water. Leave small islands in the lake – and maybe connect them with bridges for any adventurous hiker to reach. You can pick between 3 different bridge sizes, crossing 1, 2 or 3 tiles of water.

A lake with such a mountain panorama makes for a great view, don’t you think? Simply plop down a few tents for the full camping experience. Just beware of bears…

“How long is the hike going to last? Are we there yet?” we hear you asking. Well, the “National Park” Pack is planned to release on Tuesday, August 22nd. It’s going to be available for the usual price of 5€ – or regional equivalent – on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, the Ubisoft Store, Steam and Epic.

And as usual, we encourage you to check the descriptions of the individual ornaments by selecting them – only this way you learn about the great lightning storm of 1602!

We’re looking forward to what you’re going to create with these new ornaments. Maybe the “National Park” works well with elements of the “Old Town” Pack?

List of all ornaments

Below you can find a list of all ornaments of the “National Park” Pack Cosmetic DLC.

  • Trail Brunch – a picnic with friends and family
  • Pizza Picnic – What else would you bring on a hiking trip?
  • Campsite – Two tents and a little campfire
  • Tent
  • Campfire
  • Majestic Rock
  • Eroded Rock
  • “Eagle’s Nest” Café – Large forest café with watchtower
  • Ruined Tower
  • Feeding Station
  • Hiker’s Hut
  • Observation Point
  • Wanderer’s Rest
  • Gnarly Oak
  • Ash
  • Willow
  • Trail Sign
  • Small Wooden Bridge – crosses 1 tile of lake/canal
  • Wooden Bridge – crosses 2 tiles of lake/canal
  • Long Wooden Bridge – crosses 3 tiles of lake/canal
  • Hiking Trail
  • Boardwalk – a hiking path on stilts
  • Lake – with dark or light grass
  • Grass tile – light and dark

Union Update: Survey and live streams

Hey Anno Community,

we hope you all had a great start into the summerly month of July!

We wanted to give you a very short overview of what’s going on right now and coming up in the near future.

Anno Union survey

First, as a reminder: Right now, until the end of Sunday, we’re running a survey on the Anno Union website and our communication over the last years in general.

We want to know a bit more on how you use this website, if you liked our content and the way we presented it and if there’s anything you didn’t like or would like to see us improve upon.

Follow the link above for a short (about 10min) and completely anonymous survey. Thank you to all the people who already sent us their replies!

Annoversary Livestreams

We also continue with our plans for doing livestreams for every single Anno game:

Today, join Jan (Development Tester), Anastasiia (Junior UI Designer) and Oliver (Community Developer) for adventures in Anno 1701 – the first Anno title developed by Ubisoft Mainz (back then: Related Designs). We’ll be looking at the unique features of Anno 1701 compared to its predecessors and descendants and chat a bit about our daily work on Anno. Tune in at 5PM CEST over on twitch.tv/ubisoftbluebyte

Next Friday (14th), we’re diving into fan-favourite Anno 1404! Celeste (Community Manager) and Oliver are gearing up for a multiplayer match – with a twist: We’ll be relying on chat to decide where to settle, how to name our cities and what to build. Expect a tense high-skill match as you’re used to from our previous streams. Come and say hello! Same time, same place.

Upcoming Cosmetic DLC

Soon we will also have news on the upcoming Cosmetic DLC that some of you have already been asking about – and we’re looking forward to showing it to you! The DLC itself is scheduled to release in late August but we will have some first impressions very soon, and then the usual blog and the patch notes for the next Game Update in a few weeks.

Keep an eye on our channels!

Union Update: Upcoming livestreams & community spotlight

Hey Anno Community,

Today’s Union Update will mainly focus on a selection of great community creations in the “Spotlight” but first we want to announce two upcoming Annoversary livestreams:

  • The first will be an Anno 1503 livestream on this Friday, June 2nd, starting at 5PM CEST.
  • And next week Friday (9th) we’ll be following it up with an Anno 1602 livestream.

Our 1701 stream will likely happen towards the end of the month – we’ll keep you updated!

Community Spotlight

Today we have a very diverse Community Spotlight for you with multiple different pieces of community creations.

Let’s start with screenshots of the latest Cosmetic DLC: The “Fiesta” Pack.

First we have Tom D. who turned into a big fan of the purple Jacaranda trees and promptly distributed them all over his growing settlement on Manola:

Following that, we want to share Ionovia’s night-time screenshots (one of which we also used as a banner for today’s post)– including celebratory fireworks:

We also really loved Johnnyvanderzwaag’s “Deer in the forest” artwork they shared on Reddit:

A very cool surprise was recently posted by Taubenangriff, who shared almost 10min of alpha gameplay footage from their “New Horizons” mod for Anno 1800:


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To change things up, we’re travelling to the moon with AnnoEffect’s picture of their moon crater settlement from Anno 2205:

Finally, to prove that you can have Anno-related fun even outside the game:

We received an email with a fantastic recreation of the palace from “Seat of Power” – in Lego! The two Anno fans spent multiple months of turning over 100,000 stones into a 80kg heavy palace complex – complete with statues, park elements and a fountain. We were thoroughly impressed!

Last but not least, we have a piece of Anno 1602 nostalgia: Moebius created a rock version of the track “In the Beginning” which you veterans will surely recognise immediately:


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DevBlog: The “Fiesta” Pack Cosmetic DLC

Hey Anno Community,


It’s May, the weather is getting sunnier and warmer: This should hopefully put both you and your citizens in the right mood for the upcoming Cosmetic DLC – the “Fiesta” Pack!

Now, we have already included a teaser at the end of our “Anno movies” videos, meaning that it’s no big surprise anymore that the “Fiesta” Pack is adding a bunch of new ornaments for the New World. Considering it’s the second most important region in Anno 1800, we have seen the comments asking for more ornaments and more ways to customize your cities there.

As the name suggests, the “Fiesta” Pack looks on the bright sides (literally) of life with ornaments that add even more colour and prepare your public places for festivities.

The “Fiesta” Pack Cosmetic DLC is now available! You can now add a bunch of festive ornaments to your cities by purchasing it on the Ubisoft Store, Steam Store, PlayStation store or Xbox store for the price of 4,99€ or your regional equivalent.

Let’s have a look at what you can expect:


On the ornament side, our focus was on spicing up your public spaces, like your market place or other plaza-type locations. For this matter, the pack contains bright and colourful festive banners and the purple Jacaranda tree. Combine this with the new groundplates and some vendors like the Fruit Stall or the Mate Stall.

It’s also about providing more space for the local culture and heritage, for example with the Mesoan Memorial or the Sunwell. Round things off with a few cacti and flower beds and your people will thank you – provided they don’t get too close to those cacti.


We did not only include ornaments in the “Fiesta” Pack, however, but also skins for two existing buildings:

The first is the Market Place itself, that now not only features a bright purple paint, but also more colour on its pillars as well as a rounder shape with an open market space in the middle

The second building profiting from a visual make-over is the Chapel. Following the rest of the Cosmetic DLC, the new Chapel skin comes with clean white paint job and multiple coloured spots on its façade and windows.

Of course, that’s not quite all the content of the Cosmetic DLC, and you have probably spotted several more ornaments on the screenshots above – and, we’ll have a list of all its content below.

The “Fiesta” Pack will release in 2 weeks, on May 23rd, for the usual price of 4,99€. We’re looking forward to seeing your reworked New World cities! How do you plan on implementing the new skins and ornaments?

List of full content

  • New model variation for the Chapel (with standard and plaza groundplate)
  • New model variation for the Market Place (with standard and plaza groundplate)
  • Public Bench (3 variants)
  • Organ Cactus
  • Rosy Pincushion
  • Fence Post Cactus
  • Traditional Path (groundplate)
  • Traditional Terracotta (groundplate)
  • Fountain of Inspiration
  • Sunwell
  • Jacaranda Tree (3 variants)
  • Palm Tree (3 variants)
  • Summer Pavillion
  • Mate Stall
  • Tropical Fruit Stall
  • Market Cart
  • Fried Corn Cart
  • Mesoan Memorial
  • Bright Banners (modular system)
  • Exotic Flower Bed (modular system)
  • Traditional Wall (modular system)
  • Brick Arch

Union Update: May patch, Anno movie fun and livestream

Hey Anno Community,

April is coming to end, time for a quick overview of current news and upcoming events:

May 23 – patches for PC and Console

As we mentioned previously, we’ve been at work at Game Update 17.1 for PC and Patch 2 for Consoles. For all platforms, we’ll be releasing their respective updates on May 23rd.

As soon as the updates have been validated some time later in May, we’ll have the patch notes here on the Anno Union for you for both PC as well as PlayStation and Xbox Series X|S.

What about… Anno movies?

If you’ve followed our social channels, you may have seen our little (not quite serious) posts on Anno movies that could be shown in the New World cinema. If you missed them, you can find the two movie posters here and here. What kind of movie in the Anno universe would you love to see? Let us know!

(no, this is not an actual movie announcement, we just want so see your creativity 😉 )

Below you can find both video clips of our two New World characters visiting the cinema to watch said movies. And… maybe something else?

Live stream announcement

We also want to use this opportunity to announce next week’s livestream! Join us on Thursday, May 4th on twitch.tv/ubisoftbluebyte for a chill stream of playing Anno 1800.

You want us to showcase your savegame in any of our future livestreams? Then send them to anno-community@ubisoft.com – and feel free to add a brief description on what we should look out for!

Forums, Support and discussing Anno

As the ones of you who were frequenting the official Ubisoft forums know, said forums were decommissioned this week, including of course also the Anno forums.

If you were an avid user of the forum to discuss the game, report issues or seek gameplay help, there now is the (English-only) Ubisoft Discord server you can reach via this link.

For chats and discussions with other Anno players, we can also recommend heading to the Annoverse Discord server, with language channels for English, German, French and Russian. It’s also a great place to ask for help, share or find Stamps and find others for a multiplayer game.

Finally, there’s of course still the Anno Subreddit with its more forum-style approach.

Union Update: News, patch plans and a community spotlight

Hey Anno Community,

It’s mid-April, the Anno 1800 Console Edition has been already out for one month, Game Update 17 is released… let’s give you a short news recap and a fantastic Community Spotlight in today’s Union Update.


Firstly: What about those Cosmetic DLC we mentioned earlier in the year? – Excellent question. As communicated previously, we still have 3 Cosmetic DLC releasing this year (both on PC and console), each focusing on aspects that may have been a bit neglected so far, when it comes to beautification.

We’ll have news and first pictures about the upcoming one (to be released in May) in the coming weeks – stay tuned!

Console & PC: Patches

We’ve also seen some questions about a patch for both the Console Edition as well as the PC version.

Right now, we’re working on a patch for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S to tackle some of the reports you sent us over the last weeks, like issues with the diplomacy menu, some crashes and graphical glitches.

On PC, while Game Update 17 was the last major update, we are investigating reports you sent us after the recent release to iron out problems like the always-visible version number or that some stamps are getting created with special characters which subsequently corrupts their file. We are planning to still address these, as well as any high-priority issues, with a patch.

We’ve also received some reports on desyncs on PC. As a workaround for the time being, please make sure that each players of your multiplayer match has started the game once after Game Update 17 and either changed some settings (graphics, audio, …) or loaded and saved the game. If you afterwards regularly close the game, the chance for desyncs should be significantly lower. Please also make sure that all participants either use exactly the same mods or have all mods deactivated before playing.

Keep an eye on the Anno Union and our social channels for news on the upcoming patches!

Annoverse Quiz Event

Finally, the team of the “Annoverse” Discord is soon holding an Annoversary event on their server, with quizes to all Anno titles – and you can win prizes if you can prove your knowledge! Head over the their Discord server and read more in the news and dedicated giveaway channels. It all starts on Monday, April 17th!

Modloader (PC)

Let’s also not forget about our “happy little accident” last week, when we released the integrated modloader for Anno 1800 on PC. This means, the game will now automatically recognise mods in your mod folder and load them for you. This means you won’t need the other one anymore – please delete the files and then verify your game files to prevent any conflicts.

We want both credit and thank meow/xforce (GitHub link), who created the original modloader you have been using for the last years – and whose code formed part of the basis of what we now added to the game. Your work has been an immense factor in enabling the modding community for our game as it is right now, thank you!


We take this opportunity to remind you that mods might cause issues with the game (bugs, glitches, potential blockers), especially when they haven’t been updated in a while. Therefore, please check for potential incompatibilities or ask around on the Modding Discord Server.

Community Spotlight

As you might already know, with the Annoversary Update we added the Stamp Feature to Anno 1800 (PC). In case you missed it, you can check out this blog  to better understand how it works. If you created your own stamps already, don’t forget to share them with the rest of the Community! For example, the Annoverse Discord server has created a dedicated channel where anyone can share their Stamps.

The Anno Community is very dedicated, as we already know for a long time, and reallymilo has created a portal where you can share your Anno Stamps with the rest of the community: https://annostamps.com/

Speaking of Annoversary Update, we’ve seen some of you have been celebrating with fireworks and and lovely decorations in your cities. We hope you keep the celebrations going for a while and keep sharing those screenshots with us!

Let’s start with Qurphi, who shared on Reddit this lovely composition for the celebration. Why a 4 in the middle, you might ask? Well, Anno 1800 turns 4 this Sunday!

Mithaldriel has shared quite a few screenshots on the Annoverse Discord to show off the ongoing celebrations. We chose the one portraying the lovely skyline by night, with the Annoversary fireworks brightening the night sky. What a view!

Would you like to see more Annoversary fireworks? MaxiMALER effekt shared this screenshot on Steam, with a stunning view of the Research Institute and the Iron Tower, while fireworks burst with colours in the starry night. Bravo!

That’s it for this week, dear Annholics. We wish you a great weekend!

Union Update: Tips for getting started in Anno

Hey Anno Community,

Hard to believe, but the Anno 1800 Console Edition is already one week old! And we were blown away by the reception – thank you very much for all the kind comments and the positive feedback you have written. We’re very happy that Anno 1800 is getting such a great reception on consoles, too!

You have also approached us with some issues you’ve encountered, from some graphical glitches to problems with the diplomacy menu. We’re currently taking a look at those and will keep you updated on any future patch plans for the Console Edition.

Getting Started in Anno

Starting off into a new game you haven’t played before is rarely easy, and we have seen an increasing number of questions of new players – on PC and console alike – with questions about maintaining a positive balance, upgrade strategies and general tips & tricks.

To help your onboarding in Anno 1800, we have listed several good resources and places to get answers to those questions below:

Tutorial Videos

You prefer advice in video form? No worries, we got you covered:

Check out the tutorial video with 7 Essential Tips we created in cooperation with our colleagues from Gameplan!


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Additionally, if you like your tips with a touch of entertainment, check out this guide in a proper Anno 1800 ambience: .


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Community Resources

Of course, with a fantastic community as we have the pleasure of working with on Anno, there are more channels for you to go to for advice, tips and generally ask any questions that pop up during your time with the game.

Firstly, in addition to the in-game “Annopedia” (accessible at any time when playing by opening the main menu) with information to almost all aspects of the game, there’s the awesome fan-created and maintained Wiki for Anno 1800! While its focus is the PC version of the game, you’ll still find plenty of useful information on mechanics, trade and the individual NPCs when playing on console.

For asking questions or discussing game elements, why not join the “Annoverse” Discord server and connect with the community there.

And lastly, there’s a dedicated subreddit for Anno 1800 as well as the (on average more active) general Anno subreddit – the latter also has a neat new thread with useful links.

We’ve seen that several of you have already found your way there, so, don’t hesitate to join our fantastic community and profit from their expertise to also lead your empire to glory and prosperity!

Spring Sale & Annoversary Update

Lastly, while the weather might not always give you Spring feelings quite yet, there is a Spring Sale for Anno on PC on both the Ubisoft Store and the Steam Store with discounts on the History Editions, Anno 2070 and 2205 as well as of course Anno 1800 and its DLC!

Plus, as we know that our community on PC is very much waiting for news on the Annoversary Update (releasing on April 4th!) after all the excitement about the Console Edition: We’ll have the full Release Notes for said update for you next week. So, stay tuned!