We are back from gamescom 2019, but there’s no rest for the wicked, as the next DLC drop is just around the corner. Today, we give you an overview of what happened during the world biggest game convention and some info about what is yet to come in the upcoming weeks.
As many of you already know, we revealed our new Season Pass trailer during the opening ceremony of gamescom 2019, giving you not only a glimpse at upcoming DLCs like Botanica or the icy The Passage DLC, but also revealing the new day & night cycle that you will all be receiving as a free Game update alongside Botanica on September 10!
- Our second Season Pass DLC, Botanica, drops September 10, alongside the free Game Update 5. You can look forward to a detailed DevBlog about your personal botanical garden next week!
- Game Update 5 will bring you the free day & night cycle and the much improved return of certain plaza tiles you may have seen during our beta phases. As always, we will share the full release notes next week.
- Our third Season Pass DLC, The Passage, will be appropriately released this winter. We don’t want to share anything beyond what was seen in the trailer… but have you see those airships?
Ubisoft Lounge
During our Ubisoft Lounge presentations at gamescom, we showcased the new day & night cycle in detail, provided some information about the development of the content and invited you to extensive AMA sessions. As always, we got a lot of feedback, ideas and impressions to take back to work with us, and it was once again a delight to be able to speak and to discuss face to face with some of our Annoholics.
During gamescom, we were told that it would be interesting to learn more about the development of the Day & Night cycle, including challenges and interesting insights from an art and overall development perspective. How does that sound for the rest of the Union- are you hungry for more behind the scenes content to learn more about the development of the game?

Botanica Devblog, Live-Stream and Twitch Drops
Next week, we will not only share the Game Update 5 notes, but also bring you the DevBlog: Botanica- but that is still not enough! That’s why we will also show you the new content in another live-stream hosted on twitch.tv/ubisoftbluebyte
Tune in next week Thursday, September 5th at 4.30pm CEST when Game Designer Natacha and ComDev Basti demonstrate the beauty of the botanical garden while answering questions from the chat as well as from our Union comments section.
And one last bit of Botanica news is that our Twitch Drops Event will return with a new billboard and an Anno Union flag obtainable from September 6 until September 15. Stay tuned and save the date, as we will share the exact details and participating channels next week!

Contest Winners! #Annogeil
While we are still going through the illuminated screenshots of our #AnnoDayNight screenshot contest, we had another small contest going during gamescom: #Annogeil (which roughly translates to #crazyforanno or #thisisreallyhardtoltranslateliterally).
While we need some more time to choose the #Annodaynight winners, here are the best #annogeil (#crazyforanno) pictures from our small gamescom contest.
First Place goes to Smoper!
Congrats Smoper, the Corsair Ironclaw Wireless RGB Mouse and a Anno 1800 surprise bag will find a new home as soon as you are back from your vacation!

Second Place goes to: Mr. Tnt1970
A Corsair M350 Premium Mouse Pad and a Anno 1800 goodie bag will find their way into your collection! (we are a bit jealous of your Annoholic shirt, though!)

Third Place goes to the master collector Silvio himself!
And you can look forward to a Corsair M300 Premium Mouse Pad as well as some Anno goodies (be honest here, you have everything by now, don’t you?)

Special Mention goes to Beulemann
As your #Annogeil experience was hindered, we decided to also throw in an Anno Union care package for you!
Congratulations to all winners; we will get in contact with you via Twitter to send your prices on their way. We will now assemble a team to go through all the submissions of the #Annodaynight contest!

“Annohol” – German Cover
It doesn’t matter if you are a fan of German singer and songwriter Herbert Grönemeyer or whether you understand German. Just lean back and listen to this amazing cover of Grönemeyers “Alkohol”(“Alcohol”. Well. That was easy. Congrats, you’ve learned German!) by Radlerauge. It’s worth it!