DevBlog: Docklands

The “Speicherstadt” of Hamburg, a UNESCO world heritage site, translates merely as “city of warehouses”—  a near-unbroken chain of upright red brick structures, standing proud and composed on the waterfront, behind whose facade lie carpets, cocoa, tea, spices— you name it!
It is often captured at dusk in photographs, under mellow orange lamplight, when the day’s tumult has subsided, its alleys and avenues of water lying smooth and still, its wares securely under lock and key.
There is a particular pragmatism and confidence to Speicherstadt’s arrangement, with its neat canals and lifting bridges, that speaks to an era of Hanseatic free trade— commercial agreements brokered with efficacy between Hamburg and ports along the chilly Baltic coast. Such places evolve only by necessity, when there is really nowhere else for the vast and collected goods of the globe to go! Such a place can surely be justified in dubbing itself the heart of maritime trade.

What are the Docklands?

With the “Docklands” DLC we’re focussing on one of the central points of every Anno empire: the harbour area and trade. To help you turn your ports into massive trade hubs, Season 3’s first DLC gives your access to the modular Docklands.

As with so many things in Anno, the Docklands’ art design is a happy medium between real-world buildings and those of the Anno world: In order for the player to visually distinguish the different parts and functions, certain features of the buildings had to be exaggerated in a way you wouldn’t find if you were to visit Hamburg.

Considering the historical success and distinctive architecture of these Docklands, it’s a perfect fit for the world of Anno 1800. Especially since we know how many fans the historic warehouse monument in Anno 1404 still has.


In Anno 1800, however, the Docklands are not a single monument but a modular one, like the palace. After constructing the “Main Wharf” (unlocked with 250 Artisans) you can add a variety of modules via its menu, each with their distinctive own functions. Some of the modules are alternatives to already existing buildings like the Harbourmaster, the Depot or the Repair Crane – they are, however, more space-efficient than the regular versions. Others are new, like the Loading Wharf (reduces load times) or the Exports Office (increases number of Export/Import Contracts you can have).

You can increase the limit of how many of each module you can build by successfully exporting vast quantities of goods – but more on that later.

The Docklands Main Wharf and the modules have to be placed in your harbour area but differ in one key aspect from the palace: modules do not have to be placed next to each other but can stand separate! If you prefer to combine all modules to one big district, you will be rewarded with a bonus to your island’s attractiveness.

You can therefore design your Docklands district in any way you want, and we have already seen a lot of creative designs in previous tests.

An ever-growing Anno empire is made of a multitude of islands and trade routes, with hundreds of tons of resources being transported and unloaded at all times. To support all your trading needs, the Docklands can be built once on every island in both the Old World and Cape Trelawney.

Captain Tobias

No worries, though, we have made sure to provide you with an experienced guide to lead you through all the new mechanics in the game. Through a short series of quests, Captain Tobias will provide you with an overview over the construction of the Docklands and the aforementioned Export/Import Contracts.

There are few waters Captain Tobias hasn’t plumbed, and fewer ports he hasn’t berthed in. Armed with an amiable disposition and an insatiable curiosity, this grizzled old seafarer is something of a legendary figure among the close-knit world of global trade, and it just so happens he’s taken an interest in helping you bring your company to new, boundless lands of opportunity and profit.

He will, however, also request your aid in a matter of personal importance to him when you have convinced him of your skills as a trader.  Without wishing to spoil anything, let’s just say that as a reward, the Captain has a rare blueprint for your shipyard which you may certainly find interesting…

Export/Import Contracts

Now, we have mentioned these “Contracts” often enough, time to explain one of the core new features of the “Docklands” DLC.

Captain Tobias not only serves as your guide, but primarily is a traveling merchant by trade. Via the Docklands you can make use of a new trade mechanic that lets you exchange one good for another. Instead of selling or purchasing goods using money, you can create Export/Import Contracts by selecting one good to export and one good to import.

The exchange ratio partly depends on the “value” of the good (calculated via the complexity of the production chain and the amount of building space it requires), meaning, for example, that a single ton of sewing machines is worth several tons of raw fish. This opens up completely new strategies and, for example, allows you to specialise in certain goods based on local fertilities or deposits and trade them in for other goods you don’t produce enough of. Or even substitute whole production chains with imports – the choice is yours.

If you own “The Passage” or “Land of Lions”, you can also set up contracts with goods from those DLC.

By building Exports Office modules, you can increase the number of  Export/Import Contracts you can have active at the same time and the Captain will do his best to fulfill them all – based on how many goods (or how much free storage) you have left.

Tobias will enter your region at regular intervals and fulfill current contracts at each of your Docklands. His ship is a massive vessel and its stocks basically unlimited.

The second factor to impact the exchange ratio is your export volume. When you produce and export large numbers of a specific good, you will establish yourself as a serious business partner in this product and see it gain an “exporter level”. That means that this good becomes one of your export “specialties” and its exchange ratio against other goods improves— you will now receive more tons of other goods in exchange! Take a look at these specialty goods in the pyramid below— the higher the total export volume of a certain good, the higher the good will rise in the pyramid, and the better its exchange ratio will become. You can move and even remove goods from this pyramid to fill the limited bonus slots to your preference.

Even if all slots are filled, you can still export other kinds of goods of course, but you won’t profit from an improvement to the exchange ratio.

Better ratios are not the only advantages of mass-exports, though:

The more your reputation as a respectable trader grows, either via the number of active trade contracts or your exporter level, the more goods will unlock for you to import. You can see the requirements you need to meet to unlock a good in the overview on the right of the Export/Import screen.

Furthermore, you will also increase the building limit of each module by unlocking more “specialty” slots in the pyramid, allowing you to add more and more modules to your Docklands and create a massive trading district.

It’s worth keeping in mind that you can build a complete Docklands on every single island, allowing for potentially vast amounts of imports and exports of goods that you can then still transport within your empire via normal trade routes.


Don’t want to produce soap but prefer to have a clean population? Then Import soap in exchange for that beer you’re producing and make your citizens (and most likely Tobias’ crew) very happy!

Since we know this new feature might need some getting used to, we’ve developed a completely new type of in-game help. Clicking on the “question mark” icon at the top of the Export/Import Menu will open a tutorial screen with explanations of all steps involved in setting up Export/Import Contracts.


Now, we all know how much you all love ornaments and we may have seen one or two comments about having a lighthouse in your own city – maybe…

The “Docklands” DLC is a great opportunity to combine both, so we’re happy to announce that you can look forward to not just one, but two types of lighthouse and a sea of additional ornaments for your harbour – both in the Old as well as in the New World!

We’re excited to see your new harbour layouts with Docklands and its new ornaments!

As announced in our Season 3 live stream as well as the Season 3 Pass trailer (you should re-watch them, just in case), all DLC releases will be accompanied by a Free Game Update. Game Update 10, which is going to release alongside “Docklands”, will for example make changes to your trade route menu and allow you to build streets onto the water in your harbour area.

We’ll go into detail on all these topics later this week.


This leaves only two questions, right, “when” and “how much”?

Well, the “Docklands” DLC will release on February 23rd at 6PM CET / 12 PM EST in the Ubisoft Store, the Epic Store and Steam for 6,99€ and is also included in the Season 3 Pass which is available for 19,99€.

Make sure to check out our blog with an overview to the Season 3 Pass and last week’s live stream where you can already see some gameplay from the DLC.


Stay safe, take care – and keep an eye on the Anno Union for the latest news.



*Please be aware all screenshots of the Export/Import UI are taken from a development-in-progress version of the game and may contain unfinished elements and placeholders.

Union Update: Season 3 announcement – FAQ

Hey Anno Community!


It was great to see your reactions to the Season 3 announcement on Tuesday, the excited comments, the speculations – and the questions.

We’ve seen a few questions pop up repeatedly over the last days and instead of answering them on an individual basis again and again, we though the Anno Union is the perfect place to reach all of you at once ?


How are the Export/Import Contracts integrated into the statistics menu?

Via the “Storage” tab you can get an overview over all previous contracts fulfilled by Captain Tobias. Just like you can with your regular trade routes.

Like all trade, however, the goods exported and imported are not included in the production overview, as production and trade are two different systems in the game which work differently. The production tab checks for constant production and consumption, it presents absolute, reliable values.

Trading, however, is unreliable and therefore can’t be properly calculated into the production tab. Ships have differing traveling time, can be sunk, wind may affect their speed, they may have to wait to fulfil their trades etc. Incorporating goods from these sources as guesses would make the production tab unreliable, and therefore not useful anymore.


The new Docklands buildings and ornaments look like they might put yet more strain on my limited harbour space. Could you increase the harbour space?

Generally, with the introduction of the harbor street and being able to place certain buildings in the water instead of only along the coast, you will already be able to use the available space of your harbour area a lot better – especially if you like to play around with buildings to get the perfect layout. Add to that the modules of the “Docklands” like the depot, which are more space efficient than their regular counterparts.

However, we are not planning to increase the size of your islands’ harbour area. All maps are separated into island and ocean areas. The harbour area is always part of the island area and designed to expand from a certain line along the coast outwards to a certain limit. Reworking and expanding the construction space in the harbour area for all islands would have a significant impact on the game’s balancing and can further lead to issues impacting the stability of the game, AI navigation, and in certain cases, even corrupt savegames.


“Docklands” let’s you import goods from other DLC like “Land of Lions”. Will “Tourist Season” and “The High Life” provide similar interconnections between the DLC?

Yes, all 3 DLC will provide a certain level of interconnectivity with previously released content. Our goal with Season 3’s DLC is to offer you multiple paths to reach your goal. Owning another DLC will not make your life easier or be the “best” solution, but it will provide you with more options as to how to approach certain challenges.


“Tourist Season” sounds like it’s rather focused on beauty builders. As a record builder, will I also enjoy the contents of this DLC?

All DLC of Season 3 offer options for both beauty builders and record builders. The restaurants you’ll build to satisfy your tourists’ needs will also have an impact on the residents living nearby. Just like you might also order a burger at a restaurant nearby and won’t just leave it to tourists and other visitors. This might lead to residents e.g. consuming less bread or beer. Making the most of the bonuses provided by restaurants can be a great strategy to reduce the consumption of certain goods and instead focus on the production of other wares.


The skyscrapers in the gameplay footage to “The High Life” look strange, just like extended Investor residences.

Many of you have pointed out that the skyscrapers prototype footage seen in the Season 3 trailer and stream look suspiciously as if someone had just “stretched” our existing investor residences higher- which is coincidentally exactly what they are! It is very common in game development to try and reach a playable prototype state for experimentation as quickly as possible by “kitbashing” any existing assets and features you already have, so you can first test a feature’s potential before wasting valuable time only to find out later that it wasn’t much fun in the first place.

This is an aspect of development that is rarely seen outside of perhaps “making of” videos and usually never makes it into a proper trailer, though in this case we chose to do so as we thought it would be cool to give you a glimpse at our third DLC that is coming this Summer. One of the challenges we have when presenting a new Season to you is that, contrary to many other games, all DLCs for Anno 1800 are being developed by the same core team here in Mainz – which means that by the time we announce a new Season Pass, we are knee-deep in the development of our first DLC, but don’t have any polished gameplay from DLCs 2 and 3 to share (this was also true for Season 1 and 2).

TL; DR: The skyscrapers seen in the Season 3 trailer are just early prototypes based on existing assets, and do not represent the final quality of the feature, which will allow you to build truly modular high rises of various shapes and looks.



We know there’re many more questions out there and we’re currently planning to give you a Q&A opportunity soon. Keep in mind, though, that some answers will have to wait a bit until we’re closer to the release of the respective DLC.


Current technical issues

We have seen reports from players still having their Ubisoft Connect Rewards locked in the game. In that case, please verify the game files of Anno 1800 and then restart Ubisoft Connect. This should solve the problem.

If you’re missing your Chess Table ornaments: no worries, our team is currently looking into this.


Additionally, our team is currently investigating possible causes for the freezes and lags some of you have been reporting since Game Update 9.3. We will keep you updated on this topic and are hoping to have more news soon.


Winners of the “guess a DLC name” contest

Finally, it’s time to announce the winners from our last contest where we asked you to guess the names of the 3 DLC of the Season 3 Pass: “Docklands”, “Tourist Season” and “The High Life”.

Among everyone who guessed correctly, we have randomly selected 3 winners from both the German and the English comment section. Congratulations to:







We will contact you over the next few days via the e-mail address you’re using for your Ubisoft account to send you your Season 3 Pass key. So please keep an eye on your inbox ?


We wish all of you a great week, stay safe!

Announcing the Season 3 Pass

Hey Anno Community,

Earlier today we used our latest AnnoCast-Stream to finally lift the curtain on the highly anticipated Season 3 Pass for Anno 1800, which will add three exciting new DLCs to the game throughout 2021. As mentioned, when we first teased Season 3 last Fall, the three new DLCs will be focused on your home session in the Old World, giving you new challenges to master, residents to attract, and monuments to construct.


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DLC 1: Docklands (coming February 23, 2021)

Season 3 kicks off in two weeks with the release of our first DLC, “Docklands”. This will allow you to construct a modular new warehouse district, the eponymous Docklands, in your harbor, turning it into a global trade hub. The Docklands building is inspired by the “Speicherstadt” in Hamburg, Germany, which is not only the world’s largest warehouse district, but also a globally recognized UNESCO World Heritage site.

To allow you to truly live the fantasy of being a trade mogul, “Docklands” not only allows you to completely remodel your harbor, but also gives you access to import/ export contracts. These allow you to exchange specific goods at set rates with several trading partners, enabling you to further specialize your economy by focusing on certain goods while reliably receiving missing wares via import and export with your partners.

To properly show your mercantile prowess to the world, “Docklands” also includes a variety of new harbor-themed ornaments to deck out your island with.

DLC 2: Tourist Season (planned for Spring 2021)

Our second DLC “Tourist Season” introduces a new residential tier to the Old World, the aptly named Tourists. Whereas the Visitors we already have in the game are only, well, visiting your island for a day, Tourists want to stay awhile, and thus need proper accommodations: the new hotels. To ensure that tourists reach their accommodations and all the hot spots places on your island– like hotels, museums, or new restaurants – it is necessary to establish a network of bus lines to carry them around.

Should you succeed in attracting enough Tourists, you may even get the chance to construct a new monument inspired by a world-famous tourist attraction of the 19th century…

DLC 3: The High Life (planned for Summer 2021)

Ending Season 3 on a high note both figuratively and metaphorically is “The High Life”, which introduces new modular skyscrapers as an alternative and space-efficient housing for your Investors. Of course, rising buildings go hand in hand with rising desires, so you should expect your Investors to develop an interest in commercial goods created in the new Multi-Factory, which they will be able to buy in your Malls.

Finally, “The High Life” allows you not only to reach new city-building heights by reaching new citizen records, but also with the construction of the game’s largest building, the monumental Empire Tower!

 Bonus Content

While all DLCs will once again be available for stand-alone purchase, there are a few benefits for buyers of the Season 3 Pass. You will receive three exclusive ornaments immediately upon your purchase, each of them themed after one of our new DLCs: the Cyclopean Anchor, a Traveler’s Kiosk and the Endless Skies Memorial. Buyers of the Season 3 Pass will also be able to get all three DLCs for 19,99€/$, which represents a saving of around 5€/$ versus individual purchases.

Best of all, the Season 3 Pass is available today, so you can already enjoy the three new ornaments and use them to pass the time until “Docklands” releases in two weeks.

New ways to buy Anno 1800 for Season 3

While the Season 3 Pass is the best way to enjoy all the new content for our existing Anno 1800 players, we also want to offer new ways to users who want to jump into the age of the industrial revolution in time for Season 3. That is why we have created two new editions of the game that will be available through Ubisoft Connect and the Epic Games Store, starting today. At the same time, we are removing the previously available Gold Edition and Complete Editions for new buyers (existing owners will, of course, keep all their content, and still be able to re-download it in the future)

Anno 1800: Complete Edition Year 3 – 109,99 €/ $

The best way to jump aboard Anno 1800 is the new Complete Edition Year 3, which includes the full version of Anno 1800, the Digital Deluxe Edition upgrade with the Anarchist character, as well as all three Season Passes. This edition represents savings of around 30€/ $ versus buying all included content individually.

Anno 1800: Gold Edition Year 3 – 79,99€

If you just want to dive right into the new Season 3 content and worry that all previously released DLCs may overwhelm you, the Gold Edition Year 3 is the right choice for you. It includes the full version of Anno 1800, the Digital Deluxe Edition upgrade with the Anarchist character, and the Season 3 Pass. This edition represents savings of around 10€/$ versus buying all included content individually.

We are, of course, also still offering the classic standard version of the game for 59,99€/ $, giving to anyone looking to build their personal industrial empire the maximum flexibility in how they want to get started.

Thank you all for your tireless passion and support for Anno 1800, which has not only allowed us to reach more than 1.7M players by the end of 2020, but also to support the game with a third year of new content and free game updates that will improve the game for our community!

Stay safe,

The Anno 1800 Team

We cordially invite you once more…


On Tuesday, February 9th, at 5PM CET (11 AM EST, 8 AM PST) we will present to you our plans for Season 3 and give you a first look at its DLC and the Free Game Updates.

So, mark the day in your calendars! We’re looking forward to seeing you next week over on


And another piece of news we know you have been waiting for: Next Tuesday will also be the release day for Game Update 9.3, which amongst other things includes a fix for the issues with the Ubisoft Connect Rewards some of you were struggling with. We will share the full Release Notes with you next week.



Oh… one last thing: Let’s make the announcement a bit more interesting and add a small challenge!

We’re giving away three Season 3 Pass keys! The only thing you need to do is to guess the name of one of its DLC correctly. * Nothing easier than that, right? 😉


*Winners will be chosen at random among all correct answers. Only one key per person. Only answers below this post on the Anno Union till Monday 8th, 11:59 PM CET (5:59 PM EST, 2:59 PM PST), are valid entries.

Union Update: Anno 2205 live stream & Community Spotlight

While this is not yet the week for Season 3 news, the waiting clearly inspires some people to write creative short stories about their impatience – maybe we should do a story contest later this year…

You will still have to wait a little bit longer until we start with news about Game Update 9.3 – and of course Season 3.


In the meantime, the Anno Afternoon livestream with Anno 2205 originally planned for last week will happen this Friday! Join Thorlof when he’s taking his first-ever steps into the city-building world of Anno 2205 on the 29th at 5 PM CET (11 AM EST) over on

Community Spotlight

As usual, we love to share some impressions from our community in our Union Spotlight, so let’s dive right in:

If you’re looking for gameplay tutorials or know someone who could use some, there are by now a vast amount of video guides, tips&tricks collection and written explanations out there. This week we want to showcase itroo’s channel who is producing various tutorial videos for a few weeks, ranging from a statistics overview to trading.


Is Anno 1800 the hardest Anno title yet? This discussion was recently started on the Anno subreddit – maybe you want to jump in? 😉



It’s always hard to just pick a handful of screenshots for this section, so we encourage you to check platforms like Reddit or the Annoverse Discord for even more fantastic pictures!

Starting with Paw who shared a very moody screenshot of their Arctic settlement on Discord:

Kaluginmir shared screenshots of his Crown Falls city on Reddit – we especially liked the harbour area with the diagonal quays!


“Some love for the New World”, as Wyder_ out it when sharing their big New World settlement:


And finally, since we showed this city before this update is definitely worth sharing – Laudica’s circle city is finished!


As always, we love seeing more screenshots, clever videos, record attempts and interesting stories that we can share here on the Anno Union! 🙂


*Note: Screenshots and videos in the Community-Spotlight can include elements like buildings from mods that are not available in the regular game.
Please be aware that the use of mods is at your own risk and can lead to technical issues or bugs.

Union Update: We are back & Community Spotlight

A happy belated New Year to you all!

We hope all of you made it safely into 2021.


By now, the full team is back at work after their holiday break and we’re eager to continue working on Anno 1800 and Season 3.

We’re excited to soon share more details about what we have planned for 2021 with you – but for those details, you will still have to wait a little while longer 😉


What we can tell you already, is, that Game Update 9.3 is in the works and will – amongst others – including a fix for everyone affected by the missing Ubisoft Connect Rewards.


If you’re looking for some entertainment to bridge the waiting period, what would you say about a little time travel next Friday? In this upcoming Anno Afternoon, Thorlof and Ubinmyheart will be playing the one Anno title neither of them has tried before: Anno 2205! Join them on January 22 at 5PM CET over on

Community Spotlight

In this week’s Community Spotlight, we’re focusing on 3 milestones or records our awesome community has achieved.

Firstly, the Anno subreddit, which reached 30.000 users at the very end of last year. Over the last years, we have greatly enjoyed and valued the jokes and discussions on r/anno – as well as the welcoming atmosphere for any kind of questions by new players and veterans alike.

If you’re looking for a platform to discuss the Anno series or specific game features, like helping new players with tips and advice, or want to share experiences and screenshots from your game, the Anno subreddit is a great place to go.

As an example, in this post Annolegend takes you on a tour through their city Arch Capital:


Now talking records, German Twitch streamer Radlerauge set himself the challenge to construct and start 10 World’s Fairs in just 10 hours. If that wasn’t enough already, he finished them all after 7,5 hours and plenty of time to spare!

You can watch his stream here.


And one more mega-record: Drake-1503 recently shared on the forums the story of him reaching an incredible 4 million inhabitants in his current savegame. We have seen plenty of record building since release but the new heights some of you push into are truly impressive. If you want to see for yourself, he also uploaded his savegame in this thread.


Congratulations to both of you for these achievements!

And if you’re hunting records or got great stories to share, don’t hesitate to tag us on Twitter or share them over on the forums or Reddit.

Union Update: Happy Holidays!

Hello dear Anno Community,


With the holidays right around the corner, we want to once again say THANK YOU for all the support and comments we received throughout the year and all the great discussions we had with you!


2020 certainly was not an easy year overall for anyone, but nevertheless a successful and therefore also rather busy year for us.

Reason enough for us to take some time off and get some rest, recharge our batteries – we’ll be back in January with new energy and soon also news about Season 3 😉


But wait, before we leave, we have two small Christmas gifts for you:

Our art team has put together a shiny new wallpaper pack with artworks from Season 2’s DLC as well as the in-game loading screens, which you can download here.

Additionally, you can now also find the complete soundtrack of Anno 1800’s post-launch content, produced by our great friends at Dynamedion, on the Ubisoft Music YouTube channel and on Spotify. Enjoy!


Stay safe, enjoy the holidays and see you in the new year,

The Anno Team

The Anno Year 2020 in Review

Hey Anno Community,

2020 is soon coming to an end – a good time to recap what the year had in store for Anno 1800, and to look at what’s to come in 2021.

We were off to a great start, and in early March were not only able to proudly celebrate that Anno 1800 had reached more than 1 million players in its first 8 month on the market (which earned you all a free commemorative in-game ornament) – but also to announce Season 2!

In December 2019 we had let you know that we were planning more for the game but the full extent of it we only unveiled in March in a dedicated live stream (“Hey Anno Community!”) – which also marked the last regular developer stream in a year that proved to be challenging for all of us.

The first of three DLCs – “Seat of Power” – as well as the first Annoversary were just around the corner and with two more DLC scheduled for later that year, there still was plenty to do.


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Our great community platform, the Anno Union, stayed at the centre of it all to keep you updated on the world of Anno – and even got a major visual and functional overhaul during the Summer.

For everyone who loves a good read, the release of all our DLC (and the History Editions) were accompanied by detailed DevBlogs describing the features and the development of the new content. From “Seat of Power” over “Bright Harvest” to “Land of Lions” (for which we wrote a total of 4 lengthy DevBlogs!) and the two Cosmetic DLC “Amusements Pack” and “City Lights Pack” we made sure you know in advance what you can expect.

The latter were based on a community voting in April, with the “City Lights Pack” coming in such a close second, that we felt compelled to realize it as well.

When talking about the Anno Union, we can’t do so without the visual stimulation and inspiration we got from the screenshot and postcard contest as well as the regular Union Updates with artworks and impressions from the community. We continue to be amazed by the awesome city designs and stunning screenshots you all create!
And even though the COVID-imposed restrictions lead to far less live streams from us than we would’ve liked, we thankfully have an amazingly active community creating video guides or streaming their adventures and record attempts online – regularly accompanied by Twitch Drop events around each DLC release.


Looking back, we continue to be extremely proud of the success of Anno 1800 in general and Season 2 in particular. Your continued feedback since release, be it reporting issues or sharing your ideas and discussing balance topics played a big role throughout the last years – and will continue shaping Anno 1800 and its development, with Season 3’s DLC and Game Updates being inspired by community feedback and wishes!

Thank you for your continued support! 😊

The success of Anno 1800 also led to it receiving its own boardgame adaption this year! Anno 1800 – The Board Game was designed by Martin Wallace and published by KOSMOS (albeit in German). An English version is planned for 2021 and we are very happy to see the enthusiastic reception since its release in early Fall.

The Anno History Collection

Anno 1800, however, was not the only Anno title to shine this year. In late June we released the Anno History Collection which included the first four Anno games in reworked versions, which, for example, support higher resolutions and modern operating systems.

Prior to release, we went into detail with dedicated DevBlogs for all four titles regarding not only their respective development history but also regarding the challenges we faced and the changes that were done to each individual title.

It was great to watch so many of you return to old favourites – or discover never before played Anno titles – and we also greatly enjoyed the livestreams we held for each game, especially the multiplayer one for Anno 1404 (even if they were not quite on the normal technical level due to home office limitations). Many of you shared stories and experiences in the chat as well as in the forums, and it was great to read through them!

This way we heard of people revisiting old savegames from many years ago – and finishing them! Thanks to improvements to the games, for example the support for modern hardware, suddenly new resident records were possible, massive savegames from ‘back then’ became playable again and veterans shared these stories, their savegames and the maps they used across various Anno forums.

This wave of nostalgia also hit the writer of these lines, who relived some fond memories in Anno 1602, many years after getting the game gifted from his father to steer his son away from action games. With… moderate success.

Not only old savegames were dedusted, the modding community also became active immediately and started working on making their old projects compatible with the History Editions. This means you can also enjoy the changes and additions of community favourites like SBM, I.A.A.M. or D.E.A.P. with the History Editions.
Keep in mind, that while we love to see the efforts of the modding community, usage of these mods is not officially supported, and we cannot offer any assistance with issues you may run into using them!

Looking back at all this: What a year!

The continued success of the Anno brand in 2020 was accompanied by a global situation that no one expected. So, from early spring onwards we found ourselves cancelling events and workshops, attending lots of press events and meetings online and thinking about how much fun we had at gamescom in the last years. Additionally, working from home office brought its own challenges – but also opportunities.

We’re proud of our team shipping the enthusiastically received “Land of Lions” DLC despite these circumstances – and as we announced just a few weeks ago, we’re not stopping here:

2021 will bring new content and features to Anno 1800 and we’re excited to share more with you early next year.


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Union Update: Roundtable and Livestream

In this week’s Union Update we want to give you a short overview as to which dates you should mark in your calendars for the near future 😉

Roundtable on the Annoverse

The first date is tomorrow, Friday 4th, where we and the Annoverse team invite you to a community roundtable – an AMA session on the wonderful fan Discord server.
You can ask questions about Anno or our work in the text chat and the Anno team, represented by Thorlof, Com_Raven and Seraphine will go through them one by one in the voice channel.
The session is split in two parts, with a German one from 7 to 8 PM CET and an English one from 8:30 to 9:30 PM CET (2:30 PM EST, 11:30 AM PST).
You can join the server via this link and then hop in the dedicated roundtable channel.
A big thank you to the Annoverse team for organizing this event!

Livestream – Your Cities

As mentioned last week, we’re preparing one last live stream for the year!
Several of you have already sent us your savegames – thank you very much, we’re excited to wander through your cities and check out your resident and production layouts.
When, you might ask? Well, December 11th it is, starting at 5PM CET (11 AM EST, 8 AM PST) over on
Maybe Ubisoft-Santa brought some gifts, too?

Community Spotlight

As always we want to use the Union Update to showcase some of the cool screenshots and creations you shared across forums, Reddit and social.
We start with Nobodyletloose’s beautiful widescreen screenshots, day and night.

Our “Seat of Power” screenshot contest happened a few months ago already, but we’re convinced justinsy would have had great chances to end up in the top 5.

Obviously, we’re extremely happy when the DLC we develop are excitedly received (and bought, not gonna lie) so when Slimdude41 uses the “City Lights Pack” to bring more light to his inner-city – that makes us happy!

Finally, the New World deserves some love, too, and Areokh in our opinion does a great job at capturing the beauty of the southern session.

Union Update: Community Spotlight

After the excitement of last week’s news with great announcements for next year, time to catch our breath and look into the near future this week.

First, however, we want to thank you for all the comments following last week’s announcement! We’re grateful for your support and happy that our plans for 2021 were so well received and resulted in so many additional feedback threads and comments which we’re following with great interest.

We’re excited to show you more about what we have planned in January.

GU 9.2 coming

We’re happy to confirm the release of Game Update 9.2 for Tuesday next week, 2PM CET / 8AM EST / 5AM PST. This update will address several bugs that were reported to us as well as some potential causes for multiplayer desyncs. The full release notes will be published on Tuesday.

Send us your cities!

Only a few weeks are left in this 2nd Anno 1800 year, but we can’t end it without one last livestream. In early spring we asked you to send us savegames from your cities for us to visit and to wonder at. We’d love to do so once more and see what you have been building over the year.

If you want to send us your savegame for us to check out live on stream, please send it to

Community Spotlight

We’re not getting tired of looking at your creations and are happy to share more of them in this week’s Community Spotlight!

The release of the “City Lights Pack” was taken up by several of you to redesign parts of your city. Mithaldriel clearly loves the Clearwater Basin – we just hope their residents do, too.

With the Research Institute in the “Land of Lions” DLC it’s now possible to move Clay Pits and Oil Springs. Stuffel_Z used this new opportunity to create dedicated areas for their brick and oil industry.

And while we know plenty of you love chasing for new records and building the most efficient layouts, there’s also something visually pleasing about slightly more “chaotic” city designs like the one beam05 showed on Reddit:

And to close this section of the blog, let’s take a look at darkwhite1602’s city! Oh…

A small bonus, did you know you can satisfy the needs of the first 3 resident tiers only by producing wood, wool and iron? Now you know… thank you, BluntRazor14.