Union Update: Art Livestream & Community Spotlight

Hey Anno Community,

Greetings from Mainz, we hope you’re all doing well!

We know things are a bit quieter on the communication side this year, but we want to at least give you a look at what’s happening in the coming weeks.

Cosmetic DLC 14 is planned to release in May, but we will drop the occasional teaser before that (like we’ve done last week) and there will be, as usual, a DevBlog closer to release with all details. Expect more news in April.

Also: there’s Anno 1800’s 5th birthday coming up on April 16th.


And what better time than Anno 1800’s birthday to hold our next livestream:

On April 16th at 5PM CEST we’ll welcome a special guest from our Art Team: Laura will join us to not only talk about the work of an artist in the Anno team but also present you the upcoming Cosmetic DLC: the Steampunk Pack!

As usual, we’ll be streaming on twitch.tv/ubisoftbluebyte

Community Spotlight

Lastly, of course we want to end this Union Update with a Community Spotlight!

Let’s first have a look at this dreamy sunset behind the Skyline and Iron Towers: can you imagine how stunning the view must be from up there? Great shot, Dosé (Annoverse Discord)!

“This city is a magnet for genius!” says the voice in this clip – and we couldn’t agree more (are we implying that we are genius? We’ll never know). This aerial shot by AnnoEffect (Annoverse Discord) is so relaxing and beautiful and captures very well the cold and chill we’re still feeling these days. Spring, where are you?

We’re always happy to see some satisfying patterns in your Anno screenshots, and these cotton plantations in this screenshot by Beny (Annoverse Discord) hit all the right spot. So vast and tidy, we love it!

What better way to end this Community Spotlight than going for a promenade in this city by Duke_Irony (Reddit)? Or maybe a relaxing walk by the river? We couldn’t choose, so here are two lovely screenshots – but we recommend having a look at the full collection on Reddit, you won’t regret it!

The header image for today’s blog is courtesy of NumberNegative from the Annoverse Discord.

Union Update: Game Music in Concert

Hey Anno Community,

We do have one more piece of news this month for fans of video game soundtracks:

On Sunday, January 28th, the Augsburg Philharmonic Orchestra will perform pieces from several video game soundtracks including TES V: Skyrim, Civilization 6 and: Anno 1404!

If you’re living nearby, you can still buy tickets via their website, alternatively you can also just simply get comfortable at home and watch their Twitch live stream of the whole concert.

It’s starting at 6 PM CET (5 PM UTC) on https://www.twitch.tv/staatstheateraugsburg


The two pieces from Anno 1404’s soundtrack – composed by Dynamedion – are “Monumental Cathedral” and “Money Counters”. Enjoy the show!

Union Update: Happy New Year & Community Spotlight

Hey Anno Community,

A happy New Year from the Anno team – we hope you all had a great start into 2024!


We’re back at work after our holiday break, time to let you know what’s coming up in the next months.
First of all: expect a slower start in terms of news and blogs from us this year.

In early Spring we’ll have more information on the next Cosmetic DLC (including a livestream with our artist Laura), the theme of which may or may not have been “leaked” at the end of last year.

The boardgame enthusiasts among you can also look forward to an expansion to the Anno 1800 boardgame, also coming in Spring 2024. We’ll keep you updated on any news our friends at Kosmos have on this.

On the Twitch side of things, we would also love to continue some of the (multiplayer) savegames – for example for 2070 and 1800 – from last year. Let us know what you’d like to see from us on Twitch!

Finally, we still want to continue featuring anything YOU are creating, so, there will be Community Spotlights on specific mods, screenshots and videos shared by you and any other type of player created content.

In this spirit, here’s the first spotlight of 2024:

Community Spotlight

Let’s start with some mods recently uploaded to mod.io:

First, the “Balanced responders” by NumberNegative. A small mod in itself, but likely useful for fans of Muggenstuermer’s Fire Station, Police Station and Hospital. It rebalances the automatic responder units of those building.

For a little bit of additional British-ness, jje1000 has a new church skin for you: Wibblesock’s Parish gives you yet more visual variety – and you’re likely making Willie very happy!

For owners and fans of the “Land of Lions” DLC, the “Safari to Old Enbesa” mod by Lion053 has already been a go-to mod for a while. Reason enough to highlight it again now that it’s on mod.io – together with the “Enbesa Tourism” mod by the same author.

Over on Reddit, wannabegansta123 shared impressions from several of their cities, all with a unique twist and style. We decided to feature the one titled “Engineer’s Respite” here today, but make sure to check the post on Reddit for more examples.

And last but not least, we loved this cute little “potato island” that Nikolai Dante shared on Discord. As you know, potatoes are extremely versatile: you can boil them, mash them, put them in a stew…

The header image for today’s blog is courtesy of Chris92 from the Annoverse Discord.

Union Update: Happy Holidays 2023

Hey Anno Community,

This is it, our last Anno Union blog for 2023. It has been quite a year for us (even though mostly behind the scenes) and for Anno – which celebrated its 25th birthday this year! And we had Anno’s first full console release, as well as a big Annoversary update and mod support for our loyal PC players – together with Anno’s first ever modding contest.

From Anno 1602 to Anno 1800, Anno players could travel through history into the future; and to celebrate the end of this Annoversary and take a laaarge dose of nostalgia, we have a special trailer to commemorate the occasion:


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Throughout the year, we have also covered all Anno games in dedicated livestreams with various guests from the team on our Twitch channel. The latest happened just a few days ago, on Tuesday, when we had Jannika (Game Writer) and Christian and Rico (UI Programmers) live on stream to talk about Anno and their work on Anno 1800 specifically. If you missed it, you can watch the VOD here.

2023 also marked the year for another milestone: Over 3 million players have joined the ranks of the Annoholics across PC and Console for Anno 1800 now! By popular request and for tradition’s sake, we have summarized some the achievements (and some incredible numbers!) in the image below:

Last but not least: Wallpapers! As usual, we’ll have all of this year’s artworks bundled together for you as a download. Just follow this link.


And… was there a teaser in our livestream on Tuesday? Maybe…

Could it lead to a page here on the Anno Union – when added to the URL – with some hints to the first Cosmetic DLC theme of 2024? Maybe…

Let’s just put this random video clip here:

Well, that was 2023! We’ll now be taking some time off over the holidays to recharge our batteries and wishing you all a great end of the year, happy holidays and a fantastic start into the new year.

See you in 2024, and thank you for being an awesome community!

All the best from Mainz,

The Anno Team

The winners of the Anno 1800 modding contest

Hey Anno Community!

In April and August this year we did our two mod support updates, and in late October we launched Anno 1800’s first ever modding contest. Today, we’re excited to announce the five winning entries!

They are not in any particular order and all participants will receive the same prize: The Clutch GM51 Lightweight Wireless Mouse and the Agility GD72 Gleam Edition Mousepad which MSI graciously sponsored us for this contest.

And now, without further ado: The winners! Congratulations to all of you!

Tisogno’s “Maya Treasures”

A mid-game mod that lets you “discover the remnants of ancient Maya culture” and “experience the enriching effects of traditional wisdom and bizarre myth”. Making good use of the Hacienda mechanic from “Seeds of Change”, multiple modules can be attached to the Mayan temple, both ornamental ones as well as ones with gameplay functions. Use them to craft goods like “Love Powder” or “Rejuvenation Essence” (with its very own sets of new input goods) to fulfill new Lifestyle needs.

Add to that special temple policies and a silver production chain if you want to want to fill your coffers with some extra cash and you’ll certainly have a great bundle of new production chains to discover.

The mod is now also available on mod.io for the ingame mod browser.

Flatlex’ and Finchen’s “Gnome Pottery”

We’re sure you missed some good old garden gnomes in Anno 1800 – that’s changing now! The ornamental mod adds “Harry’s Pottery”, the New World’s first gnome pottery and painting company. Appropriately outfitted with sombreros, we’re sure these garden gnomes will be a great success for Harry.

The mod is now also available on mod.io for the ingame mod browser.

HerrTurTur’s “Jungle Expedition Ornaments”

Likely inspired by some of the ornaments of the “National Park” Pack, HerrTurTur delivers you all you need for your very own jungle expedition scenery: A wild jungle path with dangerous events along the way including wild animals and a mysterious skull-shaped rock, but also a full expedition camp and resting places. On top of that, the lake system was revamped into a swamp system, complete with mangrove trees. Plus, there are some ruins for you to place.

The mod is now also available on mod.io for the ingame mod browser.

Taludas’ “Colossus of the New World: Finding Mayabeque”

Probably the most colossal (hah!) of the creations we were sent, this mod adds a whole new region that you will first need to discover, with a new mega-island (a total New World conversion of Crown Falls) as well as a new monument and a quest chain to tie things together. This mod will surely please everyone among you who wants to build yet another massive New World settlement – and enjoy a good story along the way. There are also some “airship-only” islands in this world with their very own bonuses – and don’t forget to finish the monument!

The mod is now also available on mod.io for the ingame mod browser.

Hier0nimus’ “Music to my ears”

Last but not least, this one is all about music: It adds several instruments and their dedicated production chains to the game – from simple flutes over banjos to harps – that serve as new happiness needs. They’re not exclusive to the New World, but each region (including DLC regions) received their own instruments and population needs.

This all culminates in the New World with a building that brings all these things together: The Music Hall! If you transport instruments from all across your empire towards your cities in the New World, you can hold great concerts – not only fulfilling a Need for your population, but also providing buffs to all residences in its area.

The mod is now also available on mod.io for the ingame mod browser.

Big thanks from the whole team to all of you for participating in Anno’s first ever modding contest! We’re happy to both have such an active modding community, and so many players now using and discovering mods for their playthroughs.

The five winners and everyone else who participated is of course free to provide their mods to the public via mod.io, Nexus, GitHub or any other platform of their choice.

Congratulations to you once again – we’ll be reaching out to you via e-mail in order to send you your prizes!

Union Update: End-of-Year Livestream and a Community Spotlight

Hey Anno Community,

Decorations everywhere and it’s getting rather cold (at least here in Mainz) that can mean only one thing: the end of the year is near!

Before that, however, we have one last livestream planned:

Livestream – December 12th

On Tuesday, December 12th, we’ll be holding our “End of Year Livestream” from 5PM CET/UTC+1 to 6:30PM CET/UTC+1. We’ll be playing some Anno 1800 but most importantly – we’ll have a fantastic guest lineup!

Joining us first will be Laura, Prop Artist – giving us insights into the work of a 3D Artist and the creation of the Cosmetic DLC.

Then we’ll be welcoming Jannika, Game Writer, and talk about hidden references in ingame texts.

And rounding things off are Rico & Christian, our two UI Programmers, giving you an overview over their work and the challenges with such a UI-heavy game like Anno.

We hope to see you there – this will be a great opportunity to ask our experts questions you always wanted to know the answers to!

And… there might be a giveaway?

Modding Contest

The Anno 1800 Modding Contest ended last week and we’re currently looking at the entrants. Thank you to everyone who sent in their creation – we’ll have a separate blog with the winners at the end of this week, latest next week before the holidays.

Community Spotlight

Last but not least, we’re happy to highlight just a few more creations by our community!

We start with something nostalgic: A map for Anno 1602! This absolutely HUGE map by SirVesanus features multiple islands, large landmasses and places to explore.


Secondly, this mod caught our attention: It’s a new church skin inspired by the great Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, created by Mrkoekie.

When talking tourist attractions: MSC111 created these beautiful menus based on the dishes from the Tourist Season DLC restaurants.


And lastly, fitting to the current season, we also want to share this little old town Christmas market created by Finchen on Discord.

Union Update: It’s Eldritch Pack Release Day!

Hey Anno Community,

Today’s the day Eldritch horrors make their way into your cities! With the “Eldritch” Pack Cosmetic DLC you’ll not only receive several Gothic ornaments, but also appropriately spooky building skins for Worker and Artisan Residences, as well as the pub and hospital.

Watch the video below for some impressions from the Cosmetic DLC:

This also is an excellent opportunity to once again highlight the eldritch fan art Dulcamarra shared last week. Not sure how Bente got roped into all of this, but Eli certainly looks very heroic. We only have one question: Where is Lady Hunt?


Alongside the new Cosmetic DLC we also released patches on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. You can find the patch notes here.

The Eldritch Pack CDLC is now available on PC, Xbox Series and PlayStation 5. 

Celebrating over 3 million Annoholics

Earlier this year we also passed a milestone for Anno 1800: Over 3.5 million players have joined us on PC and Consoles since the game’s release in April 2019!

As a thank you to all of you, our fantastic community, and to celebrate the occasion, we’re adding a new ornament to Anno 1800 for everyone.


It’s mid-November and only a few more weeks to the holidays. But before that, we are still planning three more livestreams for the Annoversary.

On November 23rd (Thursday next week) we’ll be diving into an Anno 2070 multiplayer match

On December 1st, we’re taking a look at Anno 2205 together with our guest Frank from the 3D Programming team.

And finally, on December 12th, we’ll be doing our “End of the Year Livestream” with several guests.

All three streams will be hosted on our usual Twitch channel: twitch.tv/ubisoftbluebyte

We hope to see you there and are, as usual, happy to answer any game dev questions you might have!

Modding Contest Reminder

Last but not least we want to add a small reminder regarding the Anno 1800 Modding Contest!

Running until November 30th, this is your chance to hone your modding skills and get a chance at winning some great hardware prizes by MSI!

You can find more information and the official rules document here.

Play Anno 1800 for free from November 2nd – 6th!

Hey Anno Community – and everyone who wants to join it!

You can try Anno 1800 for free on PC from November 2nd to November 6th!

The ideal opportunity to tell your friends and acquaintances about your time in the 19th century. Build cities together, set up trade networks, discover new regions and vie with competitors for the control of the seas.

With this Free Weekend on Ubisoft Connect, Epic Games Store and Steam you will be able to access the full base-game of Anno 1800 and play solo, PvP or co-op with others!

Love it so much you want to keep playing – or successfully convinced your friends? – Just make use of the current discount on the store and simply continue your savegame where you left off!

And if you’re looking for additional challenges or more options to beautify your cities, there’s loads of content to discover. Grab the full Anno 1800 experience with the Definitive Annoversary Edition or pick and choose which DLC and Cosmetic DLC you want to add to your game!

Enjoy the Anno 1800 Free Weekend – and don’t forget to tell your friends!

The Anno 1800 Modding Contest

Hey Anno Community,

With great excitement we’ve followed the growth of the Anno 1800 hub on mod.io in particular, and the discussions about mods and modding in general that our August-Update created.

We’re very happy that both the mod creators in our community, as well as our players were so quickly on board with the mod browser we added together with the great team at mod.io.

Plenty of fantastic creations have been added since and we would love to see even more!

So, as a little incentive, we’re starting Anno 1800’s first ever modding contest!

Even better: You can win fantastic hardware prizes from MSI!

Let’s first give you a quick summary of the contest and its rules, however:

  • The modding contest will run from today (October 23rd) until November 30th
  • The theme that your mod will have to be at least partially related to is “the New World”.

Additionally, there are some restrictions for legal reasons, and we ask you to carefully read the official rules by following this link. You will need to accept these rules in order be eligible to win. In short:

  • You will need to create a completely new mod to participate and can’t enter with an existing mod.
  • Participants will have to live in Europe (see rules document for the full list of countries).
  • Participants will need to be at least 16 years old.

What can I win?

As mentioned at the beginning, MSI has graciously sponsored the prizes for this modding contest.

In total, together with our friends at MSI, we’re awarding the 5 best mods each with a mouse and mousepad combo: The Clutch GM51 Lightweight Wireless Mouse and the Agility GD72 Gleam Edition Mousepad.

In case you’re teaming up with another modder (see participation rules below) and your mod wins, each of you will get the MSI prize bundle.

How do I participate?

Below we’ve listed the requirements for participating in the modding contest and to for you to eligible for a prize.  Make sure to also check the full rules for the contest.

Step 1:
Create any type of mod for Anno 1800. The only limitation is that the mod has to be in some way related to the “New World” but in which way is up to you.

Step 2:
You can team up with up to 1 other person (i.e. you can form 2-person teams) to create your mod.

Step 3:
Within the time limit (until November 30th), send a us download link to the finished mod via email at anno-community@ubisoft.com

Step 4:
Do not publish your mod (on Nexus, mod.io, GitHub, etc.) before the winners have been chosen (afterwards you’re of course free to upload it on any platform of your choice).

The winners will be chosen by a jury within the Anno team based on creativity, use of the theme and “usefulness” of the mod for players. We’re open for any and all creations: From ornamental to gameplay mods and from serious creations to funny or silly things.

Additionally, the winners will of course be featured on our channels upon conclusion of the contest.

We’re excitedly looking forward to what you’re coming up with and once again want to thank both MSI as well as our modding community for their support.

Ubisoft Entertainment SA collects and processes your personal data to allow your participation in the competition and to send prize(s) to winner(s). Learn more about the use of your personal data and about your rights here.

Union Update: Modder Spotlight – Taludas

Hey Anno Community,

Last week we shared a first modder spotlight, talking with Kurila about his way into modding Anno 1800 and what kind of mods he created so far.

Today, we’re happy to feature Taludas who you might know from the “Wholesome Hacienda Overhaul” as well as the “Riverslots” mods. Let’s get started!

Hello Taludas, hope you’re doing great! How did you get into modding Anno 1800? What was the reason you started?

I was incredibly enthusiastic about the IAAM mod for Anno 1404 which made numerous changes to the gameplay, and I also enjoyed playing with the ARRC mod in 2070 and for 2205 another Anno veteran created the “Revolution” mod.

Later I was particularly fond of Skyrim – I spent more time looking for mods, installing them and watching them than with actual gameplay – and my passion for modding was sparked to new heights.

For Anno 1800, it really started for me in autumn 2021, directly after the release of “Highlife”. The new complexity that was added was enormous and impressed me a lot. And that’s when my first mod idea was born: I wanted to integrate the new product Celluloid into the production chain for the souvenirs. And that quickly turned into more, a third good (Gold) should be added, and the whole thing should either be produced by Artisans in one of the new manufactories, or with cheaper material (brass) by Workers in the Assembly Line. The mod still exists today and was my first change of sides from mod user to mod creator.

After this first step, what did you work on next? What other types of mods have you done so far?

I love complexity in video games. In Anno, no production chain can be too hard for me, no need too much. I can spend hours coming up with new mechanics.

Especially since I didn’t know how to handle the graphics files at the beginning of my modding career, I preferred to bring in gameplay changes and use the original game graphic files for that. After the community developed the appropriate tools, the mods became more and more complex.

My first really big mod was the “Wholesome Hacienda Overhaul“. Since I didn’t agree with some of the design choices of the “Seed of Change” DLC, I invested a week’s holiday well and adapted and expanded the whole thing a bit.

In addition, I have already converted many of the islands of the Old World and incorporated them into the New World. Among others, Crown Falls, which is supposed to be the highlight of a new session in the New World at some point (video impressions: https://youtu.be/wSqFEBe8ZmY).

Through Taubenangriff, I came up with the idea of further island modifications: He planned the river building sites in the New World known from 1404 and 2070. So, I dug in and implemented the idea in the Old World. Add a few new buildings, like a sawmill and a river power plant, and the mod “Riverslots” was born. So far, it’s my biggest and most high-profile project.


Did you have any prior modding knowledge or specific skills (programming, 3D art, …) when starting to mod Anno?

Since I come from a completely different professional background, I really started from scratch.

So, in the beginning I had to get used to it: What is xml? How does the modloader work? How is such a graphic asset for Anno actually constructed? Then I learned everything myself bit by bit. Always step by step and with every project I learned something new.

In addition, 1800 is unfortunately not very beginner-friendly when it comes to modding. However, by now I know my way around quite well, have also got to know some new programs, e.g. Blender, and am deeper into the subject. But I’ll probably never become a programmer, I just don’t have the background for that, or the interest.

So, even after almost 2 years, I still make beginner’s mistakes again and again, which make me slap my forehead repeatedly.

You said yourself that you started from scratch and learned a lot over the years. What would you advise other players wanting to get into modding Anno 1800?

Look at other mods as templates! It’s best to start with something simple. In the meantime, we also have a quite extensive beginners’ tutorial, where you are guided step by step on the way to your first own mod.

And the most important thing: don’t get discouraged!  A lot of things are hardcoded, so, sometimes you have to discard an idea because it just doesn’t work. Also, when learning the tools developed by the community, you sometimes need a high tolerance for frustration, because some things are very specific (e.g. the command line tools, or the Blender plug-in for graphics editing).

But the most important thing is ideas! Anyone who has an idea that they would like to alter the game with, should simply get started. It’s a lot of fun and the community is super nice and helpful! We are happy about every new modder!

Just looking at the mod.io library, you already created quite a few different mods. Is there something that you’re working on right now?

I have a thousand ideas on my list! At the moment I’m mainly working on a new major project: “The Queen’s Gambit”:

  • All islands of the New World incl. Manola are reskinned and available in the Old World to get more variety in the map generation. Manola has a special place in this: it will be available as the second continental island next to Crown Falls in the Old World! However, not just like that: there will be a separate questline to obtain the island, which is initially owned by the Queen.
  • Two new monuments on the converted Manola Island: the Dam, which can supply the island with energy, and the Statue of Freedom, which plays a role in the questline. There, the goal is to gain independence from the queen. If everything works out, there will also be the possibility to defeat the rising separatists and thereby secure some interesting bonuses: You decide which side you will choose 😉

Apart from that, I’m also working on smaller projects from time to time, especially with the background of the community activities, changes to the existing mods are always necessary, so I always have something to do.  Be curious to see what else is in store for you!


Thank you so much for taking the time, Taludas. We’re indeed curious what else you got in store!

Like last time, we want to end this blog with a showcase of a specific mod – but we thought “let’s pick two” this time cause they both have something in common that we quite appreciated: They both not only change production chains but also attempt to add more realism to the game.

Let’s check out the “Forest Glass” and the “Glasshouses for Orchids” mods.

The “Forest Glass” mod introduces, as one might imagine from the name, a new production chain for glass: Use quartz sand and potash to produce glass – which historically then had a slightly green colouration. While not a way anymore to produce glass today, back then it was quite important for the Holy Roman Empire and a way to produce a good locally instead of having to import all glass from outside.

In Anno 1800, building the production buildings as well as woodcutters next to each other also provides you with some valuable buffs.

Talking about glass, the “Glasshouses for Orchids” mod replaces the orchid field tiles from the “New World Rising” DLC with greenhouses. Orchids are now grown indoors and harvested with slightly more care than a tractor would show… but you’re also losing the production boost that a tractor would provide.

That’s it for today’s modder spotlight! Check out Taludas‘ mods directly on mod.io or search for his mods directly in the ingame mod browser.


You would like us to feature your mod in a future spotlight? Reach out to us here in the comments or on Discord!